The Itinerant Angler Podcast

Zach Matthews

The Itinerant Angler Podcast is a long-running online radio program focusing on fly fishing and other outdoor pursuits, hosted by outdoor writer and attorney Zach Matthews. Now in its twelfth season, it features interviews with guests including expert anglers, television personalities, authors of books, editors of magazines, outdoor business CEOs, local expert guides and artists. Eclectic, diverse, and supported by excellent Americana music, it is one of fly fishing's best experiences in any form.

  • 32 minutes 45 seconds
    The Offseason with Alex Avila - Ssn. 13, Ep. 17
    Alex Avila is a major league baseball catcher, currently with the Minnesota Twins. When he's not behind the dish, you'll find him offshore on his bluewater dream boat, The Offseason.
    25 August 2020, 12:06 pm
  • 32 minutes 50 seconds
    Bolivia’s Highland Dorado with Marcelo Perez - Ssn. 13, Ep. 16
    Marcelo Perez is the founder and CEO of Untamed Angling–one of South America’s largest fly-fishing lodge collectives, and also one of the only organizations that splits its profits with the native tribes with whom it works.
    30 June 2020, 12:47 am
  • 28 minutes 51 seconds
    The Wulff Way with Susan Thrasher - Ssn. 13, Ep. 15
    Susan Thrasher is the author of Thrasher's Fly Fishing Guide and the owner of the Southern Brookies Fly Fishing school, as well as a disciple of the great Joan Wulff.
    18 June 2020, 12:07 am
  • 38 minutes 13 seconds
    Brazil's Three Kings with Rodrigo Salles - Ssn. 13, Ep. 14
    Brazilian Rodrigo Salles is based in Manaus, the biggest city in the Amazon, and is also the Brazilian ops director for South American lodge giant Untamed Angling. His insight into peacock bass, payara, and the massive arapaima is unmatched--and fascinating.
    8 June 2020, 11:47 pm
  • 34 minutes 36 seconds
    The Kindness of Strangers with John Gierach - Ssn. 13, Ep. 13
    Longtime angling writer and sage John Gierach muses on long-term change, his generation's contribution to fly-fishing, and the future.
    2 June 2020, 1:18 pm
  • 1 hour 17 seconds
    True Crime with Tom Bie - Ssn. 13, Ep. 12
    Drake editor Tom Bie takes us into a world of synthetic marijuana, federal criminal trials, and DEA seizures of... Alaskan float planes? This is truly a story not to be missed.
    27 May 2020, 11:11 pm
  • 34 minutes 5 seconds
    Best Permit in the World with Wil Flack - Ssn. 13, Ep. 11
    Will Flack is the owner of the Belize Permit Club, as well as the Tres Pescados fly shop - don't miss his free-ranging discussion of Caribbean versus Indo-Pacific bonefish, steelhead, Spey fishing for tarpon, John McAfee, and of course the best permit fishery on the planet.
    6 May 2020, 10:36 pm
  • 31 minutes 39 seconds
    Central Texas Menagerie with Aaron Reed - Ssn. 13, Ep. 10
    Aaron Reed is the author of the new guidebook, Fly Fishing Austin and Central Texas. Much like the city itself, the Austin fly fishing scene is eclectic, offering clearwater striped bass, local Guadalupe bass, and even South American cichlids!
    30 April 2020, 12:22 am
  • 32 minutes 28 seconds
    Salmon with Mark Kurlansky - Ssn. 13, Ep. 9
    Mark Kurlansky is the internationally-bestselling author of "Cod," "Salt," "1968" and now "Salmon," published in partnership with Patagonia Books. Don't miss his expert take on what is arguably our most important gamefish.
    23 April 2020, 12:57 am
  • 37 minutes 41 seconds
    New Mexican Restoration with Toner Mitchell - Ssn. 13, Ep. 8
    Toner is the New Mexico Water and Habitat Coordinator for Trout Unlimited and one of the minds behind TU's new film, Querencia.
    14 April 2020, 12:09 am
  • 40 minutes 4 seconds
    Hardly Strictly Towee with Todd Gregory - Ssn. 13, Ep. 6
    Todd Gregory is the founder of Towee Boats and the organizer of the Hardly Strictly Muskie tournament in Southeast Tennessee. Don't miss his discussion of this unusual fly fishing hotbed.
    8 January 2020, 1:32 am
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