The Game Design Round Table

Dirk Knemeyer & David V. Heron

Covering the full breadth of digital, tabletop, and role playing games, The Game Design Round Table inspires and educates aspiring and experienced game designers.

  • 37 minutes 17 seconds
    BtC - Daryl Andrews on Generating Ideas

    Ellie Dix is joined for the inaugural episode of Behind the Cardboard by Daryl Andrews, designer of Sagrada, The Real Truth, and Kodama 3D among many others. Together, they discuss Daryl’s career, how he comes up with new games, and how he pitches to publishers. How long to stick with an idea, where to put them, and how should you keep track of them? All this and more in Behind the Cardboard.

    29 January 2025, 2:30 am
  • 54 minutes 9 seconds
    #334 New Year, New Format, New Us

    2024 was an excellent year for game design, and 2025 is looking to be even better. As time moves forward, TGDRT must evolve just as our favorite games do. Dirk and David discuss the state of the show; what worked, what didn’t, and what the future holds for the show. They also announce TGDRT’s brand new programming, Roundtable Retrospective and Behind the Cardboard with Ellie Dix, discussing the exciting new content focused on the behind the scenes of making games.

    21 January 2025, 5:30 pm
  • 51 minutes 31 seconds
    #333 App-Integration with Andrew Fischer

    Dirk and David are joined by Andrew Fischer, lead designer of the Cosmere RPG. In this first of two interviews, the crew discusses Andrew’s career, from working at Fantasy Flight Games to being the lead designer of the world’s biggest Kickstarter game. Topics include the pros and cons of app-integration for games, surprise elements in RPGs, and the GM-less nature of games like Gloomwood. 


    7 January 2025, 2:30 pm
  • 36 minutes 58 seconds
    #332 Listener Questions with Ellie Dix Show

    The Game Design Round Table rounds out its best year yet with another set of Listener Questions! Dirk and David are joined by Ellie Dix once more to answer your questions about hidden information, designing for different group sizes, and exploring a world in which you only played board games once.

    24 December 2024, 2:30 pm
  • 56 minutes 8 seconds
    #331 Solforge Fusion with Justin Gary

    Dirk and David are joined this week by Justin Gary, founder of Stone Blade Entertainment and co-designer of Solforge Fusion. They discuss the life, death, and rebirth of Solforge, as well as its unique approach to content generation. Topics include the history of Solforge, how the usage of the Blockchain affects monetization, the community of Solforge, and how the game successfully incorporates procedural generation into its card design.

    3 December 2024, 4:41 pm
  • 52 minutes 58 seconds
    #330 Xenolanguage with Kathryn Hymes

    This week, Dirk and David are joined by Kathryn Hymes, co-owner of Thorny Games and former co-host of the show. Together, they discuss Kathryn’s new game Xenolanguage, a roleplaying game where players take the role of humans tasked with deciphering an alien language. They give their thoughts on designing GMless games, especially focusing on how to facilitate interesting experiences within the rules. Topics include an in-depth look at Xenolanguage’s design, the breadth in experience of GMless games, approaching the business side of GMless games, and what future games may look like in the field of language.


    19 November 2024, 4:40 pm
  • 52 minutes 48 seconds
    #329 Small Games with Ellie Dix

    This episode, Dirk and David are joined by Ellie Dix, owner of The Dark Imp and author of The Board Game Family. They discuss Ellie’s career and path into game design, as well as the intricacies of how she manages to design so many games. Topics include managing small projects, how to choose which designs to focus on, the importance of managing a playtest group, and the worth of games as educational tools.


    5 November 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 55 minutes 59 seconds
    #328 Civilization Series 8 - Ara

    Dirk and David convene once more to discuss the release of Ara: History Untold by Oxide Games. They analyze the game’s strengths and weaknesses, how it feels to play, and how it compares to the actual Civilization series of games. Topics include managing expectations, the clunkiness of the crafting and relationship systems, performance and technical issues, what it does right, and who Ara is even for.

    22 October 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    #327 Undergrove with Elizabeth Hargrave and Mark Wootton

    David is at the helm this week, joined by Elizabeth Hargrave (Wingspan, Mariposas) and Mark Wooton (Legend of the Five Rings, Mariposas). The trio discuss Elizabeth and Mark’s new game Undergrove, a resource management and tile placement game about building a mycelial and arboreal network. Topics include how Undergrove was developed, designing for the mushroom theme, Mark and Elizabeth’s relationship with nature, and how a competitive game can be developed without encouraging antagonistic relationships between players.


    8 October 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 54 minutes 8 seconds
    #326 Therapeutic TTRPGs with Daniel Hand

    Dirk is joined by Daniel Hand, therapeutic counselor and author of “Role-playing Games in Psychotherapy: A Practitioners Guide”. Together, the pair discusses Daniel’s journey into TTRPGs and his process of introducing them into his practice, and eventually designing his own game for therapeutic purposes. Topics include adjusting crunch, the benefits and difficulties of using games in therapy, what kinds of issues they can help with, and what the future of this treatment modality might look like.

    24 September 2024, 1:30 pm
  • 57 minutes 15 seconds
    #325 Civilization Series 7 with Jon Shafer

    Enjoy episode #325 of The Game Design Round Table. In this episode, we discuss the new Civ 7 game with Jon Shafer, the co-founder of the show and a digital games designer. This will be our seventh episode in the Civ games series.


    10 September 2024, 1:30 pm
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