Trinity Church exists to joyfully exalt the Triune God, faithfully declare the Christ- centered word, intentionally demonstrate Christian love, and zealously evangelize our community and world.
Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland. This week, we continued with our current sermon series, "Genesis: A Beautiful But Broken World" preaching through the first eleven chapters of Genesis.
This morning our sermon titled, The Filling was preached by Andrey Gorban from Genesis 1:14-31 .
Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland. This week, we continued with our new sermon series for 2025, "Genesis: A Beautiful But Broken World" preaching through the first eleven chapters of Genesis.
Our sermon this morning was preached by Thomas Terry. In this sermon we saw "The Forming" from Genesis 1:3-13—the first three days of creation. When Moses wrote Genesis he began with the creation account—light from darkness, order from chaos, something from nothing. Christians throughout history have held different perspectives on the creation timing and explanation of the days of creation. We must approach this with some humility and charity, yet at the same time affirm that in the beginning God created everything.
On the first day, we see that God Himself is light as He lights up the darkness prior to creating the Sun and Moon. This establishes time—light from darkness, the ordered way in which time is measured. On the second day God creates space, called the expanse which is the sky that exists between the ocean and the clouds. Finally, on day three God arranged lands between the waters below, which are the seas. God then commands the seeded plants to grow on the lands, many of which will be for food to sustain life. This should encourage us to be light in the dark world in which we live. We are children of light and able to bring the light of the Gospel to the people we know and meet in our world. Let this remind us of God's great provision for us in His creation, and in His saving work that brought us into the light, the Light of Jesus Christ.
Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland. This week, we begin a new sermon series for 2025, "Genesis: A Beautiful But Broken World" preaching through the first eleven chapters of Genesis.
In our sermon this morning we heard an overview of the first eleven chapters of the book of Genesis and why we are going to spend several months in this foundational book. Genesis answers two questions that have puzzled men for centuries. How did the universe come into being? And, how did humans come into being? These two questions are answered by the unbelieving world through natural reasons, whereas Genesis answers these question by supernatural causes by God Himself. In the Beginning God created...
Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland. This week, we continued our current sermon series to carry us through Christmas: Light After Darkness: A Sermon Series on the Five Solas. In the midst of the Advent season, when traditions and cultural expectations often take center stage, Light in the Darkness invites us to return to the Gospel’s true meaning through the Reformation’s Five Solas: Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone, and God’s Glory Alone. These foundational truths reveal the hope, peace, and joy that Jesus—the Light of the World—brought into our darkness. Join us as we root ourselves in God’s Word, celebrate the gift of grace, and remember the Savior who transforms and fuels our worship.
This morning we concluded our sermon series by looking at the greatest pillar of the Five Solas—Solus Christus (Christ Alone) from 1 Timothy 2:5-6. This sermon was preached by Pastor Thomas Terry.
Christ Alone is to proclaim the exclusivity of Christ which is a direct challenge to our syncretistic world. Paul makes three claims in his text that there is One God, One Mediator, and One Ransom. These three truths finds their fulfillment in Christ who alone is our mediator, and the one who paid our ransom to reconcile us back to God. This means God is with us and God is for us—in Christ Alone. Let us remember this at Christmas and always as we worship our great God and Savior.
Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland. This week, we continued our current sermon series to carry us through Christmas: Light After Darkness: A Sermon Series on the Five Solas. In the midst of the Advent season, when traditions and cultural expectations often take center stage, Light in the Darkness invites us to return to the Gospel’s true meaning through the Reformation’s Five Solas: Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone, and God’s Glory Alone. These foundational truths reveal the hope, peace, and joy that Jesus—the Light of the World—brought into our darkness. Join us as we root ourselves in God’s Word, celebrate the gift of grace, and remember the Savior who transforms and fuels our worship.
Our sermon this morning was titled, Sola Fide (Faith Alone) from Luke 22:31-34 and was preached by Nkosana Moyo. We started with the details of the Passover the disciples had with Jesus which led to Jesus predicting his betrayal by one of them. As the disciples boast as to who was the greatest and Peter boasted that he would never turn from Jesus, Jesus deals with them gently and in love. Jesus then tells Peter that Satan has demanded to sift him like wheat. This narrative points to a misplacement of faith, in other words all the things we should not place our faith in. Peter and the disciples should be an encouragement to us as we realize that despite our weak faith at times, Jesus keeps us in our faith because of the redemption we have in Him by faith alone.
Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland. This week, we continued our current sermon series to carry us through Christmas: Light After Darkness: A Sermon Series on the Five Solas. In the midst of the Advent season, when traditions and cultural expectations often take center stage, Light in the Darkness invites us to return to the Gospel’s true meaning through the Reformation’s Five Solas: Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone, and God’s Glory Alone. These foundational truths reveal the hope, peace, and joy that Jesus—the Light of the World—brought into our darkness. Join us as we root ourselves in God’s Word, celebrate the gift of grace, and remember the Savior who transforms and fuels our worship.
In our sermon this morning we looked at Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) from Luke 24:13-53. Our sermon was titled, The Whole of Scripture Gives Us the Whole of Jesus and was preached by Andrey Gorban. In this sermon, we saw that the Bible is sufficient to give us all we need to know about God, salvation, and how we are to live. After His death, burial, and resurrection Jesus Himself proclaimed that all the Scriptures point to Him and to the salvation He earned for sinners. For 1,000 years the 39 books of the OT show forth God as actively fulfilling his promise to save his people through His Son, Jesus. This should help us to consider why Jesus came and what he has done for us by opening our eyes to see this truth and have faith in Him for the forgiveness of sins.
Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland. This week, we continued our current sermon series to carry us through Christmas: Light After Darkness: A Sermon Series on the Five Solas. In the midst of the Advent season, when traditions and cultural expectations often take center stage, Light in the Darkness invites us to return to the Gospel’s true meaning through the Reformation’s Five Solas: Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone, and God’s Glory Alone. These foundational truths reveal the hope, peace, and joy that Jesus—the Light of the World—brought into our darkness. Join us as we root ourselves in God’s Word, celebrate the gift of grace, and remember the Savior who transforms and fuels our worship.
In our sermon this morning we looked at Soli Deo Gloria (To the Glory of God Alone) from Romans 5:1-2. We heard God's glory defined, and we saw that God's glory fills the earth and that all things must point to God and his glory. We learned that salvation is entirely from God which means that we do not share in His glory. This then leads us to always seek to display God's glory in the way we live knowing all things point to God's glory. We often fall short of this because we have an on-going struggle with sin that causes us to exchange God's glory for lesser glory. But there is good news, God forgives our sin and all the ways we have failed to properly glorify God. This is why Advent places the focus on the coming of Christ who alone gives us hope that we will someday be destined for glory.
Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland. This week, we continued our current sermon series, Light After Darkness: A Sermon Series on the Five Solas. In the midst of the Advent season, when traditions and cultural expectations often take center stage, Light in the Darkness invites us to return to the Gospel’s true meaning through the Reformation’s Five Solas: Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone, and God’s Glory Alone. These foundational truths reveal the hope, peace, and joy that Jesus—the Light of the World—brought into our darkness. Join us as we root ourselves in God’s Word, celebrate the gift of grace, and remember the Savior who transforms and fuels our worship.
In our sermon this morning we looked at Sola Gratia, Grace Alone, from Romans 3:21-26. We saw that what people cannot do for themselves, which is to be perfectly righteous before a holy God, God has done for them through sending His Son the Lord Jesus to redeem us from our sin and to give us His righteousness, taking away the wrath we as sinners justly deserved. God does this based not on anything we can do, but based on His grace which is a free gift. This truth should cause each of us to avoid anything we may be holding on to that even hints at works righteousness. This truth should make your heart sing and give you renewed purpose, identity, community, a greater desire for holiness, and gospel hope in the new creation as you seek to live for Christ all the days that he gives you.
Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland Oregon. This week, our message is from Hebrews 11:35-37 as well as numerous other scriptures and is titled “Sing For Joy Afflicted Saints” and was preached by our guest preacher, Sean Demars.
Our sermon this morning is intended to help us all to be more faithful Christians in the face of affliction through looking at the life and ministry of Paul. There are five primary truths related to affliction that we must remember. We are to expect affliction. We must also expect many kinds of affliction. We can expect fruit to come from our affliction. We must communicate our affliction rather than trying to suffer alone. Finally, we must expect justice for our affliction because God will render exact and perfect justice at the end of the age.
Welcome to the sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland. This week, we began a new series to carry us through Christmas: Light After Darkness: A Sermon Series on the Five Solas.
In the midst of the Advent season, when traditions and cultural expectations often take center stage, Light in the Darkness invites us to return to the Gospel’s true meaning through the Reformation’s Five Solas: Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone, and God’s Glory Alone. These foundational truths reveal the hope, peace, and joy that Jesus—the Light of the World—brought into our darkness. Join us as we root ourselves in God’s Word, celebrate the gift of grace, and remember the Savior who transforms and fuels our worship.
In this introduction sermon, Pastor Thomas Terry gave an overview of the Protestant Reformation. He explained how the Five Solas emerged from the Reformation to keep the church anchored in the gospel: Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Christ Alone, Scripture Alone, and God's Glory Alone. We were reminded that these Solas remain relevant today, serving as a testament to God’s faithfulness and His promise to preserve His church.
Welcome to the weekly sermon podcast of Trinity Church of Portland.
This week, our message is from Luke 7:36-50 and is titled “The Nature and Extent of God's Forgiveness” and was preached by Thomas Terry.
In our text this morning the compassion of Jesus toward sinners is on full display. What starts with a cold and loveless invitation from Simon the Pharisee led to a passionate response of forgiveness to the woman who was a prostitute who entered into the house and anointed Jesus with perfume. This led the Pharisee to view the woman and people like her as dirty and beyond the help of God. He also judged Jesus for allowing the woman to sit with him and anoint him. This should lead us to examine our own hearts to see if we are looking at the worst people among us as beyond the help of Jesus. Like those people, we too have a debt we cannot pay. Every person Jesus saves is a miracle and we must always keep a sober watch on our sin and how Jesus has forgiven it all when we place our faith in Him.
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