Cutting edge beer and craft brewing and homebrewing information from Jamil Zainasheff and John Palmer. A presentation of The Brewing Network
Travis and Michael take control as they root through the mail bag to answer all of your homebrewing questions! The boys cover sparging times and temperatures, the best way to infuse chocolate in beer, and more!
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Huggy is back, for another round of brewing knowledge-dropping! Today's show is all about answering your homebrewing questions, and the boys have a lot to get through. Topics covered include proper cleaning chemicals, dry yeast usage, long questions, and more!
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Fining your homebrew is often considered one of the last stages of making beer, but it might also be the key to giving you a more stable product. On today's show, Justin and Travis chat with Huggy from Flix Brewhouse to get the rundown on finings - what they do, what they don't do, when to add them, and more!
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It's time once again, to enter the Mail Room and dig around for your homebrewing questions! This time, we have Adrian from Blue Lake Hops on with us to help tackle any and all hop-related questions from you. Topics include water chemistry, fermentation temperatures, and more!
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Making a fresh hop, or wet hop, beer has always been on Mother Nature's timeline. The hops are ready when they are ready and you had better be ok with that. On today's show, the boys talk to Adrian from a company out of Michigan called Blue Lake Hops. These folks have developed a process for preserving fresh-off-the-bine whole cone hops without the standard degradation you might find in other preservation processes, creating a wider opportunity for craft brewers and homebrewers to experiment with the different flavor compounds available in whole cone fresh hops.
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Justin dips into Jamil's mail bag this week, as Michael and Travis guide homebrewers through some tough questions. The boys talk about stir plates for large batches, different ways to add extract to wort, and more!
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Long-time sponsors and friends of the show, Blichmann Engineering, recently had a change in ownership. Drew Barnes worked his way up from the ground floor to becoming the President - and owner - of the entire company! On today's show, the boys chat with Drew and figure out what drove him to homebrewing in the first place, and what his plans are at Blichmann to steer them successfully into the future.
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Jamil and the crew invite Michael "Mufasa" Ferguson back for another round of Question and Answer! Topics include: High Gravity Brewing, Bottle Carbonation, and more!
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Decoction mashing has been something of a debate in homebrewing for decades - should you do it, should you not? To add to this conversation, Jamil and the boys invited good friend of the BN Michael "Mufasa" Ferguson on the show to talk about his thoughts on decoction mashing, and to offer some tips on how to do it the right way!
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It's time for more answers to listener questions! On today's show, the guys are fielding more great homebrewing questions - some are even from this year! Topics include water pH adjustments, the best way to ferment lagers, and more!
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It feels like there's no end to the growing list of terms homebrewers have to learn in order to continue making the best beer possible - which is a good thing, as it means the hobby is still growing! Today, we talk about what "ColdPooling" is, how you do it properly, and why you would even want to.
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