Carol Mundy, the host of the radio show Outdoor Life, collaborates on this second episode about cats. This episode focuses on feral cats and was inspired by an email from listener Steve Inglish.
Related episode: Cats
Our sources for this episode include:
Bob runs into a pet opossum with his grandson Drew and his friend Graeme in a city park. Poppy is very cute and inspired us to listen to a podcast Bob and Bill recorded back in 2017.
Related episodes: Bat in the House and Sick of Ticks
Our sources for this episode include:
Bob joins Carol Mundy on her radio show Outdoor Life to discuss one of the most successful invasive species on the planet the house cat.
Our sources for this episode include:
Bob and Tina record in front of a live audience to share stories about crows. This bird is easy to identify but its behavior is very complex. Find our why Tina is a crow lover and listen to some amazing stories about crows. If you have your own crow story share it on our website via speak pipe or in the comment section for this episode.
Our sources for this episode include:
Sam and Greg join Bob at the Civic Garden Center’s Fall Native Plant Festival. They have an engaging presentation about the benefits and history of this under appreciated plant.
Related episode: Johnny Appleseed
Our sources for this episode include:
Caroline joins Bob to talk about her true passion Native Grasses. Learn how these grasses can add to the diversity of life in the landscapes of our neighborhoods.
Related episodes: Lawns, Boxwood Bash
Our sources for this episode include:
Bob and Greg delve into one of their favorite plants, the Prickly Pear Cactus. It has a range far beyond the dessert so you should be able to find it in your area.
Our sources for this episode include:
Turkey Tail mushrooms are everywhere! Gia admits that mushrooms may be her favorite things in nature. Learn all about one of the most common and easy to find mushrooms.
Our sources for this episode include:
Bob and Beth led family hikes at the Arc of Appalachia Highlands Nature Sanctuary in April of 2024. After the hikes they recorded a podcast with some of the hikers. Tune in to hear about wildflowers and more from the perspective of the children on the hike.
Central Indiana had clear skies for the April 8, 2024 eclipse! Bob joined a fantastic group of family, friends and other nature lovers at Jenkins Forever Farm animal sanctuary for a spectacular eclipse. He was able to record some of their reactions before, during and after the eclipse.
Related Episodes: Eclipse with Dean Regas, Eclipse Lovers
In the final episode of the Invasive Plant Series Bob, Greg and Sam outline several possible paths that the common person can undertake to help turn the tide of invasive plants. From education and community driven initiatives to pushing market changes through purchasing power, we can all do a small part to make a big difference.
Related Episodes: Walnut Woods, Invasive Plants, Lawns, Gardening for Moths with Jim McCormac, The Nature of Oaks with Doug Tallamy
For more information, we recommend these sources: