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  • Your Free Time isn't Free: Social Reproduction, Social Isolation, and the Marxist Theory of Alienation
    Your Free Time isn't Free Social Reproduction, Social Isolation, and the Marxist Theory of Alienation Jessie Muldoon Socialism 2018 Women
    17 July 2018, 8:04 pm
  • U.S. Imperialism under Trump
    U.S. Imperialism under Trump Joel Geier Socialism 2018 War & Antiwar

    China, Iran, North Korea- sanctions, tariffs,protectionism, economic warfare,- Trump lunacy or are there more profound objective conditions creating these daily crisis , with their threat of new wars. The new phase of imperialim which we wil discuss will determine the political fate of the now emerging socialist movement, and of this generation.

    12 July 2018, 4:38 am
  • Marxism, Colonialism, and Revolution
    Marxism, Colonialism, and Revolution Pranav Jani Socialism 2018 Socialism & Marxism

    Colonialism, settler colonialism, and the transatlantic slave trade are intertwined with the rise of capitalism. Anti-colonial and anti-imperialist struggle are essential to any possibility of socialist revolution.

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    12 July 2018, 4:37 am
  • The Future of the Socialist Left
    The Future of the Socialist Left Ella Mahony Jen Roesch Jason Farbman Socialism 2018 Socialism & Marxism

    For a left so small, we hardly know each other. Ella Mahony (Democratic Socialists of America) and Jen Roesch (International Socialist Organization) talk to each other about their organizations’ work, and the opportunities for socialists today.

    12 July 2018, 4:37 am
  • Capitalism and the Gender Binary
    Capitalism and the Gender Binary Lichi D'Amelio Socialism 2018 Labor & Unions
    12 July 2018, 4:36 am
  • What Do Socialists Say About White Privilege?
    What Do Socialists Say About White Privilege? Khury Petersen-Smith brian bean Socialism 2018 Racism & Civil Rights

    The questions of understanding and fighting racism, and Black liberation, are central ones for socialists in the US. At the moment, there is a set of conversations on the left about how socialists understand white privilege, and they are related to the question of where the fight against racism fits in the class struggle.

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    12 July 2018, 4:36 am
  • Poverty, Pain, and Pill Mills: Social Crisis and America’s Opioid Epidemic
    Poverty, Pain, and Pill Mills Social Crisis and America’s Opioid Epidemic Nicole Colson Socialism 2018 U.S. Politics

    The opioid epidemic is ravaging large swathes of America—from once-thriving Rust Belt communities to inner cities. So many lives have been lost to this crisis that annual opioid deaths in the U.S. now outnumber deaths due to breast cancer, and American life expectancy has fallen two years in a row.

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    12 July 2018, 4:36 am
  • A War Resister in the Ranks
    A War Resister in the Ranks Spencer Rapone Rory Fanning Socialism 2018 War & Antiwar

    What does it mean to resist as an active duty soldier in the 21st century? Socialist revolutions share a vibrant historical legacy with disaffected soldiers who have laid down their arms and refused to serve the interests of the rich and powerful.

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    12 July 2018, 4:34 am
  • South Africa: How Apartheid Was Defeated
    South Africa: How Apartheid Was Defeated Trevor Ngwane Socialism 2018 International

    The British and Dutch colonizers of South Africa built from the outset a society based upon the oppression and exploitation of the indigenous African population, where the latter were restricted from buying land outside of special “reserves,” given the worst jobs and legally considered “sojourners” in urban areas.

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    12 July 2018, 4:33 am
  • Vanguard Party, Democratic Centralism, and Workers' Revolution
    Vanguard Party, Democratic Centralism, and Workers' Revolution Todd Chretien Socialism 2018 Socialism & Marxism

    The Bolsheviks developed a theory and practice of political organization that is both coherent and recognizable, and it is absolutely relevant for today. This talk will explain terms and history for beginners, but also address the rise of a new socialist movement in the U.S.

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    12 July 2018, 1:16 am
  • Final Rally: Another World Is Necessary
    Final Rally Another World Is Necessary Sharon Smith Khury Petersen-Smith Socialism 2018 Socialism & Marxism
    12 July 2018, 1:14 am
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