Leading Edge Love

Leading Edge Love

Discussions about Polyamory, Open Relationships, Non-monogamy and related subjects such as Tantra, healthy sexuality, communication & intentional community

  • 58 minutes
    Leading Edge Love - Kathy Labriola, Author of Polyamorous Elders
    The Leading Edge Love podcast with host Sumati Sparks: This week, her guest is Kathy Labriola, polyamory counselor and author of 4 books including the Jealousy Workbook and the newly released Polyamorous Elders:  Aging in Open Relationships (https://www.kathylabriola.com/). Sumati Sparks (www.SumatiSparks.com) offers open relationship and polyamory coaching sessions via video conferencing or telephone. SUMATI WORKS WITH: Couples who are considering opening their relationship but are confused, nervous and a little scared about how to do it.People who are already practicing open relationship or polyamory but are having some struggles.Single or Divorced People who do not wish to have another traditional relationship.Singles & Couples who don’t know where to find other non-monogamous people to meet & date.Heterosexual as well as Queer, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Intersex & Questioning Persons. COMMON CHALLENGES HER CLIENT'S FACE: Confused, nervous and a little scared about how to open their relationship.Painful conflicts in existing open relationships.Frustrated and fed up with the loss of vitality that comes from being in a relationship with little or no sexual intimacy.Feeling like their partner would never go for it.No idea where to meet other non-monogamous people to potentially date.Eager and hopeful but want to do it right. WHAT SHE DOES FOR HER CLIENTS: Get CLEAR about what they want.PREPARE to ask their partner for it, then SPEAK THEIR TRUTH.Learn to serve LOVE.ACHIEVE the relationship(s) of their wildest dreams HOW SUMATI SERVES HER CLIENTS: With her signature program called: Open Relationships that Work!
    10 February 2023, 2:30 am
  • 58 minutes
    Leading Edge Love - Trish Wright, Certified Sex & Relationship Coach
    Tuesdays, 8:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Pacific: "Leading Edge Love," host Sumati Sparks: This week, her guest is Trish Wright trauma-informed Certified Sex and Relationship Coach with an emphasis on Compassionate Communication, Self-Love, and Codependency. (Www.TrishWrightGlobal.com). Sumati Sparks (www.SumatiSparks.com) offers open relationship and polyamory coaching sessions via video conferencing or telephone. SUMATI WORKS WITH: Couples who are considering opening their relationship but are confused, nervous and a little scared about how to do it.People who are already practicing open relationship or polyamory but are having some struggles.Single or Divorced People who do not wish to have another traditional relationship.Singles & Couples who don’t know where to find other non-monogamous people to meet & date.Heterosexual as well as Queer, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Intersex & Questioning Persons. COMMON CHALLENGES HER CLIENT'S FACE: Confused, nervous and a little scared about how to open their relationship.Painful conflicts in existing open relationships.Frustrated and fed up with the loss of vitality that comes from being in a relationship with little or no sexual intimacy.Feeling like their partner would never go for it.No idea where to meet other non-monogamous people to potentially date. WHAT SHE DOES FOR HER CLIENTS: Get CLEAR about what they want.PREPARE to ask their partner for it, then SPEAK THEIR TRUTH.ACHIEVE the relationship(s) of their wildest dreams HOW SUMATI SERVES HER CLIENTS: With her signature program called: Open Relationships that Work!
    27 July 2022, 12:30 am
  • 46 minutes
    Leading Edge Love - Brett Chamberlin, Executive Director of OPEN
    Tuesdays, 8:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Pacific: "Leading Edge Love," host Sumati Sparks: This week, her guest is Brett Chamberlin, Executive Director  OPEN: Organization for Polyamory and Ethical Non-Monogamy (Open-Love.org). Sumati Sparks (www.SumatiSparks.com) offers open relationship and polyamory coaching sessions via video conferencing or telephone. SUMATI WORKS WITH: Couples who are considering opening their relationship but are confused, nervous and a little scared about how to do it.People who are already practicing open relationship or polyamory but are having some struggles.Single or Divorced People who do not wish to have another traditional relationship.Singles & Couples who don’t know where to find other non-monogamous people to meet & date.Heterosexual as well as Queer, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Intersex & Questioning Persons. COMMON CHALLENGES HER CLIENT'S FACE: Confused, nervous and a little scared about how to open their relationship.Painful conflicts in existing open relationships.Frustrated and fed up with the loss of vitality that comes from being in a relationship with little or no sexual intimacy.Feeling like their partner would never go for it.No idea where to meet other non-monogamous people to potentially date.Eager and hopeful but want to do it right. WHAT SHE DOES FOR HER CLIENTS: Get CLEAR about what they want.PREPARE to ask their partner for it, then SPEAK THEIR TRUTH.Learn to serve LOVE.ACHIEVE the relationship(s) of their wildest dreams HOW SUMATI SERVES HER CLIENTS: With her signature program called: Open Relationships that Work!  
    13 July 2022, 12:30 am
  • 42 minutes
    Leading Edge Love - Tonya Todd, Actress, Author, and Podcaster
    Tuesdays, 8:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Pacific: "Leading Edge Love," host Sumati Sparks: This week, her guest is Tonya Todd, actor, author and host of the 52 Love Podcast (MsTonyaTodd.com). Sumati Sparks (www.SumatiSparks.com) offers open relationship and polyamory coaching sessions via video conferencing or telephone. SUMATI WORKS WITH: Couples who are considering opening their relationship but are confused, nervous and a little scared about how to do it.People who are already practicing open relationship or polyamory but are having some struggles.Single or Divorced People who do not wish to have another traditional relationship.Singles & Couples who don’t know where to find other non-monogamous people to meet & date.Heterosexual as well as Queer, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Intersex & Questioning Persons. COMMON CHALLENGES HER CLIENT'S FACE: Confused, nervous and a little scared about how to open their relationship.Painful conflicts in existing open relationships.Frustrated and fed up with the loss of vitality that comes from being in a relationship with little or no sexual intimacy.Feeling like their partner would never go for it.No idea where to meet other non-monogamous people to potentially date.Eager and hopeful but want to do it right. WHAT SHE DOES FOR HER CLIENTS: Get CLEAR about what they want.PREPARE to ask their partner for it, then SPEAK THEIR TRUTH.Learn to serve LOVE.ACHIEVE the relationship(s) of their wildest dreams HOW SUMATI SERVES HER CLIENTS: With her signature program called: Open Relationships that Work!
    8 June 2022, 12:30 am
  • 57 minutes
    Leading Edge Love - Joli Hamilton, coach for couples who color outside the lines
    Tuesdays, 8:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Pacific: "Leading Edge Love," host Sumati Sparks: This week, her guest is Joli Hamilton, PhD, Author, TEDx speaker, Love & Sex Expert (JoliHamilton.com). Get her free Jealousy Guide here: www.ListenToJoli.com Sumati Sparks (www.SumatiSparks.com) offers open relationship and polyamory coaching sessions via video conferencing or telephone. SUMATI WORKS WITH: Couples who are considering opening their relationship but are confused, nervous and a little scared about how to do it.People who are already practicing open relationship or polyamory but are having some struggles.Single or Divorced People who do not wish to have another traditional relationship.Singles & Couples who don’t know where to find other non-monogamous people to meet & date.Heterosexual as well as Queer, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Intersex & Questioning Persons. COMMON CHALLENGES HER CLIENT'S FACE: Confused, nervous and a little scared about how to open their relationship.Painful conflicts in existing open relationships.Frustrated and fed up with the loss of vitality that comes from being in a relationship with little or no sexual intimacy.Feeling like their partner would never go for it.No idea where to meet other non-monogamous people to potentially date.Eager and hopeful but want to do it right. WHAT SHE DOES FOR HER CLIENTS: Get CLEAR about what they want.PREPARE to ask their partner for it, then SPEAK THEIR TRUTH.ACHIEVE the relationship(s) of their wildest dreams HOW SUMATI SERVES HER CLIENTS: With her signature program called: Open Relationships that Work!
    1 June 2022, 12:30 am
  • 57 minutes
    Leading Edge Love - Kate Loree, Sex Positive Therapist & Author of Open Deeply
    Tuesdays, 8:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Pacific: "Leading Edge Love," host Sumati Sparks: This week, her guest is Kate Loree, Sex Positive Psychotherapist & Author of Open Deeply (kateloree.com.com). Sumati Sparks (www.SumatiSparks.com) offers open relationship and polyamory coaching sessions via video conferencing or telephone. SUMATI WORKS WITH: Couples who are considering opening their relationship but are confused, nervous and a little scared about how to do it.People who are already practicing open relationship or polyamory but are having some struggles.Single or Divorced People who do not wish to have another traditional relationship.Singles & Couples who don’t know where to find other non-monogamous people to meet & date.Heterosexual as well as Queer, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Intersex & Questioning Persons. COMMON CHALLENGES HER CLIENT'S FACE: Confused, nervous and a little scared about how to open their relationship.Painful conflicts in existing open relationships.Frustrated and fed up with the loss of vitality that comes from being in a relationship with little or no sexual intimacy.Feeling like their partner would never go for it.No idea where to meet other non-monogamous people to potentially date.Eager and hopeful but want to do it right. WHAT SHE DOES FOR HER CLIENTS: Get CLEAR about what they want.PREPARE to ask their partner for it, then SPEAK THEIR TRUTH.Learn to serve LOVE.ACHIEVE the relationship(s) of their wildest dreams HOW SUMATI SERVES HER CLIENTS: With her signature program called: Open Relationships that Work!
    25 May 2022, 12:30 am
  • 59 minutes
    Leading Edge Love - Shai & Lea, Creators of The Secure Poly Collective
    Tuesdays, 8:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Pacific: "Leading Edge Love," host Sumati Sparks: This week, Shai Fishman & Lea Aella return for a 2nd time to share about their thriving community and program called the Secure Poly Collective (LeveledUpLove.com). Sumati Sparks (www.SumatiSparks.com) offers open relationship and polyamory coaching sessions via video conferencing or telephone. SUMATI WORKS WITH: Couples who are considering opening their relationship but are confused, nervous and a little scared about how to do it.People who are already practicing open relationship or polyamory but are having some struggles.Single or Divorced People who do not wish to have another traditional relationship.Singles & Couples who don’t know where to find other non-monogamous people to meet & date.Heterosexual as well as Queer, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Intersex & Questioning Persons. COMMON CHALLENGES HER CLIENT'S FACE: Confused, nervous and a little scared about how to open their relationship.Painful conflicts in existing open relationships.Frustrated and fed up with the loss of vitality that comes from being in a relationship with little or no sexual intimacy.Feeling like their partner would never go for it.No idea where to meet other non-monogamous people to potentially date.Eager and hopeful but want to do it right. WHAT SHE DOES FOR HER CLIENTS: Get CLEAR about what they want.PREPARE to ask their partner for it, then SPEAK THEIR TRUTH.Learn to serve LOVE.ACHIEVE the relationship(s) of their wildest dreams HOW SUMATI SERVES HER CLIENTS: With her signature program called: Open Relationships that Work!
    13 April 2022, 12:30 am
  • 58 minutes
    Leading Edge Love - Madelon Guinazzo, on communication, consent and boundaries
    Tuesdays, 8:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Pacific: "Leading Edge Love," host Sumati Sparks: This week, her guest is Madelon Guinazzo, expert on communication, consent and boundaries & board member of Cuddle Party (CuddleParty.com). Sumati Sparks (www.SumatiSparks.com) offers open relationship and polyamory coaching sessions via video conferencing or telephone. SUMATI WORKS WITH: Couples who are considering opening their relationship but are confused, nervous and a little scared about how to do it.People who are already practicing open relationship or polyamory but are having some struggles.Single or Divorced People who do not wish to have another traditional relationship.Singles & Couples who don’t know where to find other non-monogamous people to meet & date.Heterosexual as well as Queer, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Intersex & Questioning Persons. COMMON CHALLENGES HER CLIENT'S FACE: Confused, nervous and a little scared about how to open their relationship.Painful conflicts in existing open relationships.Frustrated and fed up with the loss of vitality that comes from being in a relationship with little or no sexual intimacy.Feeling like their partner would never go for it.No idea where to meet other non-monogamous people to potentially date.Eager and hopeful but want to do it right. WHAT SHE DOES FOR HER CLIENTS: Get CLEAR about what they want.PREPARE to ask their partner for it, then SPEAK THEIR TRUTH.Learn to serve LOVE.ACHIEVE the relationship(s) of their wildest dreams HOW SUMATI SERVES HER CLIENTS: With her signature program called: Successful Open Relationships & Polyamory
    9 March 2022, 1:30 am
  • 51 minutes
    Leading Edge Love - Rachel Kranz, Author of Open: A Polyamory Memoir
    Tuesdays, 8:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Pacific: "Leading Edge Love," host Sumati Sparks: This week, her guest is Rachel Krantz, author of, Open: An Uncensored Memoir of Love, Liberation, and Non-Monogamy (racheljkrantz.com). Sumati Sparks (sumatisparks.com) offers open relationship and polyamory coaching sessions via video conferencing or telephone. SUMATI WORKS WITH: Couples who are considering opening their relationship but are confused, nervous and a little scared about how to do it.People who are already practicing open relationship or polyamory but are having some struggles.Single or Divorced People who do not wish to have another traditional relationship.Singles & Couples who don’t know where to find other non-monogamous people to meet & date.Heterosexual as well as Queer, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Intersex & Questioning Persons. COMMON CHALLENGES HER CLIENT'S FACE: Confused, nervous and a little scared about how to open their relationship.Painful conflicts in existing open relationships.Frustrated and fed up with the loss of vitality that comes from being in a relationship with little or no sexual intimacy.Feeling like their partner would never go for it.No idea where to meet other non-monogamous people to potentially date.Eager and hopeful but want to do it right. WHAT SHE DOES FOR HER CLIENTS: Get CLEAR about what they want.PREPARE to ask their partner for it, then SPEAK THEIR TRUTH.Learn to serve LOVE.ACHIEVE the relationship(s) of their wildest dreams  
    2 February 2022, 1:30 am
  • 55 minutes
    Leading Edge Love - CAROL & DAVID – hosts of The Sexy Lifestyle podcast
    Tuesdays, 8:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Pacific: "Leading Edge Love," host Sumati Sparks: This week, her guests are CAROL & DAVID – hosts of The Sexy Lifestyle podcast (www.thesexylifestyle.com). Sumati Sparks (www.SumatiSparks.com) offers open relationship and polyamory coaching sessions via video conferencing or telephone. SUMATI WORKS WITH: Couples who are considering opening their relationship but are confused, nervous and a little scared about how to do it.People who are already practicing open relationship or polyamory but are having some struggles.Single or Divorced People who do not wish to have another traditional relationship.Singles & Couples who don’t know where to find other non-monogamous people to meet & date.Heterosexual as well as Queer, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Intersex & Questioning Persons. COMMON CHALLENGES HER CLIENT'S FACE: Confused, nervous and a little scared about how to open their relationship.Painful conflicts in existing open relationships.Frustrated and fed up with the loss of vitality that comes from being in a relationship with little or no sexual intimacy.Feeling like their partner would never go for it.No idea where to meet other non-monogamous people to potentially date.Eager and hopeful but want to do it right. WHAT SHE DOES FOR HER CLIENTS: Get CLEAR about what they want.PREPARE to ask their partner for it, then SPEAK THEIR TRUTH.Learn to serve LOVE.ACHIEVE the relationship(s) of their wildest dreams HOW SUMATI SERVES HER CLIENTS: With her signature program called: Successful Open Relationships & Polyamory
    26 January 2022, 1:30 am
  • 59 minutes
    Leading Edge Love - Erica & Marcia, co-authors of Creating Consent Culture
    Tuesdays, 8:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Pacific: "Leading Edge Love," host Sumati Sparks: This week, her guest is Erica Scott & Marcia Baczynski, co-authors of Creating Consent Culture (creatingconsentculture.com). Sumati Sparks (www.SumatiSparks.com) offers open relationship and polyamory coaching sessions via video conferencing or telephone. SUMATI WORKS WITH: Couples who are considering opening their relationship but are confused, nervous and a little scared about how to do it.People who are already practicing open relationship or polyamory but are having some struggles.Single or Divorced People who do not wish to have another traditional relationship.Singles & Couples who don’t know where to find other non-monogamous people to meet & date.Heterosexual as well as Queer, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Intersex & Questioning Persons. COMMON CHALLENGES HER CLIENT'S FACE: Confused, nervous and a little scared about how to open their relationship.Painful conflicts in existing open relationships.Frustrated and fed up with the loss of vitality that comes from being in a relationship with little or no sexual intimacy.Feeling like their partner would never go for it.No idea where to meet other non-monogamous people to potentially date.Eager and hopeful but want to do it right. WHAT SHE DOES FOR HER CLIENTS: Get CLEAR about what they want.PREPARE to ask their partner for it, then SPEAK THEIR TRUTH.Learn to serve LOVE.ACHIEVE the relationship(s) of their wildest dreams HOW SUMATI SERVES HER CLIENTS: With her signature program called: Successful Open Relationships & Polyamory
    12 January 2022, 1:30 am
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