There Are Four Mics: A Star Trek Podcast

There Are Four Mics

There Are Four Mics is a weekly podcast dedicated to group discussion of Star Trek episodes and movies in stardate order. Currently working our way through Enterprise. Released every Wednesday.

  • 41 minutes 19 seconds
    Star Trek Enterprise 03x14 - Stratagem (TAFM 071)

    The crew of the Enterprise gets really clever this episode, nearly pulling off a ruse that might have saved them a lot of time and effort had they succeeded. Unfortunately, its the Expanse, and this is Enterprise, so of course something had to go amiss.

    Episode Title: Strategem Written By: Michael Sussman and Terry Matalas Directed By: Mike Vejar Notable Guest Stars: Randy Oglesby (Degra) First Aired: February 04, 2004 Canon Date: December 12th, 2153

    There Are Four Mics is a weekly Star Trek podcast discussing the Star Trek episodes and movies in stardate order. Join Jason Allen and Joe Heiser as we discuss the 14th episode of season three of Star Trek: Enterprise, Strategem.

    15 August 2018, 8:16 pm
  • 48 minutes 15 seconds
    Star Trek Enterprise 03x13 - Proving Ground - TAFM 070

    The Expanse. Mysterious. Lonely. Cold. Hostile.

    An isolated corner of the galaxy with nary a friendly face for light ye-- Wait.

    Is that Shran?

    Episode Title: Proving Ground Written By: Chris Black Directed By: David Livingston Notable Guest Stars: Jeffrey Combs (Shran), Molly Brink (Lieutenant Talas), Randy Oglesby (Degra), Granville Van Dusen (Andorian General) First Aired: January 21, 2004 Canon Date: December 6th, 2153

    There Are Four Mics is a weekly Star Trek podcast discussing the Star Trek episodes and movies in stardate order. Join Jason Allen and Joe Heiser as we discuss the 13th episode of season three of Star Trek: Enterprise, Proving Ground.

    9 August 2018, 4:49 am
  • 58 minutes 25 seconds
    Star Trek Enterprise 03x12 - Chosen Realm - TAFM 069

    The Enterprise is taken over by a group of Triannon religious zealots seeking to use Starfleet's advance weapons to destroy the heretic forces on their homeworld. Things go exactly as planned.

    No they don't.

    Episode Title: Chosen Realm Written By: Manny Coto Directed By: Roxann Dawson Notable Guest Stars: Conor O’Farrel (D’Jamat), Vince Grant (Yarrick), Lindsey Stoddart (Indava), Tayler Sheridan (Jareb), David Youse (Nalbis), Gregory Wagrowski (Ceris)First Aired: January 14th, 2004 Canon Date: Unknown 2153

    There Are Four Mics is a weekly Star Trek podcast discussing the Star Trek episodes and movies in stardate order. Join Jason Allen and Joe Heiser as we discuss the 12th episode of season three of Star Trek: Enterprise, Chosen Realm.

    13 July 2018, 2:16 am
  • 42 minutes 55 seconds
    Star Trek Enterprise 03x11 - Carpenter Street - TAFM 068

    The Temporal Cold War story line isn't quite dead yet! Daniels pops back into Archer's life just long enough to send our Captain and back to 2004 era Detroit to stop some kind of Xindi plot. 

    Episode Title: Carpenter Street Written By: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga Directed By: Michael Vejar Notable Guest Stars: Leland Orser (Loomis), Matt Winston (Temporal Agent Daniels) Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Xindi Reptillian) First Aired: November 26, 2003 Canon Date: Unknown 2153 / October 2004

    There Are Four Mics is a weekly Star Trek podcast discussing the Star Trek episodes and movies in stardate order. Join Jason Allen and Joe Heiser as we discuss the 11th episode of season three of Star Trek: Enterprise, Carpenter Street.

    28 June 2018, 10:13 pm
  • 50 minutes 7 seconds
    Star Trek Enterprise 03x10 - Similitude - TAFM 067

    Similitude should be one of those episodes that comes to mind whenever you think of Enterprise. If there were a reward for most "Star Trek-esque" episode, this would be in the running.

    Episode Title: Similitude Written By: Manny Coto  Directed By: LeVar Burton Notable Guest Stars: Maximillian Orion Kesmodel (Sim age 4), Adam Taylor Gordon (Sim age 8), Shane Sweet (Sim age 17) First Aired: November 19th, 2003 Canon Date: Unknown (2153)

    20 June 2018, 6:34 pm
  • 50 minutes 43 seconds
    Star Trek Enterprise 03x09 - North Star - TAFM 066

    Our first cowboy episode! We both went into this episode expecting the worst, but ended up pleasantly surprised! 

    Episode Title: Star Trek Enterprise 03x09 - North Star Written By: David A. Goodman Directed By: David Straiton Notable Guest Stars: Emily Bergl (Bethany), Glen Morshower (Macready), James Parks (Deputy Bennings) First Aired: November 12, 2003 Canon Date: Unknown 2153

    13 June 2018, 5:07 pm
  • 43 minutes 39 seconds
    Star Trek Enterprise 03x08 - Twilight - TAFM 065

    Quantum Leap's Sam Beckett awakens to find himself in the body of the former captain of the starship Enterprise, Jonathan Archer. Due to crippling amnesia, he is unaware that a decade has passed since the Captain's mission to prevent the destruction of Earth has failed. With the help of Archer's companion T'Pol and his former crewmates, he manages to piece together Archer's past and put things right that once went wrong.

    All kidding aside. Friggen fantastic episode. 

    Star Trek: Enterprise 03x08 - Twilight Written By: Mike Sussman Directed By: Robert Duncan McNeill Notable Guest Stars: Gary Graham (Ambassador Soval)

    There Are Four Mics is a weekly Star Trek podcast discussing the Star Trek episodes and movies in stardate order. Join Jason Allen and Joe Heiser as we discuss the 8th episode of season three of Star Trek: Enterprise, Twilight.

    17 May 2018, 11:00 am
  • 49 minutes 36 seconds
    Star Trek Enterprise 03x07 - The Shipment - TAFM 064

    Following a lead given to them by Hoshi's captor from a previous episode, the Enterprise arrives at a kemocite processing facility supporting the construction of the Xindi weapon. Archer goes in all rough and tumble but accidentally makes a friend instead.

    Star Trek: Enterprise 03x07 - The Shipment Written By: Chris Black, Brent V. Friedman Directed By: David Straiton Guest Stars: John Cothran, Jr., Randy Oglesby, Steven Culp, John Eddins


    There Are Four Mics is a weekly Star Trek podcast discussing the Star Trek episodes and movies in stardate order. Join Jason Allen and Joe Heiser as we discuss the 7th episode of season three of Star Trek: Enterprise, The Shipment.

    9 May 2018, 5:53 pm
  • 59 minutes 47 seconds
    Star Trek Enterprise 03x06 - Exile - TAFM 063

    Beauty and the Beast, but with Hoshi and no dancing furniture. Star Trek: Enterprise 3x06 - Exile Written By: Phyllis Strong Directed By: Roxann Dawson Guest Stars: Maury Sterling

    There Are Four Mics is a weekly Star Trek podcast discussing the Star Trek episodes and movies in stardate order. Join Chris Keeley, Jason Allen, Joe Heiser, and Joshua B. Jones as we discuss the 6th episode of season three of Star Trek: Enterprise, Exile.

    2 May 2018, 11:00 am
  • 47 minutes 54 seconds
    Star Trek Enterprise 03x05 - Impulse - TAFM 062

    Responding to an automated distress call, the Enterprise finds the Seleya, a Vulcan ship that entered the Expanse nine months previously, derelict in an asteroid field rich in Trellium-D. Rescue efforts go sideways, as the Vulcan crew is exhibiting classic signs of Zombie-ism.

    Star Trek: Enterprise 3x05 - Impulse Directed by David Livingston Written by Jonathan Fernandez, Terry Matalas Guest Stars: Sean McGowan

    There Are Four Mics is a weekly Star Trek podcast discussing the Star Trek episodes and movies in stardate order. Join Jason Allen and Joe Heiser as we discuss the 5th episode of season three of Star Trek: Enterprise, Impulse.

    Cold Open

    Archer carries an injured and crazed T’Pol into the Medbay as she screaming her intent to murder the captain.

    Part I

    A day before the events in the Medbay, Archer and Trip are discussing bring back movie night when they pick up a Vulcan distress call. Archer and a team to take a shuttlepod through a dense field of Trellium-D laden asteroids to reach T’Pol’s former ship and crew. After the Vulcan vessel is unresponsive to their hails, they board it to find it in a state of unnerving disarray. Even more unnerving is the arrival of a Zombie Vulcan that tries to kill T’Pol until he is phasered by Archer.

    Hordes of zombie Vulcans descend onto the boarding party, blocking their ability to retreat to their shuttlepod. They begin making their way to the Vulcan sickbay to treat Corporal Hawkins injury, as T’Pol clearly begins to start suffering the effects of whatever has incapicated the Vulcan crew and she starts losing control over her emotions. Meanwhile, not having any luck beaming over Trellium-D asteroids, Travis and Trip take a shuttlepod out to manually collect some. Unfortunately once they land, an anomaly alters the course of the asteroid and sends them barreling dangerously into the densest section.

    Part 2

    Archer and the gang make it to the bridge, but when they call the Enterprise asking for help they learn that Trip and Travis’ little asteroid adventure has disabled their only means of rescue for a few hours. Paranoia begins setting in on T’Pol and she briefly pulls a phaser set to kill on the Captain before his kick-ass moves saves his skin. Using the bio-data Archer transmitted, Phlox discovers that Trellium-D is a deadly neurotoxin for Vulcans and T’Pol will need to get treatment immediately before the effects are permanent. As if all this wasn’t enough, the Vulcans begin flooding the away team’s hideout with a deadly gas.

    The Enterprise away team overloads the ship’s system in order to clear the bulkheads keeping them from the shuttlepod. As the ship begins exploding around them, T’Pol’s mental state also continues to deteriorate, culminating in Archer stunning her. The crew fight their way through Vulcan zombies back to their shuttlepod when Shuttlepod Two finally arrives at blasts the locked docking clamp freeing them to make their escape. Phlox is able to heal T’Pol but they aren’t aren’t going to be able to use that Trelium-D Trip and Travis collected to protect the Enterprise until he can come up with an inoculation for T’Pol. Even though she’s safely back aboard her ship, T’Pol’s dreams continue to be haunted by Zombie Vulcans.

    25 April 2018, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Star Trek Enterprise - 3x04 - Rajiin - TAFM 061

    Chasing another lead in their pursuit of the Xindi, the Enterprise crew takes on a passenger attempting to escape slavery. Turns out this Rajiin character isn't as innocent as she appears, as she begins gathering data on Archer and the rest of the crew using her super powers.

    Star Trek: Enterprise 3x04 - Rajiin Directed by Michael Vejar Written by Chris Black, Brent V. Friedman, Paul Brown Guest Stars: Nikita Ager, Tucker Smallwood, Randy Olgesby, Rick Worthy, Scott MacDonald

    There Are Four Mics is a weekly Star Trek podcast discussing the Star Trek episodes and movies in stardate order. Join Jason Allen and Joe Heiser as we discuss the 4th episode of season three of Star Trek: Enterprise, Rajiin.

    Cold Open

    The Xindi Council meets discussing how to proceed after experiencing setbacks in their plans to destroy Earth. If Degra doesn’t make progress soon, the council may consider alternatives.

    Part 1

    In the middle of his neuro-pressure sessions, Trip expresses some concerns about the gossip going around about his relationship with T’Pol, but she doesn’t mind. After Archer gets some cream put on his lesions from his recent transformation into an alien species, the Enterprise swings by a trading post to see if they can nab some Trellium-D. Instead they get a line on some recent Xindi visitors, and end up liberating a slave named Rajiin instead.

    In exchange for some spices, the Enterprise acquires the recipe for liquid Trellium-D. Turns out that making this stuff can get real nasty, so Trip and T’Pol  set up a lab behind some emergency bulkheads just in case. Good thing, cuz their first batch blows up the place. Rajiin swings by the captain’s quarters to thank him for his kindness by demonstrating her quote unquote gifts, and later when Rajiin is poking around the transporter, she encounters Hoshi who seems like she would also like to experience those gifts. Somehow Rajiin ends up breaking into T’Pol’s quarters instead.

    Part 2

    Rajiin accosts and overpowers T’Pol, and after nobody answers his doorbell ringing, Trip busts in but gets bonked on the head real bad. She uses her mental powers to try and make her way off her ship back to her partner, but the Enterprise gang is able to rally before she beams away. The Captain swings by the brig to manhandle his prisoner when Reed interrupts to inform him that two Reptillian Xindi craft are approaching the Enterprise.

    After a guilt trip from Archer, Rajiin divulges that the Xindi are developing a bio-weapon and she was on a mission to gather the necessary information to help that process. Three Xindi boarding parties converge to liberate Rajiiin from the brig, The Captain orders a pursuit course, but the Xindi disappear into some kind of vortex and disappear. Rajiin is dragged out into the Xindi Council and displays the bio-information she collected. The Council doesn’t seem happy about the Reptilians going rogue on this mission, but they decide to pursue the bio-weapon as well as their Earth-destroying-plan.

    18 April 2018, 3:54 pm
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