Reef News Network

Reef News Network

A Weekly Podcast for Saltwater Aquarium and Reef Keeping Enthusiast

  • 47 minutes 54 seconds
    RNN180 - The America Competes ACT
    More on the America Competes Act and the impact it WILL have on our industry if passed.
    18 February 2022, 1:00 am
  • 35 minutes 36 seconds
    RNN179 - Lacey Act Lunacy with WWC
    A last-minute amendment has been made to the America COMPETES Act (HR4521) that would impact all pet animals except for dogs and cats, despite the originally stated purpose of HB4521 being to strengthen America's economic and national security. Chris and Ryan from WWC join me today to talk about the potential impact on the industry animals and our hobby.
    16 February 2022, 1:00 am
  • 45 minutes 16 seconds
    RNN178 - Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
    It's the start of the most wonderful time of the year, SHOW SEASON!!!! Join Hilary and Peter to chat about all the major shows this year, will we be seeing YOU at any?
    11 February 2022, 1:00 am
  • 20 minutes 30 seconds
    RNN177 - WE ARE BACK!!!!
    After a long hiatus, RNN is back with all new co-host Hilary Jaffe, and your boy Jeremy featuring the Tip of the Week!
    9 February 2022, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    RNN176 - Science Ahead w/ Dr. Tim (2021)

    Red Sea Adapts, Poma Labs is at it again, and Science Ahead with Dr.Tim. Jeremy is healing up after his incident and making progress on his basement build so he can actually start his dream tank. Peter is in the last steps before setting up the 60 cube, working on the studio and enjoying his very large anemones. All this and more on Episode 176 of The Reef News Network!

    Show Watch 2021 Reef-A-Palooza Chicago October 16/17

    MACNA - Canceled

    Aquashella- Dallas October 30/31

    Powered By: Fritz Aquatics: ReefBreeders: Sicce:

    Media Partners: ReefHacks: Bahama Llama Coral: Reef2Reef:

    News: Peter- Red Sea United States has made a fairly large change on how they service local fish stores. Effective November 1 of this year Red Sea USA will allow local fish stores to submit their orders for Red Seas's popular line of all-in-one-aquariums directly to Red Sea. In the past stores would submit their orders to their favorite distributor with the distributor then sending the shipment to the store. However, because of the current imbalance of the supply chain Red Sea is trying to get more tanks to customers.

    Jeremy- Poma Labs founder, Dr. Matthew L. Wittenrich, says, I have been obsessed with Maze Angels from before I could ever afford one. The opportunity to breed them and their close relatives to see what falls out has been too tempting not to try. It has taken a while to assemble the breeders, but we have been busy. We have bred and have juveniles of: Maze x Maze Maze x Blue Phantom Blue Phantom x Blueline Blueline x Blue Phantom Blueline x Maze Experimental breeding, and investigating the outcome of these many similar crosses might yield further clues as to the origins of the Maze Angelfish while also producing new varieties for the aquarium trade. Both new hybrids will become available in the next week, with the anticipated average retail price being around $1,000 per 2-inch fish, although certain individuals and other sizes may carry different pricing.

    Main Topic: Science Ahead a discussion on the new ideologies behind nitrification.

    Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: . Instagram: ReefNewsNetwork Hashtags to follow #ReefNewsNetwork , #RNN , #RNNnation

    Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail.

    Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.

    7 October 2021, 11:58 pm
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    RNN175 - Reef Tank Rehab: Annoyance Edition (2021)

    Sizzling Bacon, Marine Science Magnet School Magic, and Reef Tank Rehab: Annoyance Edition. This week we catch up with Jeremy and his mishap and Peter talks studio. All this and more on Episode 175 of the Reef News Network!

    Show Watch 2021 Reef-A-Palooza Chicago October 16/17

    MACNA - Canceled

    Aquashella- Dallas October 30/31

    Powered By: Top Shelf Aquatics: Fritz Aquatics: ReefBreeders: Sicce:

    Media Partners: ReefHacks: Bahama Llama Coral: Reef2Reef:

    News: Peter- To the untrained ear, it might sound like bacon frying in a pan but, to fish, it is the alluring sound of a healthy home. Marine scientists are using underwater speakers to pump out the sound of a potential breakthrough. The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) is in a race against climate change, with bleaching, cyclones and crown-of-thorns outbreaks threatening reefs.

    Jeremy- Linking the Next Generation to Aquaculture Science - To say that teachers faced a challenging two-years while pivoting to protect their students during a pandemic while innovating new educational models to keep them engaged and learning is an understatement. But the Marine Science Magnet High School (MSMHS, Groton, CT) accepted the challenge head-on. In partnership with Mystic Aquarium and the support of Connecticut Sea Grant, MSMHS Aquaculture Teacher Eric Litvinoff conceptualized and delivered an innovative model to keep his kids' hands wet while learning about aquatic husbandry in a hybrid teaching model.

    Main Topic: Perhaps another episode series in the making, today we're going over some of the things that we have dealt with in the past or may have to deal with in the future that can definitely be a real annoyance. Many people have to deal with these annoyances and find them to be some of the real low points of the hobby. We are talking standard issue ups and downs that we all will face in the typical lifespan of a tank. We will go over some ways to get rid of or cope with these annoyances. Let's rework systems, redo flaws and rehab the tank in general so we can refresh your enjoyment level!

    Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: . Instagram: ReefNewsNetwork Hashtags to follow #ReefNewsNetwork , #RNN , #RNNnation

    Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail.

    Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.

    1 October 2021, 2:54 pm
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    RNN174 - Reef Gear Roundup: The Extras (2021)

    A promising study from PIPA, Aquatic Expo, and Reef Gear Roundup: The Extras. This week Peter gives Jeremy the floor to discuss his tank update and some goings-on while he was away. All this and more on Episode 174 of the Reef News Network. RNN Listener Coupon Codes: BRS Reef Pack (Open during certain 24hr windows for applicable discounts) - REEFNEWS Show Watch 2021 Reef-A-Palooza Chicago October 16/17 MACNA - Canceled Aquashella- Dallas October 30/31 Powered By: Fritz Aquatics: ReefBreeders: Sicce: Top Shelf Aquatics: Media Partners: ReefHacks: Bahama Llama Coral: Reef2Reef: News: Jeremy- Some coral communities are becoming more heat tolerant as ocean temperatures rise, offering hope for corals in a changing climate. After a series of marine heatwaves hit the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA) in the central Pacific Ocean, a new study finds the impact of heat stress on the coral communities lessened over time. Peter- Welcome to the Aquatic Expo: The Date: April 2-3, 2022 The Location: Atlanta, GA This 2 day fresh and marine aquatic marketplace will provide an intimate footprint which will focus on attracting new hobbyists while providing experienced hobbyists direct access to exhibitors and unique retail opportunities. Main Topic: We find that there are three camps in the reefing world, those who love gadgets and reef, those who love livestock and the gear is whatever and those who love both! The unsung Heroes, the Extra's the often-overlooked items that can make all the difference with your reef will be the stars of the show in this episode. Even though we are calling this episode 7 great items for your reef, we will provide options, so you can find one or a few of these items that work for your budget and reefstyle! Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: . Instagram: ReefNewsNetwork Hashtags to follow #ReefNewsNetwork , #RNN , #RNNnation Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.

    13 September 2021, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 27 minutes
    RNN173 - No Tears Teardown (2020)

    There are different reasons for a tank tear down and some of those will have unique requirements but there are a lot of commonalities. This week guest host Brett Stout joins us to talk about tank teardown, his new tank, and more! Show Watch 2021 Reef-A-Palooza Chicago October 16/17 MACNA - Canceled Aquashella- Dallas October 30/31 Powered By: Top Shelf Aquatics: Fritz Aquatics: ReefBreeders: Sicce: BRS Reef Pack: Media Partners: ReefHacks: Bahama Llama Coral: Reef2Reef: Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: . Instagram: ReefNewsNetwork Hashtags to follow #ReefNewsNetwork , #RNN , #RNNnation Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.

    3 September 2021, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    RNN172 - Aquashella Homecoming (2021)

    Aquashella Chicago homecoming, new venue but same great taste! Listen in to a variety of interviews with vendors and show staff! Show Watch 2021 Reef-A-Palooza California Postponed Chicago October 16/17 MACNA - Canceled Aquashella- Dallas October 30/31 Powered By: Top Shelf Aquatics: Fritz Aquatics: ReefBreeders: Sicce: BRS Reef Pack: Media Partners: ReefHacks: Bahama Llama Coral: Reef2Reef: Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: . Instagram: ReefNewsNetwork Hashtags to follow #ReefNewsNetwork , #RNN , #RNNnation Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.

    26 August 2021, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    RNN171 - Plastic with Hilary Jaffe (2021)

    Guest host Hilary Jaffe joins RNN again to talk about micros plastics, public aquariums are hiring and crabs getting in the mood! Peter announces Top Shelf Aquatics joins the RNN team as the key sponsor for the new RNN studios, and as always we laugh and joke and have an all-around good time, all this and more on episode 171 of the Reef News Network! Show Watch 2021 Reef-A-Palooza California Postponed Chicago October 16/17 MACNA - Canceled Aquashella- Chicago August 14/15 Dallas October 30/31 Powered By: Top Shelf Aquatics: Fritz Aquatics: ReefBreeders: Sicce: BRS Reef Pack: Media Partners: ReefHacks: Bahama Llama Coral: Reef2Reef: News: Hilary: Public Aquarium: All the Jobs! Apply! Crabs getting turned on by chemicals in plastic. Peter: RNN Studios are coming!!!! Top Shelf Aquatics has joined RNN as a key sponsor to help facilitate the RNN studio build, Fritz Aquatics and OSA have joined too and construction starts in just 2 weeks! Featured Topic: Plastic in the Oceans Fun Facts: *2018 Study: Only 9% of plastic is recycled Most of the plastic that exists is single use.... 1 & done 3-5 million microfibers in our bodies at 1 time each day Things like synthetic fabrics fleece, release ~2 grams of microfibers each wash! Solutions to microfibers: Planet Care Microfiber solution (stops 90%) Patagonia- Guppyfriends washing bag for synthetic garments Natural Fibers (cotton or wood vs synthetic) Hermit Crabs: 2015 Study: 2018/2019 The Swim: 2020 Study: 2021 Study: Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: . Instagram: ReefNewsNetwork Hashtags to follow #ReefNewsNetwork , #RNN , #RNNnation Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.

    13 August 2021, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    RNN170 - RNN WIR Round Table (2021)

    This week we have a Women in Reefing Roundtable discussion with MetroKat, Coralista, and Caffeinated Reefer! We talk about a variety of reefing topics as well as the recent Op-Ed in Coral magazine regarding the hashtags ReefingInHeels! Show Watch 2021 Reef-A-Palooza California Postponed Chicago October 16/17 MACNA - Canceled Aquashella- Chicago August 14/15 Dallas October 30/31 Powered By: Fritz Aquatics: ReefBreeders: Sicce: BRS Reef Pack: Media Partners: ReefHacks: Bahama Llama Coral: Reef2Reef: Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: . Instagram: ReefNewsNetwork Hashtags to follow #ReefNewsNetwork , #RNN , #RNNnation Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.

    6 August 2021, 12:00 am
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