Occult Confessions

Robert C. Thompson

Discover the hidden history of magic, parapsychology, and satanic conspiracy with occultism scholar Rob C. Thompson. His crew of Alchemical Actors bring supernatural mysteries to life through a blend of research, ritual, and old-fashioned radio drama.

  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    25.10: Saving Krotona (Interview Special)
    Hollywood makeup artist, Pati Dubroff, became a preservationist after moving into the original dome of the Theosophists' Krotona Institute. In this interview, Pati shares her experiences (positive and negative) with paranormal entities, local government, and landlords in her noble quest to save Krotona. To donate to the Los Angeles Fire Department please use this link: https://supportlafd.org/donate/ways-to-give.html.
    24 January 2025, 11:35 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    25.9: Jim Morrison and the Occult (Interview Special)
    Paul Wyld visits to talk about his book "Jim Morrison: Secret Teacher of the Occult." Wyld discusses Morrison's reading of esoteric texts and how they influenced his lifestyle and art as a "secret teacher" of magical things.
    10 January 2025, 9:32 am
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    25.8: Aldous Huxley on Drugs
    Aldous Huxley's Doors of Perception was a book ahead of its time and related the famous British novelist and intellectual's experimental engagement with mescaline. Huxley became a proponent of mescaline and sometime user of LSD ever afterward and a major influence on the Human Potential Movement of the 1960s.
    27 December 2024, 9:09 am
  • 1 hour 40 minutes
    25.9: The Star Wars Holiday Special (Strange Ride Crossover)
    There is so much Star Wars content out in the wide world. Some of it is loved, some of it hated, but there is one piece of Star Wars media that is so hated by its creator that it was almost lost media. If it wasn’t for fans making bootleg VCR copies during its one and only broadcast it would be lost to time. I’m talking about of course the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special. A variety show set in the Star Wars universe that was also meant to sort of celebrate Thanksgiving/Christmas. George Lucas was so mortified by how this special turned out that he has tried to remove any trace of its existence from the earth, and because of that resistance it has since become a cult classic amongst Star Wars fans. But how did the Star Wars Holiday special end up so bad? Today, Savannah will be going over how the special was made and its content, so you can be spared from having to watch it yourself.
    24 December 2024, 2:09 pm
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    25.7: Esoterica (Interview Special)
    We sit down with Dr. Justin Sledge of the Esoterica Youtube channel to talk about his work with medieval and ancient esoteric texts and alchemical practices.
    13 December 2024, 12:35 pm
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    25.6: Krishnamurti's Teaching
    Krishnamurti's philosophy was about getting free from thought and time, releasing memory and belief, and becoming fully present. He taught that there was no method or ritual or plan that could achieve this state of perfect presence and no guru who could guide you. Each person had to be their own guru and discover the truth of what is.
    29 November 2024, 9:43 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    25.5: The Child Messiah (Part Three)
    In this final installment of our biography of Jiddu Krishnamurti, the teacher disbands the Order of the Star and is banished from Theosophical Society Headquarters. He becomes an advisor to Indira Ghandi and questions whether his strange path to knowledge can ever be replicated.
    15 November 2024, 9:23 am
  • 59 minutes 26 seconds
    25.4: The Child Messiah (Part Two)
    The second part of our series on the teacher and philosopher Krishnamurti begins with his spiritual awakening beneath a pepper tree in Ojai, California. Krishnamurti was plagued by terrible episodes of physical suffering accompanied by great spiritual insight. We continue through to George Arundale's bizarre plot to insert himself into the highest ranks of Krishnamurti's organization and theosophy writ large.
    1 November 2024, 8:52 am
  • 53 minutes 59 seconds
    25.3: The Child Messiah (Part One)
    As a child, Jiddu Krishnamurti was named the vessel for the World Teacher by leading figures in the Theosophical Society, namely Charles Leadbetter and Annie Besant. He came to regard Besant as a second mother but his relationship with Leadbetter was more complicated. Leadbetter wrote a serialized account of Krishnamurti's previous lives, calling him Alcyone, and helped Krishnamurti make contact with the ascended masters of theosophy. But Krishnamurti and his family were conflicted by the way he had been set up to become the religious leader of thousands and thousands of people worldwide.
    18 October 2024, 8:58 am
  • 59 minutes 20 seconds
    25.2: Annie Besant (Part Two)
    In the second part of our conversation about Annie Besant, she leaves the secularists and joins the Theosophical Society. We consider how the Mahatmas continued to produce letters after Blavatsky's death and how closely Besant's theosophy resembled the first generation.
    4 October 2024, 9:50 am
  • 54 minutes 32 seconds
    25.1: Annie Besant (Part One)
    We open our story on the child messiah, Jiddu Krishnamurti, with a two-part episode on Annie Besant, a woman he came to regard as his adopted mother. Having been an atheist, social reformer, and advocate for birth control, Besant became the president of the Theosophical Society and one of the most influential occultists of the early twentieth century.
    20 September 2024, 8:30 am
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