From the first human civilizations to the Hellenistic and Roman eras
Synopsis: Part 2 of a two-part Spotlight series on the rise and fall of the Roman Emperor Galerius: refugee, herdsman, soldier, Caesar, Augustus, Tetrarch, conqueror, schemer, would-be ruler of the (Dacian?) Empire, and persecutor of the Christians. A rollicking Third Century romp inspired by my current residence in his former tetrarchal capital of Thessaloniki, Greece.
“Galerius…was born to wipe out the disgrace incurred by Valerian’s capture.” – The Historia Augusta
“Had I a hundred mouths, a hundred tongues, A voice of brass, and adamantine lungs, Not half the dreadful scene could I disclose.” – Lactantius, On the Deaths of the Persecutors
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Synopsis: Part 1 of a two-part Spotlight series on the rise and fall of the Roman Emperor Galerius: refugee, herdsman, soldier, Caesar, Augustus, Tetrarch, conqueror, schemer, would-be ruler of the (Dacian?) Empire, and persecutor of the Christians. A rollicking Third Century romp inspired by my current residence in his former tetrarchal capital of Thessaloniki, Greece.
“Galerius…(was) trained to arms in the severe school of Aurelian and Probus.” – Edward Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
“In this wild beast there dwelt a native barbarity and a savageness foreign to Roman blood; and no wonder, for his mother was born beyond the Danube.” – Lactantius, On the Deaths of the Persecutors
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Synopsis: Faced with a series of disloyal vassals, Sargon conquers the remaining Neo-Hittite kingdoms and absorbs them into his empire. The Cimmerian invasion of Anatolia leads to the deaths of two powerful kings. In their absence, the preservation of peace and stability falls to local rulers such as Azatiwadas of Quwe.
“I am Azatiwadas, the Sun God’s man, servant of Tarhunzas, whom Awariku, king of Adanawa, made great. Tarhunzas made me mother and father to Adanawa, and I caused Adanawa to prosper. I extended the plain of Adanawa on the one hand towards the west and on the other hand toward the east, and in my days Adanawa had all good things, plentiness, and luxury. I filled the Paharean granaries, and I made horse upon horse, and I made army upon army, and I made shield upon shield, all with the help of Tarhunzas and the gods.” – Bilingual (Luwian/Phoenician) inscription of Azatiwadas, late 8th/early 7th century BC, recovered from the stone gates of his fortress at Azatiwadaya (Karatape-Aslantas, Turkiye).
Information on the Neo-Hittite fortress of Azatiwadaya (Karatepe-Aslantas, Turkiye):
Map of the Iron Age Near East:
Map of Iron Age Anatolia:
Map of Iron Age Northern Syria:
Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan:
List of Regional Kings:
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Synopsis: Rusa of Urartu wins early victories against Assyrian armies, but his intrigues in the Zagros kingdom of Mannea earn him Sargon’s wrath. After a crushing defeat by Cimmerian invaders, Rusa’s unable to prevent Sargon’s destruction of his kingdom.
“I caused there to be lamentation in the wide land Urartu and in all the mountains, and I made Rusa, their king, use flint blades, razors (and) scalpels to slash himself in mourning for as long as he lived. I made Musasir part of the territory of Assyria and assigned it to the authority of a eunuch of mine, the palace herald. The awesome splendor of the god Assur, my lord, overwhelmed Rusa, the Urartian, and so with his own iron dagger he stabbed himself in the heart like a pig and put an end to his life.” – The Annals of Sargon II
Map of the Iron Age Near East:
Map of the Iron Age Zagros Mountains:
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Synopsis: After defeating Syrian rebels at Qarqar and extending his dominion to the borders of Egypt, Sargon II labors to defend Tabal from the advances of Midas of Phrygia. Letters to Midas from Pisiri of Carchemish give Sargon a pretext to depose the Country Lord and annex his kingdom to Assyria.
“In my fifth regnal year, Pisiri of the city Carchemish sinned against the treaty sworn by the great gods and repeatedly sent messages hostile to Assyria to Midas, king of the land Musku; he held me in contempt. I threw (Pisiri), together with his family, in iron fetters. I opened his palace, his treasure house. I carried off as booty 10 talents of refined gold, (and) 2,100 talents of silver, (along with) arhu-copper, tin, iron, elephant hides, elephant ivory, battle-gear, and the guilty people among the city Carchemish who had sided with (Pisiri), along with their possessions, and brought them to Assyria. I conscripted 50 chariots, 200 cavalry and 3,000 foot soldiers from among them and added them to my royal military contingent. I settled Assyrians in the city Carchemish and imposed the yoke of the god Assur, my lord, upon them.” – The Annals of Sargon II
Map of the Iron Age Near East:
Map of Iron Age Anatolia:
Map of Iron Age Northern Syria:
Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan:
Regional Kings List:
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Synopsis: Shalmaneser V succeeds his father to the thrones of Assyria and Babylonia, then deals with rebellions in Samaria and Tyre. But his reign is cut short by the violent coup of Sargon II. After losing his hold on Babylonia, Sargon marches west to confront a Syrian alliance under Yaubidi of Hamath.
“With regard to the city Assur…Shalmaneser V, who did not revere the king of all the world, raised his hand against that city with evil intent…He oppressively imposed state service and corvee-duty upon its people and treated them as if they were of the lower class. At that time, the Enlil of the gods angrily overthrew his reign. As for me, Sargon…he exalted me and had me take hold of scepter, throne, and crown.” – The Assur Charter of Sargon II
Map of the Iron Age Near East:
Map of Iron Age Anatolia:
Map of Iron Age Northern Syria:
Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan:
Regional Kings List:
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Synopsis: Tiglath-pileser crushes rebellions in Patin and Luash and annexes their territories to Assyria. King Rasyan of Aram-Damascus forms a coalition of southern kingdoms - including Israel, Edom, Phoenicia and Philistia - to challenge Assyrian dominance, but betrayal by allies and the brutal tenacity of Tiglath-pileser lead to his kingdom’s downfall.
“I am Bar-Rakib the son of Panamuwa, king of Sam’al, servant of Tiglath-pileser the lord of the four quarters of the earth. Because of the righteousness of my father and my own righteousness, I was seated by my Lord Tiglath-pileser upon the throne of my father. The house of my father has profited more than anybody else, and I have been running at the wheel of my Lord, the king of Assyria, in the midst of mighty kings, possessors of silver and possessors of gold.” – Stele of King Bar-Rakib of Sam’al
Map of the Iron Age Near East:
Map of Iron Age Northern Syria:
Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan:
Regional Kings List:
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Synopsis: Matti’el of Arpad turns his back on the Treaty of Katikka and allies with Sarduri II of Urartu. The usurpation of Tiglath-pileser III heralds an Assyrian resurgence and the kingdom of Arpad’s destruction.
“Matti’el the son of Attar-shumki (II) fomented a rebellion against Assyria and violated his loyalty oath. To the kings of Hatti and Urartu he sent hostile messages against Assyria and made the lands hostile. Sarduri of Urartu, Sulumal of Malatya and Tarhulara of Gurgum came to his aid.” – The Annals of Tiglath-pileser III
Map of the Iron Age Near East:
Map of Iron Age Northern Syria:
Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan:
Regional Kings List:
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First off I wanted to let everyone know that I am deep into researching and writing the upcoming season of “The Ancient World – Carchemish.” It’s got lots of fun stuff: Tiglath-pileser III, Sargon II and - most importantly - the final demise of the Neo-Hittite and Aramean kingdoms. Just a really interesting period and I’m looking forward to sharing it with you. So keep an eye out for new Episodes starting around mid-October.
I also wanted to update you all that there is a whole extra season of “The Ancient World – Carchemish” already available on the Patreon site. Over the past year I’ve produced 12 mini-Episodes – which basically equate to a full 6-episode season - running alongside the current series. They flesh out events in Babylonia, Phoenicia, Syria and the Zagros Mountains – and also include a fun 2-parter on the Libyan pharaohs of Egypt. The best part is you can have access to all of them at this very moment – along with new monthly mini-Episodes going forward – by signing up at the “Lugal” tier at
To sweeten the deal I’m doing a special Limited Time Offer: Sign up for a year at any level and I will shoot you a signed PDF script of your favorite episode from any season of the series. The offer’s only good through September 30, 2023 so please join up now to take advantage.
That’s it for now. I’ll see you all again in October and thanks again for listening!
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Synopsis: Sarduri II rules at the pinnacle of Urartian power, conquering lands from the Black Sea coast to the Zagros Mountains to the kingdoms of northern Syria. Matti’el of Arpad unifies Aramean lands north of Damascus then allies with Urartu against the Assyrians. His defeat by the mysterious ruler of KTK only results in a temporary setback, and an Assyrian Empire pressed on all fronts seems destined for imminent collapse.
“I am the ruler Yariri - the prince beloved by the Storm God, Kubaba, Karhuha and the Sun. The gods have made me strong and exalted over Carchemish. I strengthened Carchemish and I exalted my lord’s house in Carchemish. I caused the river to pass (here)…I built the temple of the god of Harmana and I made my own statue...I brought up Kamani as a successor, wherefore I showed virtue above all kings. And I brought up his younger brothers, I let them in as brothers and I extended protection to them, the children of my lord Astiruwa.” – Yariri’s inscription on the Royal Buttress at Carchemish
Map of the Iron Age Near East:
Map of Iron Age Northern Syria:
Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan:
Regional Kings List:
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Synopsis: A siege by Adad-nirari’s subordinate, Nergal-Eresh, finally breaks the Damascene hold over southern Syria and Canaan. The Urartian kings Menua and Argishti press Assyria’s frontiers, even as they conquer and secure new territories in the Araxes River valley. In the reigns of Adad-nirari’s sons, the Empire is beset by plague, rebellions, and disturbing omens.
“Through the god Haldi’s power, Argishti, son of Menua, speaks: a city for my power I erected, and gave it the name of Argishtihinli. The land around was never inhabited, nothing was established here, therefore I have led four canals from the Manu river, I had vineyards and orchards established, I have done good things here. I am Argishti, son of Menua, powerful king, the great king, the king of the Land Biai, the Lord of the city of Tushpa.” – Inscription of Argishti of Urartu
Map of the Iron Age Near East:
Map of Iron Age Northern Syria:
Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan:
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