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"Inside the Notebook" as heard on ABC Radio Qld with David Curnow
Australian journalist, John Taylor
Funny & sometimes sad stories from inside the med…
3 minutes 42 seconds
Inside The Notebook Episode 14 Superbikes
Who knew putting out microphones to record a motorcycle race could be so difficult?
13 November 2015, 1:34 am
4 minutes 8 seconds
Inside The Notebook Episode 13 The Commander
A chance meeting with the Commander of the 884th Fleet of the Galactic
12 November 2015, 11:41 pm
8 minutes 10 seconds
Inside The Notebook Episode 12 Soldiers
1st day in a new job.... & lost on an army base.
7 October 2015, 12:34 pm
6 minutes 8 seconds
Inside The Notebook Episode 11 Cow
Kazakhstan, a car, & cow. What could possibly go wrong?
7 October 2015, 12:31 pm
2 minutes 58 seconds
Inside The Notebook Episode 10 Toilet
Sometimes you just have to go.....
22 September 2015, 12:30 pm
5 minutes 2 seconds
Inside The Notebook Episode 9 Helmet
Newspapers in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.... or helmets.
17 September 2015, 11:48 pm
2 minutes 4 seconds
Inside The Notebook Episode 8 "Cat"
Caution : bad cat on the loose in the newsroom.
8 September 2015, 2:46 am
5 minutes 37 seconds
Inside The Notebook Episode 7 Hawke
When your flatmate decides he wants to come along and also interview the Prime Minister.
26 August 2015, 5:24 am
1 minute 32 seconds
Inside The Notebook Episode 6 Name
Getting your first story on TV is often a family occasion. But the newbie isn't that important to the newsreader.
26 August 2015, 5:19 am
7 minutes 9 seconds
Inside The Notebook Episode 5 The Chase
A normal day reporting in court... until the defendant decides he's had enough.
19 August 2015, 6:34 am
4 minutes 14 seconds
Inside The Notebook Episode 4 The Handshake
Being in the media involves meeting a lot of people, and shaking their hands. But what happens if you don't have the grip for every occasion?
11 August 2015, 4:21 am
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