After a journey of sixty trillion kilometers, Konyechny arrives at the new world.
And there are surprises waiting.
Some of them are good.
Some connections are lost, but some new ones are forged. Chris climbs out of a hole and Nadia throws a party. And one of the longest-held mysteries of this entire adventure is finally explained...
The mysterious voice does indeed turn out to be an important person. Chris and Mac work on an idea that may change the whole world for the better, and meanwhile Prithvi is doing the same! And the day Chris has been dreading for years ... has arrived.
Can Marcus and Sophia -- with help from Nadia -- get Chris back inside the ship before all of his air vents out into space? Can Mac be persuaded to look for something every other scientist on Earth has missed? And could Dr. Mason finally be losing his one and only mind?
Hurtling through the universe in a spaceship is dangerous enough ... leaving that ship and going outside to fix something, well ... that's a whole different level of danger.
A long-held secret is at last uncovered. Will it change Chris and Sophia's relationship forever? This episode answers that question, too, by jumping ahead a few years ...!
Nadia faces the reality of her ethical dilemma, Sophia and Marcus have some happy times before being confronted with a personal crisis, and then ... the lid gets blown off a long-held and deep-dark secret...
This one is all about Sophia.... what other people think of her, what she thinks of herself, how she got to be who she is, and how she's changing.
Meanwhile, Nadia has been making some big plans...
Our heroes have a lot of questions, and it's just possible that the elusive Lewis Annstee has the answers! Possibly even all of them!
What happened to Lewis Annstee? Why is Chris so concerned about the plans for Peter Miblin's body? Will Nadia apologize to Sophia as she promised? What is Marta doing in Mission Control? Why is the Mission Control Life Sciences Monitor sitting in the Flight Director's chair? And what will Marcus and Prithvi say when they witness ... a miracle? Most (but not all) of these questions will be answered in episode 51!
Shannon Perry, David S. Dear, and Lee Shackleford talk about each other's shows. A mutual admiration society.