Coptic Voice Radio is a Radio Show brought to you by the Coptic Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions. Fr Shenouda Mansour is the regular host and features weekly guest speakers.
Epiphany – Revealing to the World. Jesus revealed himself o the world that he’s the Son Of God. It teaches us about the trinity about baptism. Gospel Reflection. John: (1:18-34).
The Gift Of Life. Life is precious. We come in realisation. How life is precious. Our friends. Our community. Gospel Reflection: (Matthew 2:13-23)
Coptic Orthodox Christmas. There is a lot of orthodox Christians who celebrate it on the 7th January. Christmas is a. Reminder where Jesus took flesh and came down. There is a lot of reminders in this important event every year. Gospel Reflection (Matthew 1:1-12).
New Year Special 2025. 2024 is behind us now. We wish everyone a great new year ahead, We’ll focus on the bible today with Gospel Reflection (Luke 1:39-56).
Incarnation. God became Man. He took the flesh and took that image through Mary the virgin: Gospel Reflection (Luke 21:26-38).
Building Our Next Generation. A very important issue in our today’s society. How do we build our next Generation. I see it as a Priest, a Father, Community and the works a very important aspect (Luke 1:1-25).
Icons, Witness To The World. Icons was a popular way of teaching from the old world. it was a way that a picture paints a 1000 world. Gospel Reflection (Luke 1:26-38).
How do you plan for Christmas. How do you plan for it at home, the office. How do you discovering the attitude of giving. Gospel Reflection (Mark 10:17-31)
Foundations Of Life. How do you deal with life? How do you deal with Family and friends and ultimately relationship with God. many more. Gospel Reflection (Matthew 14:25-35).
Forgiveness. What is it? How to forgive? How to forgive my Brother? How to forgive myself. Gospel Reflection (Matthew 13:1-9)
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