
Auricle Productions

Threshold is a public radio show and podcast that tackles one pressing environmental issue each season. We report the story where it's happening through a range of voices and perspectives. Our goal is to be a home for nuanced journalism about human relationships with the natural world.

  • 9 minutes 34 seconds
    Bison Dispatch #3: The Bison Range

    In Season 1 of Threshold, we reported on the decades-long fight to get the federal government to transfer the National Bison Range, and the bison, back to the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes. In 2020, it finally happened. Stewardship of the herd was returned to the people who had helped to save these animals from extinction more than a century before. It’s one of just a few cases where the U.S. government has actually returned a piece of land to the Native American people it was taken from. Earlier this year, we came back to the Bison Range to find out how things are going for the herd and what the restoration of this land has meant to the Tribes.


    A special offer for our year-end donors!

    On March 13, 2024, host Amy Martin and managing editor Erika Janik will take you behind the mic for a special virtual event—Stories in the Wild: Seven Years of Making Threshold—sharing the triumphs and tribulations we experience when creating a season of our show.

    Year-end donors—at any giving level—will receive a code for a complimentary ticket when reservations open. Can't make the event? Ticket holders will gain access to a free recording. Donate today to support our work.

    21 December 2023, 5:30 pm
  • 13 minutes 21 seconds
    Bison Dispatch #2

    A few weeks ago, Yellowstone National Park released a draft plan for managing bison in the park. In this dispatch, we answer your questions about the plan and what it means for the future of the herd.

    Read the NPS plan here

    Submit a comment here or mail your comment to this address:

    Superintendent, Attn: Bison Management Plan, PO Box 168, Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190

    Listen to our first dispatch on the plan here

    Learn more about how many bison Yellowstone can support:

    The Yellowstone Bison Program’s 2020 Conservation Update (especially “Making Sense of Numbers” on Page 12) 

    A paper by other scientists with a different perspective: “Bison limit ecosystem recovery in northern Yellowstone

    Subscribe to our newsletter

    Episode transcript

    Support Threshold by making a donation today

    14 September 2023, 7:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 18 seconds
    Bison Dispatch #1

    Yellowstone National Park recently released a new plan for managing the bison herd. It’s in draft form, and maps out three alternatives for how to manage the herd in the future. Before it gets finalized, the public has a chance to read it and weigh in on which path is best. We talked with Morgan Warthin, chief of public affairs at Yellowstone National Park, to learn what this could mean for the future of the bison.

    What questions do you have about bison, bison science, bison history, and bison management? Send your questions to us at [email protected] and we’ll try to answer as many as we can in an upcoming dispatch.

    Read the plan here

    Learn more about the plans at one of the virtual public meetings:

    August 28, 2023 10:30 AM -12:00 PM MT and August 29, 2023 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM MT

    What's brucellosis? It's a bacterial disease, primarily occurring in bison, elk, cattle, and pigs.

    Learn more about brucellosis here.

    Sign up for the Threshold newsletter here. It's the best place to stay up to date on this issue and everything else going on at Threshold.

    Episode transcript

    Support independent nonprofit journalism by making a donation to support Threshold today. Donate here

    24 August 2023, 10:00 am
  • 42 minutes 44 seconds
    Best of: This Most Excellent Canopy

    A lyrical ode to our atmosphere: the invisible, underappreciated substance that makes all life on Earth possible. 

    There are quite a few things working against us when it comes to acting on climate change—not least of them, the simple fact that we literally can’t see the atmosphere, or how we’re changing it. 

    In this episode, we take a guided tour of the Earth’s atmosphere to understand the science, beauty, and wonder of our “magical safety blanket.” Our tour is led by a trio of scientists: astrophysicists Dr. Anjali Tripathi and Dr. Hannah Wakeford, and hydroclimatologist Dr. Francina Dominguez. 

    Join us in giving the atmosphere its due.

    This episode originally aired on February 8, 2022.

    Find the transcript for this episode here.

    Please share Threshold with friends, family, and community.

    Sign up for our newsletter, a monthly invitation to explore our relationships with the changing planet.

    Stay in touch with us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook or at [email protected]

    22 April 2023, 4:00 pm
  • 1 minute 15 seconds
    Stay Connected to Threshold

    A few weeks ago, the Biden administration approved the Willow project. It’s a plan to extract 600 million barrels of oil from northern Alaska. There’s a lot of history and politics behind this story, things that tie to issues we’ve reported on in past seasons of Threshold. 

    Amy Martin wrestles with this project and what it means for our netzero future in this month’s issue of our newsletter.

    Are you a subscriber?

    Stay connected to Threshold between seasons and find out what we're reading, watching, and listening to by subscribing to our newsletter. 

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    27 March 2023, 4:03 pm
  • 7 minutes 36 seconds
    1.5 Still Matters

    Representatives from nearly every country in the world are in Egypt right now for COP27, the annual climate conference hosted by the United Nations. The overall goal of each COP is to make progress on climate; to get all countries moving in the same direction, toward a decarbonized world, in an equitable way, based on the best scientific information available. But some are now saying that we should abandon hope of holding global average temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial temperatures.

    But we don't think that. And here's why.

    Threshold's year-end fundraiser is underway right now. Donate today to keep Threshold going strong. Our listeners make this work possible. 

    Sign-up for our newsletter


    12 November 2022, 5:00 pm
  • 48 minutes 38 seconds
    Time to 1.5 | 14 | Sky's the Limit

    In many ways, the climate crisis is an identity crisis. As we reckon with the damage we’ve done, we’re being forced into a massive confrontation with the powers, limitations, and essential nature of our species. How do we even process the notion that we can do—that we are doing—so much harm to ourselves and to all life on Earth? What is it about us that led us into this mess, and do we have what it takes to get ourselves out of it? Who are we? And who do we want to become? 

    This is Threshold Season 4: “Time to 1.5.” In this episode, we explore what we learn about ourselves from bonobos, the necessity of getting everyone on the planet in the same boat, and the power of stories to shape our future. 

    This work depends on people who believe in it and choose to support it. People like you. Join our community at

    28 June 2022, 4:00 pm
  • 58 minutes 11 seconds
    Time to 1.5 | 13 | Hail Mary

    The climate crisis is not just a problem of carbon emissions: it's one of inequality. In fact, global warming and global inequality are the same problem manifesting in different ways. And one of the places we see this connection clearly is at COP26. 

    This is Threshold Season 4: “Time to 1.5.” In this episode, we follow the conflict over loss and damage, mitigation, and finance in the negotiating room. Who wins and who loses in the making of an international climate pact? 

    This episode contains strong language that may not be suitable for all listeners. 

    This work depends on people who believe in it and choose to support it. People like you. Join our community at

    21 June 2022, 4:00 pm
  • 40 minutes 34 seconds
    Time to 1.5 | 12 | The Ants Go Marching

    The UN climate talks, or COPs, are attempting the biggest, most complicated, highest-stakes group project humanity has ever known. They are, in a sense, an attempt to design a revolution—to help guide a massive societal transformation that needs to happen all around the world, all at once, to curb climate chaos.


    But design and planning are rarely how paradigm shifts actually happen. So how do we actually make it happen? And can we do it fast enough? 

    This is Threshold Season 4: “Time to 1.5.” In this episode, we continue our journey at COP26 in Glasgow to see what the process for organizing a social and economic revolution really looks like and explore what kind of collaboration this kind of climate transformation asks of all of us. 

    This work depends on people who believe in it and choose to support it. People like you. Join our community at


    14 June 2022, 4:00 pm
  • 58 minutes 9 seconds
    Time to 1.5 | 11 | Inside the Anthill

    The UN climate talks, or COPs, are a lot of different things: they're confusing, bureaucratic, inspiring, boring, infuriating, and exhilarating. They are also the only thing we’ve got to deal with climate change on a scale that matches the problem—that is to say, globally. 

    The overall goal of each COP is to make progress on climate: to get all countries moving towards a decarbonized world—as equitably as possible and based on the best scientific information available. But of course, every country has a different idea of what that looks like and how we should get there. 

    This is Threshold Season 4: “Time to 1.5.” In this episode, we take you into the trenches of COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, to explore how the process of climate negotiation works and what’s at stake for every human on the planet.

    This work depends on people who believe in it and choose to support it. People like you. Join our community at

    31 May 2022, 4:00 pm
  • 48 minutes 31 seconds
    Time to 1.5 | 10 | Prayers of Steel III

    If the steel industry were a country, it would be the world's third-largest emitter. So to prevent a climate catastrophe, this industry has to change. And not just a little bit: we have to fundamentally transform how we make one of the most versatile, durable, widely used materials human beings have ever created. That's exactly what a group of companies in northern Sweden is aiming to do. 

    This is Threshold Season 4: “Time to 1.5” In this episode we travel to northern Sweden to explore how a greener process could revolutionize the iron and steel industry, dramatically reduce fossil fuel emissions, and make life better for people in industrial communities.

    This work depends on people who believe in it and choose to support it. People like you. Join our community at


    19 May 2022, 8:08 pm
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