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  • Coronavirus, Capitalism, and Class Struggle
    Coronavirus, Capitalism, and Class Struggle Dennis Kosuth David McNally Sherry Baron Jessica Hansen-Weaver Sean Petty Healthcare

    Seemingly overnight, the world as we know it has been fundamentally transformed into an unrecognizable, dystopian nightmare. The coronavirus has brought to the surface an underlying, insoluble and system-wide economic crisis, not in the form we expected, and even more terrifying than we could have imagined.

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    14 April 2020, 1:08 am
  • Queering Social Reproduction
    Queering Social Reproduction Kate Doyle Griffiths Aaron Jaffe Barms Armstrong Historical Materialism 2019 (NY): Socialism in Our Time LGBT

    Social feminism has been revitalised in recent years by a revived interest in ‘social reproduction’, which an increasing number of Marxist theorists have used both to explain changes continuing to take place in our era of capitalism, and strategise effective responses led by worker action.

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    17 January 2020, 9:01 pm
  • The Revolutionary Left and Broad Parties
    The Revolutionary Left and Broad Parties Aaron Amaral Aldo Sauda Historical Materialism 2019 (NY): Socialism in Our Time International

    The revolutionary left has participated in broad parties in many parts of the world in an attempt to build an alternative to capitalist and social democratic parties that have adopted neoliberalism. This panel will look at examples of such efforts in Quebec, Greece and Brazil but also refer to other efforts throughout the world.

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    17 January 2020, 8:58 pm
  • Leninism, Social Democracy, and the State
    Leninism, Social Democracy, and the State Juan Ferre Stephen Maher Jordan House Wladek Flakin Historical Materialism 2019 (NY): Socialism in Our Time Socialism & Marxism

    Socialists and elections: what way forward for the US left?
    - Juan Ferre, Left Voice

    100 Years After the German Revolution: Luxemburg, Kautsky and Lenin
    - Wladek Flakin, Left Voice

    Toward a constructive antagonism: trade unions, social movements, political parties, and transforming the state
    - Stephen Maher and Jordan House

    17 January 2020, 8:56 pm
  • The Role of Socialists in Building the Labor Movement and the Labor Movement in Building Socialism
    The Role of Socialists in Building the Labor Movement and the Labor Movement in Building Socialism Zyad Hammad Jia Lee Sarah Dowd Historical Materialism 2019 (NY): Socialism in Our Time Labor & Unions

    This panel discussion will focus on current and prospective organizing efforts in several key NYC industries: education, healthcare, and telecommunications.

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    17 January 2020, 8:53 pm
  • The Menace of the Workers: Self-Organization and Recomposition in the US, Mexico, and South Africa Today
    The Menace of the Workers Self-Organization and Recomposition in the US, Mexico, and South Africa Today Immanuel Ness Patrick Gun Cuninghame Robert Ovetz Historical Materialism 2019 (NY): Socialism in Our Time Economics

    Class struggle is slowly back on the agenda around the world. In the US, wildcat teachers strikes, worker resistance to the government shutdown, strike threats, and everyday forms of resistance are widely reported but little explored. With unions in a tailspin and social movements harnessed to advocacy and electoral politics, class struggle is coming back into focus.

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    17 January 2020, 8:51 pm
  • Case Studies in the Origins of Capitalism
    Case Studies in the Origins of Capitalism Charles Post Xavier LaFance Nicole Leach Historical Materialism 2019 (NY): Socialism in Our Time Socialism & Marxism

    As Marxist economist Anwar Shaikh puts it, ‘capitalism's sheath mutates constantly, but its core remains the same’. To understand the distinct core logic of capitalism is crucial to grasp the political terrain on which socialists are struggling today.

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    17 January 2020, 8:48 pm
  • What's at Stake in the Fight for Abortion Access
    What's at Stake in the Fight for Abortion Access Jenny Brown Lillian Cicerchia Kate Castle Phoebe Abramowitz Historical Materialism 2019 (NY): Socialism in Our Time Women

    Abortion access is critical to bodily autonomy and women's liberation, and that access has been chipped away at since Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973. Since 2010 alone, over 400 new restrictions on abortions have been passed across the country, and 87% of US counties lack abortion providers.

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    17 January 2020, 8:47 pm
  • New Ways of Thinking
    New Ways of Thinking Campbell Jones Willie Johnson AK Thompson Historical Materialism 2019 (NY): Socialism in Our Time Socialism & Marxism

    Rethinking Economic Planning
    —Campbell Jones

    A Radical New Approach to the Socialist Study Group
    —Willie Johnson

    Marxist Responses to Christianity Today
    —AK Thompson

    17 January 2020, 8:42 pm
  • Abundant Futures for Whom: Possibilities for (and Despite) a Scarred Earth
    Abundant Futures for Whom Possibilities for (and Despite) a Scarred Earth Kate Aronoff Alyssa Battistoni Daniel Aldana Cohen Jesse Goldstein Historical Materialism 2019 (NY): Socialism in Our Time Environment

    The implications of Green New Deal politics for left organizing:

    Socialist feminist perspectives bring important insights to our understanding of what abundance means and what kinds of work, done by who, it requires
    —Alyssa Battistoni

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    17 January 2020, 8:41 pm
  • Aesthetics of Resistance/Defense
    Aesthetics of Resistance/Defense Jason Loebs Alan Ruiz Park McArthur Historical Materialism 2019 (NY): Socialism in Our Time Art & Culture

    Leftists have long lamented the depoliticization of art in our so-called “post-critical” era. However, Trump’s election has renewed attention to the complicity of the arts with the legitimating discourses and infrastructures of neoliberal class rule, sparking protests at museums and galleries. How have artists responded to this repoliticized context within their work?

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    17 January 2020, 8:38 pm
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