Strike the Match with J. D. Payne

[email protected] (J. D. Payne)

Strike the Match with J. D. Payne

  • 19 minutes 25 seconds
    8 Challenges to the Apostolic Imagination

    AI Allen and Annie continue this season as they discuss my March 3, 2023 writing, “8 Challenges to the Apostolic Imagination.” In this episode, I find myself in more agreement with them. Should I be concerned? Is this a fluke? Are they learning my views as they “train” on my work? They are now using phrases such as “I’ve heard of this,” “I’ve noticed that,” “I was wondering about that,” and “I was hoping he would….”

    At one point, AI Annie raises the question that I may be contradicting myself. However, AI Allen comes to my rescue and clarifies matters. You go, Allen! Strange and fascinating.

    In addition to being amazed at this this technological development, I think you will find their conversation both informative and helpful about challenges related to recovering a biblical vision for the Church today.

    The five billion remain.

    28 January 2025, 8:17 pm
  • 26 minutes 6 seconds
    To the World through the Stomach

    In the previous episode, I introduced a new aspect of innovation into this season with AI Alan and Annie. Be sure to check it out to understand why I am doing this special season.

    AI Alan and Annie return in this episode and discuss two of my blog posts (at, “To the World through the Stomach” (July 26, 2011) and “A Way to the Heart is through the Stomach” (June 25, 2017). Check out these three minute reads and then listen to where Alan and Annie take a 20 minute conversation about cooking and mission. In some ways they accurately represent my work; in others, they misrepresent my views. Regardless, they provide some excellent, bad, but interesting perspectives.

    You will be surprised, shocked, and inspired.

    If you find this topic interesting, you may want to check out my brief post: “Wanted: Cooks for the Kingdom.”

    The five billion remain.

    21 January 2025, 6:13 pm
  • 23 minutes 24 seconds
    AI Alan and Annie Discuss Payne on Decline in Seminary Enrollment

    Today is the long-awaited day! The ninth season of Strike the Match launches with this episode. This season will be brief and will include a series of special episodes. . . unlike any I have posted in the past.

    Long-time listeners know from the intro this podcast is about “missions, innovation, and leadership.” In this season, the focus will be on innovation, particularly AI.

    Over the years, I have brought guests on to my program to discuss issues. This season comes with a twist. My guests are AI Alan and AI Annie (That’s what I’m calling them.). I want to show some of the realities of AI at this moment in time and challenge us to consider how to think about and leverage innovation and technology for our Great Commission task.

    In this episode, AI Alan and Annie discuss my May 5, 2023 blog post (, “An Overlooked Reason for Decline in Seminary Enrollment.” I strongly recommend you check out this 3 min read. However, this podcast episode is not primarily about the contents of my blog post but what AI has done with it. AI Alan and Annie have turned it into a 15 minute conversation. In some ways they accurately represent my work; in others, they misrepresent it and my views. Regardless, they provide some interesting perspective.

    Check it out. I think you will be surprised, shocked, and inspired.

    The five billion remain.

    14 January 2025, 4:20 pm
  • 25 minutes 34 seconds
    Mission in Revelation

    This episode ends season 8 of Strike the Match.

    Revelation not only concludes the New Testament, but takes readers back into the Old Testament. John draws deeply from Torah and the Prophets to provide a vision of what was and is to come. Churches were struggling to remain faithful to the mission of God. They needed hope, encouragement, and exhortation. They needed to see the bigger picture. All things we need today!

    In this book, the blessing of the nations comes through the: 1) Promises Fulfilled to Abraham and David; 2) Lamb’s Ransom; 3) Suffering and Death; 4) Encouragement and Exhortation; 5) Return of the King; and 6) Elect’s Redemption and Cosmic Restoration.

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    27 July 2023, 5:50 pm
  • 31 minutes 5 seconds
    Mission in the General Epistles

    Few scholars have written on the topic of mission in the General Epistles. In this episode, I discuss how these epistles address the mission of God to bless the nations. These writings offer a glimpse into some of the struggles of the early Church. The authors were much concerned with the holiness and righteous living of the saints during their trials. Their walk with the Lord and fellowship with one another were critical to the global work to which they had been called.

    Here we understand the blessing of the nations comes through: 1) Steadfastness in Suffering; 2) Lifestyles Lived before the World; and 3) Engagement as the Day Approaches.

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    12 July 2023, 10:48 pm
  • 31 minutes 49 seconds
    Mission in the Pauline Epistles – Part 2

    The Pauline literature is a deep reservoir of information related to God’s mission in the world. I continue in this episode with the discussion of mission in the Pauline Literature.

    Here we encounter additional sub-themes of how God brings blessing to the nations with: 1) A Plan – Planting Local Kingdom Communities; 2) A Process – Ingathering of the Gentiles; 3) An Invitation – Call to the Lord; 4) A People – God’s Living Temple; and 5) A Practice – Regular and Intentional Evangelism.

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    24 June 2023, 1:02 am
  • 29 minutes 10 seconds
    Mission in the Pauline Epistles – Part 1

    In part one of this two-part study, I address mission in the Pauline Literature.

    Pauline Literature is a deep reservoir of information related to God’s mission in the world. This episode addresses four sub-themes related to mission. The blessing of the nations comes through: 1) A Man – Paul’s Conversion and Calling; 2) A Message – Justification by Faith; 3) A Mystery – Mercy through Resistance; and 4) A People – the Church.

    In the next episode, I will address an additional five sub-themes related to mission.

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    6 June 2023, 1:33 am
  • 32 minutes 12 seconds
    Mission in Acts

    In this episode, I address the mission of God in Acts. This book reveals how the story of God’s glory through relationship and blessing continues, starting with the Jews and extending to the Gentiles. The Messiah ascends. The Spirit is poured out. The last days arrive. Jew and Gentile must repent and believe before the Kingdom is restored.

    While much may be stated regarding mission in Acts, five general matters summarize God’s glory through blessing the nations.

    Blessing comes through: 1) True Israel; 2) Sending the Spirit; 3) Beginning with the Jews; 4) Providing a Light for the Gentiles; and 5) A New Multi-ethnic Kingdom Community.

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    19 May 2023, 9:58 pm
  • 29 minutes 18 seconds
    Mission in the Gospel of John

    The fourth Gospel has a great deal to say about mission. One scholar noted, “the Fourth Gospel’s focus is not on God’s mission per se, but on his mission through Jesus and on Jesus’ mission through his followers.”

    In this episode, the blessing of the nations shows up in three manifestations.

    John notes the blessing of the nations occurs through the sending of John the Baptist, Jesus, Temple, Spirit, and Disciples.

    The blessing of the nations only comes through the testimony of those who are sent.

    And those who are sent will suffer on account of their testimony and the One who sent them.

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    8 May 2023, 3:53 pm
  • 30 minutes 53 seconds
    Mission in the Synoptics

    In this episode, I address the theme of mission in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It is important to understand the Synoptics provide a continuity between the Old Testament and New Testament. When we arrived at the New Testament, 400 years have passed since the conclusion of the Old Testament.

    In the Synoptics, the blessing of the nations comes through a: 1) Person-Jesus Sent to the Jews; 2) Judgment-New Covenant by Death and Resurrection; 3) People-Church to Reflect the Kingdom; and 4) Command-Make Disciples of Jews and Gentiles

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    21 April 2023, 10:53 pm
  • 28 minutes 23 seconds
    Mission in the Writings

    The Writings comprise the latter section of the Hebrew Scriptures and attempt to show how the people of God were to live in a variety of circumstances. The mission of God saturates the books of Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Chronicles.

    In this episode (Season 8, Ep. 7), I address the blessing of the nations through:

    Israel’s Influence

    God’s Sovereignty

    Israel’s Restoration and Reconstruction

    Invitation to Praise

    A Person: God’s Anointed One Who Reigns

    A Person: God’s Anointed One Who Suffers

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    11 March 2023, 12:13 am
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