Cool Facts About Animals

Cool Facts About Animals Podcast

  • 17 minutes 34 seconds

    In this episode we learn about a super cool sea bird, the albatross. The albatross has a huge wingspan, can soar for hundreds of miles, and has an unusual mating dance. Check it out here.

    We learn about all these things and more in this episode!

    Contact us at [email protected] or support us on Patreon at:

    Thanks for listening! 

    29 September 2024, 9:42 pm
  • 19 minutes 57 seconds
    Star-nosed Mole

    In this episode, we learn all about the amazing star-nosed mole. This super-smeller has one of the most incredible noses in the animal kingdom - and one of the oddest looking. It's also an excellent hunter - and eater. 

    Thank you to Penny for the suggestion and for being our Patreon sponsor! You can sponsor us here: 

    Reach out to us at [email protected] 


    15 August 2024, 3:11 pm
  • 24 minutes 9 seconds
    Cochineal Beetle

    We're back! With a brand new episode on the Cochineal Beetle. 

    This beetle has an ancient past - and has been used to do everything from make ink for the Aztecs to coloring Starbucks Frappuccinos. It also has a really cool trick to stay cool in the heat. Plus, we learn some cool facts about the male beetle - and it's lack of an important body part. 

    Thanks for your patience during our busy spring! 

    We'd love to hear from you - [email protected]


    26 May 2024, 2:47 pm
  • 30 minutes 24 seconds
    Replay: Cicadas

    Hello friends! It's been a while! We've been on hiatus while the kids have been busy with various school and personal obligations, but we're looking forward to putting out a new episode in May! In the meantime, please enjoy this rebroadcast of our cicada episode. Although this one is about Brood X, you'll still find lots of similarities with the two new broods of cicadas emerging across the US right now. 

    26 April 2024, 2:51 pm
  • 17 minutes 52 seconds
    Portuguese Man of War

    We're back with a new episode on the Portuguese Man of War. Wow, this is one cool animal/colony of organisms, with super long tentacles, a deadly sting, and an interesting backstory. 

    Thanks to our Patreon sponsors! If you'd like to be a Patreon sponsor, head here. 

    And if you think you know the answer to the creature quiz or the riddle, send us an email at [email protected]. 

    16 January 2024, 5:38 pm
  • 29 minutes 11 seconds
    Animal Defenses with OMSI

    Here in Portland, Oregon, we're lucky to live so close to a world-class science museum, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, which we all affectionately call OMSI. A few weeks ago, we got the chance to take a tour of their latest exhibit, Staying Alive: Defenses of the Animal Kingdom, with Sarah, the exhibit's curator. We learned about all sorts of animal defenses, including speed, size, camoflauge, and lots of others. We hope you enjoy this virtual tour - and if you're in Portland, definitely check out this exhibit! It's up through April 2024. 



    19 November 2023, 3:27 pm
  • 20 minutes 57 seconds
    Cheetahs Reboot

    Way back in our first episode - over 5 years ago now! - Grady chose cheetah for our first episode. We've learned a lot more about cheetahs since then, and introduced two new podcasters - Jaguar and Corduroy! So, we decided to bring you this reboot of our original episode. We hope you enjoy it.

    Here's the video we mentioned about cheetahs running in slow motion:

    If you think you know the answer to our creature quiz or riddle, send us an email at [email protected] and we will send you a bookmark. 

    Thank you to our Patreon sponsors! If you would like to support us financially, you can do so here:  

    9 November 2023, 2:52 pm
  • 23 minutes 19 seconds

    These little arachnids pack a mean sting. But how dangerous are they? What does a scorpion sting feel like? And how many times can Jaguar evolve in one episode? Learn all about scorpions in our latest episode. 

    Thank you to our Patreon sponsors! If you'd like to support us financially, please head to our Patreon page here.

    We love to hear from you! Send us an email at [email protected]

    14 September 2023, 3:52 am
  • 1 minute 52 seconds
    World of Jaguar Premiere!

    Jaguar is starting his own podcast! Listen to the promo on this episode, and then listen to universe premiere of World of Jaguar wherever you find your podcasts. 

    Apple link here. 


    p.s. Scorpion episode coming soon!

    28 August 2023, 8:18 pm
  • 19 minutes 14 seconds
    Sea Otters

    You’re in for an adorable treat on this sea otter episode of Cool Facts About Animals! Learn about their special fur, tool use, and an ancient lion-sized otter.

    We’d love to hear from you! Send us your creature quiz answers, let us know you did the kid power challenge, or take a guess on our next episode. Send us an email at [email protected]

    Thank you to our Patreon sponsors Cardiff, Grace, and Evie! If you’d like to be a Patreon sponsor, head here.

    And if you want to buy your own Cool Facts About Animals gear, check out our store.

    9 July 2023, 9:04 pm
  • 33 minutes 28 seconds
    Sheep, Cloning, and an Interview with Dr. Bill Ritchie

    On this special episode of Cool Facts About Animals, we got to interview one of the scientists who changed the world! Dr. Bill Ritchie was one of the scientists behind the cloning of Dolly the Sheep. We talk about why this was so important, and how it has helped to change medicine today. We also have lots of cool facts about sheep, courtesy of Clara. We hope you enjoy the episode! 

    12 June 2023, 2:27 am
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