Dr Frederic Bertley is a leading educator, President and CEO of the Center for Science and Industry (COSI), one of America’s top-ranked science museums. Dr Karl explores tactics in the war on Pseudo and Anti-science.
Feelings live in our brain. Some are painful like anxiety and addiction and can ruin lives. So why aren't hypnotherapy treatments more widely used? Dr Karl asks Stanford University psychiatrist and leading researcher on hypnosis Dr David Spiegel with 50 year's experience.
What will our human space colonies look like? Dr Karl checks with research spanning more than 10,000 years. Meet University of Sydney's Professor Roland Fletcher.
Stand-up comedian, ex-maths teacher and author Matt Parker chats about his bestselling book on three-sided figures called Love Triangle. Dr Karl explores what fascinates us about trigonometry.
When Artificial Intelligence is everywhere what should be the rules? Dr Karl and Natasha Blycha test Isaac Asimov's Laws of Robotics and find they need updating.
Author and astrophysicist Marcus Chown tells of the forgotten Australian female astronomer who helped discover the first black hole. Dr Karl digs deeper into Marcus' latest book on black holes "A Crack in Everything".
Author and astrophysicist Marcus Chown is a great explainer. A British stargazer, he studied under Richard Feynman in California. Dr Karl puts him to the test talking about Marcus' latest book on black holes "A Crack in Everything".
Dr Karl uncovers a lifelong Australian quest to restore comfort and hearing with custom made eardrum transplants. Called Cleardrums, Professor Marcus Atlas is close to passing regulatory hurdles for human trials.
Prof Puckett from the US explains how America lost its fire ant war and Jess Ward-Jones on the struggle to learn what is killing our Alpine Eucalypts (Snow Gums).
Professor Richard Scolyer is the 2024 joint Australian of the Year. Dr Karl probes skin cancer therapies and immunotherapies with a researcher who has put his life on the line.
Phones made today are super smart. Fast and versatile they can be so powerful to be spooky. Dr Matt joins Dr Karl to peel back the AI layers for a set of rules for the future.
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