Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk

Dr. James Dobson

Listen to Family Talk, the daily radio broadcast by Dr. James Dobson.

  • Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2
    Is truth becoming extinct on college campuses? On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson continues his conversation with Dr. Everett Piper, former president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, about the crisis of relativism in higher education and his book, Not a Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth. They explore how Christian colleges can uphold biblical principles while preparing students for the real world, and they share critical questions every parent should ask before choosing a college.
    11 March 2025, 6:15 am
  • Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 1
    What happens when a student claims to be offended by a sermon on love? On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson interviews Dr. Everett Piper, the former president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, who experienced this exact situation. They discuss his viral response that sparked a national conversation about truth, education, and the dangers of coddling students. You won’t want to miss this powerful discussion about standing firm in today’s culture.
    10 March 2025, 6:15 am
  • The Fight for Female, Part 2
    What happens when we lose sight of our divine identity? On today’s edition of Family Talk, Roger Marsh concludes his conversation with Lisa Bevere about her compelling book, The Fight for Female. She explores God's design for womanhood, why biblical femininity matters in today's culture, and how to help the next generation embrace their God-given purpose.
    7 March 2025, 7:15 am
  • The Fight for Female, Part 1
    What happens when God’s design for womanhood collides with today’s cultural confusion? On today’s edition of Family Talk, Roger Marsh speaks with best-selling author Lisa Bevere to discuss her powerful new book, The Fight for Female. She shares her journey from skeptic to champion of biblical femininity, and explains why defending God’s design for women matters now more than ever.
    6 March 2025, 7:15 am
  • Cleaning House: Raising Responsible Kids
    Is your home becoming a palace of entitlement? On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson and author Kay Wills Wyma discuss her eye-opening book entitled, Cleaning House.  After realizing her five children expected to be served at every turn, Kay embarked on a 12-month experiment to teach them responsibility and a strong work ethic. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.”
    5 March 2025, 7:15 am
  • The Hon. Michele Bachmann: America Stands with Israel AGAIN, Part 2
    Is religious liberty at risk in America’s relationship with Israel? Today on Family Talk, Gary Bauer continues his conversation with the Hon. Michele Bachmann about faith, freedom, and America’s crucial alliance with Israel. She discusses the biblical significance of recent events and the importance of prayer in shaping our nation’s future. 
    4 March 2025, 7:15 am
  • The Hon. Michele Bachmann: America Stands with Israel AGAIN, Part 1
    How does America’s stance toward Israel affect our nation’s future? On today’s edition of Family Talk, Gary Bauer welcomes the Hon. Michele Bachmann to discuss the dramatic shift in U.S.-Israel relations under the new presidential administration. They also explore the biblical importance of supporting Israel and what it means for America’s future. 
    3 March 2025, 7:15 am
  • Being Pro-Life in 2025, Part 2
    Can doctors help save babies while they’re still in the womb? On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. William Lile shares remarkable stories of life-saving fetal surgeries and medical advances that treat the tiniest patients. Discover how these amazing procedures are transforming our understanding of life before birth and patient’s rights in the womb. 
    28 February 2025, 7:15 am
  • Being Pro-Life in 2025, Part 1
    From blood transfusions to brain surgeries, doctors are performing remarkable procedures to save pre-born babies. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. William Lile shares incredible stories of treating society’s tiniest patients. Using advanced technology, medical teams are saving and transforming lives within the womb.
    27 February 2025, 7:15 am
  • A Legacy of Faith: The Harrison Family, Part 3
    What does faith look like in the face of unimaginable loss? On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson concludes his conversation with Frank and Jan Harrison, who share their journey through grief after losing their 27-year-old son, James. Their candid testimony reveals how God’s presence sustains us in our darkest moments and brings beauty from ashes.
    26 February 2025, 7:15 am
  • A Legacy of Faith: The Harrison Family, Part 2
      How does God redeem our greatest sorrows? Today on Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson sits down again with Frank and Jan Harrison to discuss how God turned their deepest loss into an extraordinary harvest. They’ll share how their late son, James, had a passion for serving others in Africa that sparked a worldwide ministry reaching thousands for Christ.
    25 February 2025, 7:15 am
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