Songs in the Desert

A collaborative audio project designed to explore the words and music of Christian hymnody and our responses to them.

  • Suspending the 2020 Songs in the Desert Project

    Dear friends,

    I wish I didn't have to write this note today, but I'm sure you understand.

    With the time that I'm having to spend re-adjusting to a new daily reality I cannot also continue producing this year's Songs in the Desert episodes during Lent.

    While I am suspending the project at this time, I hope to resume production when I am able.

    If your episode has already aired, THANK YOU.

    If you've already sent me content for your episode, THANK YOU.

    If you are still thinking about what to record for your episode, THANK YOU, and please do record when you are able.

    Thank you for your participation, thank you for listening, and thank you for understanding.

    I hope we can meet together again soon... for another Song in the Desert.


    Songs in the Desert is an audio Lenten devotional exploring Christian hymns. Every weekday in Lent, listen to a reflection from a different contributor on a hymn that they find meaningful.

    Hymn numbers, when given, refer to the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. But most hymns can be found in many different hymnals.

    Subscribe to our podcast in Apple podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, or use our feed.

    For more, visit

    Theme music is "Reflections" by Lee Rosevere, distributed under a Creative Commons license.

    A Sinden Production of Anglican Media (SPAM)

    25 March 2020, 10:30 am
  • Friday in the Third Week of Lent
    "Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands" (Hymn 185/186) from Jonathan Wessler.

    Listen to this episode (mp3).

    sitd200320.pngSongs in the Desert is an audio Lenten devotional exploring Christian hymns. Every weekday in Lent, listen to a reflection from a different contributor on a hymn that they find meaningful.

    Hymn numbers, when given, refer to the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. But most hymns can be found in many different hymnals.

    Subscribe to our podcast in Apple podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, or use our feed.

    For more, visit

    Theme music is "Reflections" by Lee Rosevere, distributed under a Creative Commons license.

    A Sinden Production of Anglican Media (SPAM)

    20 March 2020, 9:00 am
  • Thursday in the Third Week of Lent
    "When Jesus left his Father's throne" (Hymn 480) from Marlayna Maynard.

    Listen to this episode (mp3).

    sitd200319.pngSongs in the Desert is an audio Lenten devotional exploring Christian hymns. Every weekday in Lent, listen to a reflection from a different contributor on a hymn that they find meaningful.

    Hymn numbers, when given, refer to the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. But most hymns can be found in many different hymnals.

    Subscribe to our podcast in Apple podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, or use our feed.

    For more, visit

    Theme music is "Reflections" by Lee Rosevere, distributed under a Creative Commons license.

    A Sinden Production of Anglican Media (SPAM)

    19 March 2020, 9:00 am
  • Wednesday in the Third Week of Lent
    Fairest Lord Jesus (Hymn 383) from the Rev. Jennifer Deaton.

    Listen to this episode (mp3).

    sitd200318.pngSongs in the Desert is an audio Lenten devotional exploring Christian hymns. Every weekday in Lent, listen to a reflection from a different contributor on a hymn that they find meaningful.

    Hymn numbers, when given, refer to the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. But most hymns can be found in many different hymnals.

    Subscribe to our podcast in Apple podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, or use our feed.

    For more, visit

    Theme music is "Reflections" by Lee Rosevere, distributed under a Creative Commons license.

    A Sinden Production of Anglican Media (SPAM)

    18 March 2020, 9:00 am
  • Tuesday in the Third Week of Lent
    "Hail to the Lord who comes" (Hymn 259) from David Sinden.

    Listen to this episode (mp3).

    sitd200317.pngSongs in the Desert is an audio Lenten devotional exploring Christian hymns. Every weekday in Lent, listen to a reflection from a different contributor on a hymn that they find meaningful.

    Hymn numbers, when given, refer to the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. But most hymns can be found in many different hymnals.

    Subscribe to our podcast in Apple podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, or use our feed.

    For more, visit

    Theme music is "Reflections" by Lee Rosevere, distributed under a Creative Commons license.

    A Sinden Production of Anglican Media (SPAM)

    17 March 2020, 9:00 am
  • Monday in the Third Week of Lent
    "Many and great, O God, are thy things" Hymn 271 in the Presbyterian Hymnal (1990) from Mary Larew. This hymn is number 385 in the Hymnal 1982 ("Many and great, O God, are thy works")

    Listen to this episode (mp3).

    sitd200316.pngMusic heard in this episode is "Northern Lights" by Margaret Tucker, performed by the East Granby Congregational Church Bell Choir; Jim Crane, piccolo.

    Songs in the Desert is an audio Lenten devotional exploring Christian hymns. Every weekday in Lent, listen to a reflection from a different contributor on a hymn that they find meaningful.

    Hymn numbers, when given, refer to the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. But most hymns can be found in many different hymnals.

    Subscribe to our podcast in Apple podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, or use our feed.

    For more, visit

    Theme music is "Reflections" by Lee Rosevere, distributed under a Creative Commons license.

    A Sinden Production of Anglican Media (SPAM)

    16 March 2020, 11:11 am
  • Friday in the Second Week of Lent
    "Great is thy faithfulness" from the Rev. Lenny Anderson. Originally aired on the Thursday after Ash Wednesday, 2019.

    Download this episode (mp3).

    Songs in the Desert is an audio Lenten devotional exploring Christian hymns. Every weekday in Lent, listen to a reflection from a different contributor on a hymn that they find meaningful.

    Hymn numbers, when given, refer to the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. But most hymns can be found in many different hymnals.

    Subscribe to our podcast in Apple podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, or use our feed.

    For more, visit

    Theme music is "Reflections" by Lee Rosevere, distributed under a Creative Commons license.

    A Sinden Production of Anglican Media (SPAM)

    13 March 2020, 9:00 am
  • Thursday in the Second Week of Lent
    "A stable lamp is lighted" (Hymn 104) from Suzanne Daniel, originally aired Wednesday in the Fifth Week of Lent in 2018.

    Download this episode (mp3).

    sitd200312.pngSongs in the Desert is an audio Lenten devotional exploring Christian hymns. Every weekday in Lent, listen to a reflection from a different contributor on a hymn that they find meaningful.

    Hymn numbers, when given, refer to the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. But most hymns can be found in many different hymnals.

    The 2018 listener survey has concluded.

    Subscribe to our podcast in Apple podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, or use our feed.

    For more, visit

    Theme music is "Reflections" by Lee Rosevere, distributed under a Creative Commons license.

    A Sinden Production of Anglican Media (SPAM)

    12 March 2020, 12:06 pm
  • Wednesday in the Second Week of Lent
    "O the deep, deep love of Jesus" from Sarah Michal.

    Download this episode (mp3).

    1 O the deep, deep love of Jesus! Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free, rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me. Underneath me, all around me, is the current of thy love; leading onward, leading homeward, to thy glorious rest above. 2 O the deep, deep love of Jesus! Spread his praise from shore to shore; how he loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, nevermore; how he watches o'er his loved ones, died to call them all his own; how for them he intercedeth, watcheth o'er them from the throne. 3 O the deep, deep love of Jesus! Love of ev'ry love the best: 'tis an ocean vast of blessing, 'tis a haven sweet of rest. O the deep, deep love of Jesus! 'Tis a heav'n of heav'ns to me; and it lifts me up to glory, for it lifts me up to thee.

    "O the deep, deep love of Jesus", Samuel Trevor Francis

    sitd200311+%25281%2529.pngSongs in the Desert is an audio Lenten devotional exploring Christian hymns. Every weekday in Lent, listen to a reflection from a different contributor on a hymn that they find meaningful.

    Hymn numbers, when given, refer to the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. But most hymns can be found in many different hymnals.

    Subscribe to our podcast in Apple podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, or use our feed.

    For more, visit

    Theme music is "Reflections" by Lee Rosevere, distributed under a Creative Commons license.

    A Sinden Production of Anglican Media (SPAM)

    11 March 2020, 9:14 am
  • Tuesday in the Second Week of Lent
    "The stars declare his glory" (Hymn 431) from Patrick Pope.

    Download this episode (mp3).

    sitd200310.pngSongs in the Desert is an audio Lenten devotional exploring Christian hymns. Every weekday in Lent, listen to a reflection from a different contributor on a hymn that they find meaningful.

    Hymn numbers, when given, refer to the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. But most hymns can be found in many different hymnals.

    Subscribe to our podcast in Apple podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, or use our feed.

    For more, visit

    Theme music is "Reflections" by Lee Rosevere, distributed under a Creative Commons license.

    A Sinden Production of Anglican Media (SPAM)

    10 March 2020, 9:00 am
  • Monday in the Second Week of Lent
    "Morning glory, starlit sky" (Hymn 585) from Noah Stansbury.

    Download this episode (mp3).

    sitd200309.pngSongs in the Desert is an audio Lenten devotional exploring Christian hymns. Every weekday in Lent, listen to a reflection from a different contributor on a hymn that they find meaningful.

    Hymn numbers, when given, refer to the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. But most hymns can be found in many different hymnals.

    Subscribe to our podcast in Apple podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, or use our feed.

    For more, visit

    Theme music is "Reflections" by Lee Rosevere, distributed under a Creative Commons license.

    A Sinden Production of Anglican Media (SPAM)

    9 March 2020, 9:00 am
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