The Hardcore Self Help Podcast with Duff the Psych

Robert Duff, Ph.D.

  • 28 minutes 37 seconds
    407: Am I Just My Anxiety Now? Dealing with Extreme Anxiety and Career Changes

    Navigating Intense Anxiety and Career Changes

    Hello, friends! In today’s episode, we tackle two profound listener questions that may resonate with many of you:

    Managing Severe Anxiety: A listener is struggling with intense daily anxiety and dissociation, impacting their ability to function in daily tasks like going to work or shopping. We discuss immediate tips, potential medical checks, and therapy approaches to manage anxiety effectively.

    Considering a Career Shift: Another listener is contemplating a career change from music education to educational psychology. They seek advice on the feasibility, job prospects, and resources to pursue this new career path.

    As always, you can send me questions to [email protected] and find the full show notes for this episode at

    00:00 Introduction to Anxiety 00:17 Episode Overview and Listener Questions 00:56 Engaging with the Community 01:45 Addressing Severe Anxiety 05:15 Exploring Medical and Therapeutic Options 11:24 Understanding Anxiety and Fear 20:43 Career Change Considerations 28:10 Conclusion and Farewell

    This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Head over to for 10% off your first month.

    Links mentioned:

    26 July 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    406: People Are WRONG About OCD w Dr. Patrick McGrath of NOCD

    In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Patrick McGrath, Chief Clinical Officer at NOCD and a leading expert in OCD treatment. We dive deep into understanding OCD, debunking common misconceptions, and exploring the most effective treatment approaches. Dr. McGrath shares practical advice for managing OCD and introduces an amazing new tool that’s helping people across the country manage OCD from the comfort of their own homes. Whether you're personally affected by OCD, know someone who is, or just want to learn more about mental health, this episode is packed with valuable insights and actionable tips.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Misconceptions About OCD:

      • Discover what OCD really is and debunk common myths.
      • Understand the difference between media portrayals and reality.
    • Effective Treatment Approaches:

      • Learn about Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy.
      • Find out what works and what doesn’t in OCD treatment.
      • Explore Dr. McGrath's innovative approach to virtual ERP therapy.
    • Practical Advice for Managing OCD:

      • Get strategies for handling intrusive thoughts and compulsions.
      • Tips for avoiding reassurance-seeking, distraction, and substance use.
    • Introducing NOCD:

      • Learn about NOCD, an online platform offering accessible OCD therapy.
      • Understand how NOCD works and its benefits for people across the country.
      • Find out how NOCD is making treatment more affordable and effective.

    Personal Insights:

    • Hear Dr. McGrath's personal journey with anxiety and how it shaped his career.
    • Gain inspiration from his transformation from a bullied child to a leading mental health expert.

    Be sure to check out NOCD at and send me a question or topic for a future episode of the show at 

    19 July 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 31 minutes 40 seconds
    405: Does Joe Biden Have Dementia? An Expert Perspective.
    Does Joe Biden Have Dementia? A Neuropsychologist's Perspective   In this episode, I discuss the current political climate in the United States and my concerns as a neuropsychologist regarding the cognitive abilities of President Joe Biden. I explain the difference between normal aging, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia, and provide analysis of Biden's speech abilities from various clips over the years. While I emphasize that it's challenging to diagnose cognitive decline without comprehensive testing, I provide insights into what a professional evaluation would entail and discuss why it's critical to consider cognitive health for a role as demanding as the presidency.   This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Visit for 10% off your first month of online therapy.   As always, you can send me questions or topic suggestions to [email protected] and find the full show notes at 
    13 July 2024, 9:05 pm
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    404: The Truth About Ketamine with Dr. Chantelle Thomas

    Hello, friends!

    In today’s episode, we delve into the transformative potential of ketamine therapy for mental health with Dr. Chantalle Thomas, a leading expert in ketamine-assisted psychotherapy.

    Dr. Thomas is a trainer in Fluence’s Advanced Certificate in Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy as well as Executive Clinical Director at Windrose Recovery.

    Dr. Thomas discusses the complexities of ketamine as a treatment, its various administration routes, and the profound changes it can facilitate when integrated with therapy. We also explore the importance of therapeutic integration in maximizing the benefits of ketamine, the ethical considerations in psychedelic medicine, and navigating the current regulatory landscape.

    Additionally, Dr. Thomas shares her personal journey into mental health and psychedelics, and the importance of authenticity and attachment theory in therapy.

    As always, you can send me questions to [email protected] and find the full show notes for this episode at



    5 July 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 31 minutes 38 seconds
    403: My Thoughts on Meds & Mocking During Arguments

    Hello, friends!

    In today’s episode, we tackle two profound listener questions that may resonate with many of you:

    1. How Do You Feel About Antidepressants and Anti-Anxiety Medications? A listener asks about the use of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications, expressing concerns about addiction and the potential difficulty of getting off these meds. Dr. Duff shares his positive personal experience with Lexapro, explaining the various classes of medications, including SSRIs, SNRIs, and benzodiazepines. He emphasizes the importance of evaluating both the benefits and potential side effects of these medications, as well as considering the cost of not using them. Dr. Duff also addresses misconceptions about feeling disconnected from reality due to medication and discusses the concept of psychological and physiological dependence.

    2. Dealing with a Hurtful Partner: Another listener seeks advice on how to help their partner understand the impact of their hurtful behavior, which includes yelling and mocking. Dr. Duff offers empathetic support, acknowledging the listener's heartbreak. He outlines the importance of healthy conflict resolution, setting personal boundaries, and recognizing signs of potential abuse. Dr. Duff encourages open communication and suggests resources for improving relationship dynamics, while also addressing the need for safety and support when dealing with ongoing hurtful behavior.

    As always, you can send me questions to [email protected] and find the full show notes for this episode at

    28 June 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 55 minutes 10 seconds
    402: Actress Jenn Harris on Intimacy and Aging into Confidence

    Guest: Jenn Harris, Award-Winning Director, Writer, Actor, and Producer

    Host: Dr. Robert Duff

    Episode Description: In this episode, Dr. Robert Duff welcomes the incredibly talented Jenn Harris to the show. Jenn Harris is an award-winning director, writer, actor, and producer known for her diverse and impactful work in film and theater. Jenn discusses her latest short film, "She's Clean," which delves into the nuances of intimacy and sexual autonomy in middle age. The conversation explores Jenn's creative journey, the inspiration behind her work, and her thoughts on intimacy, confidence, and aging.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    • Introduction to Jenn Harris: An overview of Jenn's career and achievements, including her work in the Oscar-winning film "American Fiction" and her latest short film "She's Clean."
    • Jenn's Creative Journey: How Jenn transitioned from wanting to be a doctor to finding her passion in the entertainment industry, and her experiences in theater and film.
    • The Concept of "She's Clean": Jenn explains the inspiration behind her short film and its unique setting in a bathroom, exploring themes of intimacy and sexual freedom.
    • Intimacy and Confidence: A deep dive into how Jenn views intimacy in various relationships, the role of confidence in her work and personal life, and how she has aged into confidence over the years.
    • Filmmaking Challenges: Jenn shares the visual and technical challenges she faced while making "She's Clean" and how she approached these creatively.
    • The Role of Intimacy Coordinators: Jenn discusses the importance of having intimacy coordinators on set and how they help create a safe and comfortable environment for actors.
    • Personal Insights:

    Jenn reflects on her own experiences with intimacy, relationships, and personal growth, sharing anecdotes and lessons learned along the way.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Jenn’s perspective on the comedic and serious elements of intimacy in filmmaking.
    • The significance of choosing a bathroom as the primary setting for "She's Clean."
    • Insights into Jenn’s collaborative process with her team, including the role of her editor and intimacy coordinator.
    • The impact of societal expectations on personal choices and relationships, particularly in the context of non-monogamy and traditional norms.
    • Jenn’s advice on navigating creative projects and maintaining authenticity in one’s work.


    • "Intimacy is something that's always been comfortable for me, and I think it's a huge part of human behavior that we should observe and understand."
    • "There isn't room for doubt. It will not serve the day. It will not serve the script. It will not serve the scene."
    • "It's really nice when people don't take advantage of my openness in a way."

    Resources Mentioned:

    Sponsor: Today's episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Reflect on your progress and set achievable goals with the help of a licensed therapist. Visit for 10% off your first month.

    Connect with Dr. Duff:

    21 June 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 50 minutes 53 seconds
    401: Adult Star Turned Therapist Jennie Ketcham Crooks on Digital Overconsumption and Reconnecting to Life

    In this episdoe, I sit down with Jennie Ketcham-Crooks, a licensed therapist, anxiety specialist, and author of the upcoming book "Look Up: The 30-Day Path to Digital Minimalism and Real Life Maximalism."

    Jennie shares her compelling journey from an adult film performer to a transformative therapist, opening up about the pivotal moments that shaped her path. They delve deep into the challenges of reducing digital overconsumption, discussing practical, evidence-based strategies from Jennie's book that can help you realign your life with your values and build meaningful real-world connections.

    Discover how to take on a 30-day challenge designed to shift your smartphone use from unintentional to intentional, making every minute count towards your personal fulfillment. Robert and Jennie also explore the importance of maintaining human connections in the digital age, the potential impacts of overusing smartphones, and how to cultivate a balanced, intentional relationship with technology. Don't miss Jennie's unique insights on parenting, mental health, and the value of vulnerability and intimacy. Tune in for an episode packed with valuable advice, heartfelt stories, and actionable tips to help you navigate the digital world mindfully. Whether you're looking to cut down on screen time, connect more deeply with those around you, or simply hear an inspiring story of transformation, this interview has something for you.

    Be sure to check out Jennie on intagram and at her website to stay tuned for updates on her new book!

    This episode is brought to you by OneSkin for wonderfully light mineral sunscreen oil that also works to heal your skin at the cellular level. Get 15% off your first purchase over at with the code "DUFF".


    14 June 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 27 minutes 32 seconds
    400: Mystery Question & Rapid Fire Q&A

    Hello, everyone!

    Thank you SO much for joining me for episode 400. I can't believe it's been 400 episodes already. Blows my mind. In this episode, I have a (creepy) mystery question that I share, and I also go through some rapid fire questions from the Hardcore Self Help Facebook group.

    A special shout out to everyone who has been with me from the start. Here is to the next 100 episodes! 

    As always, you can send me questions to [email protected] and find the full transcript at



    Feeling proud of yourself for 2024 so far? Take time to celebrate your wins and make adjustments. Therapy is a great tool for setting goals, and BetterHelp offers convenient, online sessions to fit your schedule. Just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and switch anytime at no extra cost. Visit for 10% off your first month.

    7 June 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 52 seconds
    399: Dating with a Stutter & Self-Harm Scars

    Hello, friends!

    In today’s episode, we tackle two profound listener questions that may resonate with many of you:

    Navigating Dating with a Stutter: A 38-year-old listener shares their struggles with stuttering, particularly how it impacts their dating life. They often need months to work up the courage to ask someone out and lose confidence if they stutter while doing so. We explore the nature of stuttering, its psychological impacts, and offer practical advice on managing anxiety, building self-confidence, and embracing one's uniqueness in social contexts. 

    Overcoming Self-Harm Scars and Building Confidence: Another listener, who self-harmed from ages 12 to 15, describes the ongoing shame they feel about their visible scars, which has affected their dating life and social activities. They seek advice on how to overcome this fear and become more open about their past. We discuss strategies for self-acceptance, the importance of vulnerability, and ways to reframe scars as symbols of resilience and survival.

    As always, you can send me questions to [email protected] and find the full show notes for this episode at


    I've been pretty open with you guys about my health journey and my goal to reduce blood pressure. That's why I'm excited about Magic Mind, a mental performance shot that includes L-theanine to help you stay energized all day without the crash from caffeine. You can get 48% off your first subscription or 20% off a one-time purchase with the code DUFF at


    31 May 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 35 minutes 58 seconds
    398: Choosing to be Childless, Sex Mismatch, & Inpatient Treatment

    Hello, friends!

    In today’s episode, we tackle three insightful listener questions that many of you might relate to:

    Choosing Not to Have Biological Children Due to Mental Illness: A listener shares their decision to not have biological children to avoid passing on their mental health struggles. They feel confident in this choice but encounter surprise and judgment from others. We discuss the validity of their decision, the heritability of mental health conditions, and the importance of respecting personal choices.

    Navigating Barriers to Inpatient Mental Health Treatment: Another listener is considering inpatient treatment but faces significant logistical and financial barriers. We explore the challenges of dealing with insurance, paperwork, and managing life responsibilities during treatment. Suggestions for alternative treatment options like intensive outpatient programs (IOP) and partial-hospitalization programs (PHP) are also discussed.

    Addressing Mismatched Sex Drives in a Relationship: A listener in a relationship with differing sex drives seeks advice on how to encourage their partner to address potential low testosterone or other medical issues affecting their libido. We delve into the complexities of communication about sexual needs, potential underlying relationship issues, and strategies for fostering open dialogue and seeking professional help.

    As always, you can send me questions to [email protected] and find the full show notes for this episode at


    OneSkin This episode is brought to you by OneSkin. Their products, formulated with the OS1 peptide, target skin aging at the cellular level, helping to strengthen the skin barrier and reduce signs of aging. Get 15% off with code DUFF at

    BetterHelp This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Therapy can help you manage stress and improve mental health. Get started with BetterHelp, an online platform suited to your schedule. Visit for 10% off your first month.

    24 May 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 49 minutes 28 seconds
    397: What Kind of Therapy Is Right for Me?

    Hello, friends!

    In today’s episode, we dive deep into a listener’s question about finding the right therapy for a variety of complex mental health issues. This 29-year-old woman is struggling with childhood trauma, mental health challenges such as anxiety and depression, and relationship issues. She is also seeking guidance on possible autism/ADHD symptoms and needs help navigating the overwhelming array of therapy options available.

    We explore the IPA framework (Immediacy, Problem, Approach) to help her and others identify the most suitable types of therapy. Additionally, we discuss the different types of therapists and their qualifications, the importance of cultural competency, and practical tips for finding a good therapist using various resources. This episode is a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to start their therapy journey.

    As always, you can send me questions to [email protected] and find the full show notes for this episode at

    Support for today’s episode comes from OneSkin. I’m really excited to share OneSkin’s products with you because I’ve seen great results myself. Their topical supplements are scientifically proven and free from over 1,500 chemicals and preservatives that can cause irritation, making them perfect for sensitive skin. Just cleanse, pat your skin dry, and apply their OS-1 Face, Eye, Body, or Shield products twice daily. They fit easily into your current skincare routine.

    Founded by an all-woman team of scientists, OneSkin’s products target cellular senescence, a key hallmark of aging. Their OS-01 peptide has been shown to reverse skin’s biological age by reducing senescent cells by up to 50%. For a limited time, you can try OneSkin for 15% off using the code DUFF at

    17 May 2024, 5:00 pm
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