John Griffiths' Podcast

John Griffiths

Blog based initially on 98% Pure Potato the book about the origins of account planning. Now focusing on the 50th anniversary as a lense to look at some of the contemporary issues.

  • 8 minutes 43 seconds
    17th Podcast on the difference between promotional and product ideas
    John Griffiths reflects this week on the difference between promotional ideas and product ideas and the danger of coming up with product ideas without proper support - straying well beyond the original brief.
    3 July 2019, 5:01 pm
  • 10 minutes 23 seconds
    Experiments with Honda
    Early Honda online experiments which showed the way advertising would break boundaries into content marketing. 20 years on I have second thoughts
    24 June 2019, 12:18 pm
  • 12 minutes 19 seconds
    15th podcast Honda advertising and the Swindon campaign
    With the prospect of Honda closing its factory in Swindon I talk about the way advertising misses the bigger picture (eg factory closures) and tell the story of how we used Swindon to make a point about a new range of Civics, a campaign pulled at the last minute.
    14 June 2019, 5:32 pm
  • 30 seconds
    Special - Remembering Tony Stead
    Today Tony Stead's death was announced. As he was the one who came up with the name Account Planning it seemed appropriate to remember his contribution. John Griffiths talks about his meetings with Tony Stead one of the only interviewees for 98% Pure Potato who he encountered as a young planner
    7 June 2019, 8:04 pm
  • 7 minutes 48 seconds
    Links of London - no change there
    dropping into Links of London in a Canadian Mall this month I was struck by how the brand had not changed from when I worked with the management team 15 years ago. So a ponder about brand consistency and invention.
    31 May 2019, 2:40 pm
  • 5 minutes 2 seconds
    11th Podcast Prospan cough predictor campaign
    IPA award winner for best use of Tech Led data - this cough predictor managed to increase sales while spending less on advertising. Take a look at the film
    26 April 2019, 10:11 pm
  • 8 minutes 32 seconds
    9th Podcast Baileys and ingredient branding
    I was startled to find myself soundbitten by the IPA talking about the Baileys campaign: And worse appearing to say nothing at all! So here's my right of reply - what I tried to say before I was cut! And it gives an opportunity to talk about the elements of ingredient branding which is why I like this campaign. you can get the whole silver awarded paper off the IPA site if you're a member.
    12 April 2019, 2:00 pm
  • 9 minutes 15 seconds
    Lexus Car ad - written by an AI program
    So how does an ad written by artificial intelligence actually perform? Here's a piece by Adweek which explains what the AI did: And a piece by System 1 which explains how well the ad tracked with real people: And I discuss the implications for how we might use AI to make ads that are brilliant not just better than average
    5 April 2019, 3:53 pm
  • 4 minutes 28 seconds
    7th Podcast Haagen Daz taking the sex out of icecream
    the famous ice cream brand has to appeal to a younger generation appalled that parents might find it sexy. The solution to take the sex out and focus on simple luxury instead.
    1 April 2019, 5:45 pm
  • 5 minutes 44 seconds
    Refuge - the hiddenness of domestic abuse
    Reviewing the press campaign for Refuge who support those suffering domestic abuse - here's a link to the Campaign including a Valentines day poem Plus a link to Refuge itself
    15 February 2019, 5:16 pm
  • 5 minutes 25 seconds
    Hard Soap from Paddy Power
    I review a new campaign whose interest is entirely borrowed from a footballing scandal from years ago to make a point about the value of rewards versus loyalty. Chip off the old Paddy Power Block but I don't think this cynical ad is doing much for advertising or the gambling industry.
    13 February 2019, 5:29 pm
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