The Brick and Mortar Reporter Podcast

Christy Haussler interviews local independent business owners as they share their success stories.

Calling all entrepreneurs, wantrepreneurs and anyone who loves a great story! Interviews with local independent business owners who share their successes and failures as they started and grew their businesses. There is so much to learn from these successful entrepreneurs!

  • 12 minutes 21 seconds
    How to Improve Your Google SEO Rankings

    I’m filling you in today on specific steps you can take to get more local traffic to your business than you ever thought possible. Join me to learn more about improving your Google SEO!

    Show Highlights:

    • How to use your “Google My Business” listing to get the most out of it
    • Why improving your Google SEO will get your business in front of more people; the traffic is there, but do they see you?
    • How Google gives “extra bonus points” when you put out a blog post regularly
    • Tips to drive natural SEO traffic to your website (without creating original content):
    • Use your previous blog posts to create audio for podcast episodes.
    • Reversely, take previous podcast episodes, have them transcripted, and post them to your website as blog posts
    • How you become less victimized by the changes in paid ad policies to Google, Facebook, etc. by repurposing content from one format to the other


    Let us help make your podcast more than you’ve imagined! If you need help with launching, strategies, or podcast production, contact us:

    4 October 2021, 8:00 am
  • 23 minutes 21 seconds
    The Easy Way to Monetize Your Content

    Content creation can be an overwhelming part of the podcast process. What content should be free, and what should be paid for? I’m sharing hacks you need to know to add value for your listeners and make your podcast profitable. Join me as I clarify the options and point you in the right direction. 

    Show Highlights:

    • Why you shouldn’t give all of your content away for free 
    • Why you need to “hold a little back” when you create new content
    • How to have new added value content without a huge time commitment:
    • Use the pre-chat with your guests for behind-the-scenes content.
    • Record a bonus content chat after the podcast interview,
    • The key is to create multiple pieces of content to archive as you go along.
    • How to use one guest interview for three separate supplemental pieces of content
    • These additional pieces can be used on a membership site or in a private, paid podcast feed.
    • Knowing how to stock your toolkit when you start your podcast can help you make the most of your free content and paid content.
    • Christy’s tip: As you create content, hold back AT LEAST as much content as you give away for free.


    If you need help with launching, strategies, or podcast production, contact us:  

    The #1 critical key for success in your podcast is your podcast name. Name it once and name it right. Check out my Podcast Naming Secrets at  

    27 August 2021, 8:00 am
  • 26 minutes 17 seconds
    Why You Should Invest in Building Your Own Platform

    Listen, you've got your own local business. Why in the world do you need to take time out of it to build your own platform with a podcast? Well, today I'm going to tell you all about the reasons why the most important reason is because it's gonna save you money in the long run. 

    Taking the time to create your own podcast allows you to build your own platform. 

    The Benefits of Platform Building

    1. You build your largest organic traffic source for your business.
    2. You can spend less money on advertising.
    3. You can own your traffic and not get restricted from it.

    Why Paid Traffic is So Problematic for Small Businesses

    It seems like every paid traffic option for small businesses has a really obscure ROI. You don’t need another traffic source where you can’t determine what sort of ROI you are getting from your ad campaigns.

    Shift Your Marketing Budget to Content Marketing

    Most businesses that we build podcasts for, shift some of their marketing budgets to creating a podcast and that way they don’t have to create a completely new budget for podcasting.

    Podcasting is marketing, so it makes perfect sense.

    Using Content to Find New Customers

    By using content to jump in front of traffic that is looking for your solutions, you can find tons of your ideal customers.

    When your ideal customers go to Google or YouTube to search for a solution to a problem, they are using intent based search and they pay more attention to your solution.

    If you are just trying to market on social media, you have to do a pattern interrupt to pull them away from their mindless streaming. Most of the time, they aren’t going to social media to get answers, so it’s harder to get them to respond to your marketing messages. 

    The more of your marketing you can move to intent based search, the higher your conversions will be.

    Need help launching your podcast? We're here to help! Just visit Team Podcast to learn more!

    23 August 2021, 8:00 am
  • 30 minutes 59 seconds
    How to Create Compelling Podcast Content for Small and Local Business Podcasts

    Podcasts are a great way to engage your customers, and share interesting information with them. They can help you build lasting relationships with your clients and provide an avenue for customer feedback.

    Podcasts also offer a unique opportunity to reach new potential customers through appealing to a global audience.

    There is no denying that podcasts have become very popular in recent years, but many small business owners struggle when it comes to coming up with content ideas for their podcast episodes.

    To make this process easier I am going to share the 5 Pillars of Podcast Content Creation:

    1) People

    Sharing your origin story for becoming a business owner, as well as introducing your audience to the people behind your business will build loyalty. After all, your people - the human capital of your business - are the greatest asset your business has.

    2) Processes

    No matter what type of business you have, much of what separates you from your competitors has to do with your processes. It could the processes you use to ensure quality work is being done, or it could be the processes you use to manufacture or create high quality products for your business. Sharing these unique aspects of your business will help differentiate your business from all of your competitors.

    3) Products

    Whether you are making your own products or selling products created by others, highlighting the uniques aspects of the products that you carry can be interesting to your customers, as well as educational. The more you can explain why you use the raw materials that you choose, or why you source products from certain vendors, the more it will endear your customers to your products.

    4) Problems

    Showing your customers the problems you solve for people just like them is incredibly important. Sometimes you can educate your customers about small aspects of these problems that they can solve for themselves without having to call on you. The more you can educate your customers, the better your customer will become.

    Giving your customers actual case studies or before and after images of the way you are making their lives better will help solidify in their mind that they should call you when they have this exact problem arise.

    5) Promotions

    It's your podcast and you absolutely have permission to create promotions to share with your audience.

    The more dependent you can make your audience on actually promotions and specials you offer through your podcast, the less money you will have to spend on advertising.

    By controlling your messages to your customers via your own platform, the lower your advertising costs will be. Since much of what you spend on advertising has an unknown ROI, it only makes sense to minimize your costs by building out your largest source of organic traffic to your business - your podcast!

    In conclusion, I hope you find these content ideas helpful in creating new podcast episodes for your own business! Remember: People, Processes, Products, Problems and Promotions are all important pillars of content creation when it comes to podcasts - so make sure they're a part of every episode you publish!

    Need help launching your podcast? We're here to help! Just visit Team Podcast to learn more!

    9 August 2021, 8:00 am
  • 24 minutes 2 seconds
    What Makes a Podcast a Podcast?

    It seems like everyone is creating content these days, but is all content created equal?

    There are so many different types of content - audio, video, live-streaming, blog, vlogs, etc.- that is can be confusing to know exactly what a podcast is and why it's different than all the other channels.

    Podcasts are defined by their unique RSS feeds. In order for a show to be a true podcast, an RSS feed must be present.

    Uploading videos to YouTube does not require an RSS feed.

    Livestreaming does not involve an RSS feed, so it is not a podcast.

    Don't get me wrong, videos uploaded to YouTube can be repurposed into a podcast, just as videos uploaded as livestream sessions can.

    A podcast that has an RSS feed can be either video or audio, but most commonly, they are audio podcasts.

    Creating an RSS feed has gotten a lot easier over the last 10 years. Now, we simply set up an account with a podcast hosting company and they create the RSS feed that is compliant with all distribution platforms, and they host those chunky audio files.

    Then you distribute that feed by submitting it to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio, and tons of other places.

    Each time you publish a show, your RSS feed is then updated across all platforms.

    You can expect to pay around $20 a month for your podcast hosting service.

    We recommend Captivate.FM for podcast hosting. You can get a free trial of the service here.

    You can gain a worldwide audience for your show by distributing it across all of the main podcasting destinations.

    If you are wanting to develop an online audience around your products or services, you can easily set it up so that your podcast can build an online platform to begin generating revenue online.

    Besides a podcast host, you just need a little bit of hardware to begin a podcast.

    USB mics have come a long way and some of the best mics are:

    Shure MV7 - $249

    Rode PodMic - $99

    ATR 2100X - $99

    If you are recording more than one person on a computer, you can't connect to USB or USB-C mics to one computer, no matter how many USB ports you have. So you will need an audio interface to make this type of recording happen.

    We recommend this interface:

    Scarlett Focusrite 4i4 - $229

    2 August 2021, 8:00 am
  • 30 minutes 45 seconds
    How to Market a Local Business Podcast
    The success of your local business podcast is directly proportional to the success of your marketing campaign.


    We are blazing new trails by building local business podcasts as a way to achieve your business goals.  

    In this episode, I lay out an effective marketing plan.  You are only limited by your creativity, so take this plan and take action.


    This podcast is sponsored by Team Podcast.  The one stop shop for all your podcast support!


    16 April 2015, 9:38 pm
  • 32 minutes 2 seconds
    How To Start A Local Business Podcast
    You heard it here first!  Podcasting is the best new tool for local business marketing.


    In this episode, we talk about the nuts and bolts of getting a podcast up and running for your local business.  The start up costs may surprise you.  The results you get will be dependent on your internal marketing program.

    We tackle the start up phase in this episode.  


    This podcast is sponsored by Team Podcast.  The one stop shop for all of your podcast support services.  

    13 April 2015, 6:47 pm
  • 34 minutes 26 seconds
    Introducing...Podcasting for Local Businesses
    Local businesses can benefit greatly from having a local podcast to build a loyal following.


    In this episode, I can't be more excited to share with you my vision for taking podcasting to the local business level.  I think there is a huge need and I have a great vision for what it can do for a local business.

    It's like having your own business reality show, where you control the content.  You share the stories of your business and the people of your business with you customers and potential customers.  In doing so, you build a tribe of raving fans.

    I am excited to start this series of local podcast guides with a guide for local restaurants.  


    This podcast is sponsored by Team Podcast. The only support team you will ever need for your podcast.  Team Podcast, we take your work seriously! 

    6 April 2015, 9:07 pm
  • 20 minutes 41 seconds
    Celebrate the Small Wins
    Celebrate the small wins in every aspect of your business.


    Christy has much to be thankful for and she uses this episode to give you updates on where her business is.  The pier, well it is rolling along like you would expect.  There are highs and lows that any roller coaster would have.


    Christy is most excited about her work with clients through Team Podcast.  Making a difference in the quality of lives through providing support feels great.


    Christy has plans to continue to market Team Podcast in a way that would allow others to find her.  Supporting other businesses is very rewarding work.


    This podcast is sponsored by Team Podcast.  The one stop shop for all of your podcast support services.

    30 March 2015, 5:49 pm
  • 52 minutes 28 seconds
    Leaving Success To Find Success
    Sometimes you have to be willing to give up a small amount of success, so that you can achieve greater things.

    In this episode, Christy interviews Angie Swartz.  Angie has built a successful social media marketing firm, helping local businesses with their social media strategy.  But along the way, she knew that she wasn't living up to her true calling.  She had to walk away from a successful business, in order to truly find the right path for her life.

    Angie now spends her days coaching others to be able to leave their doubts and fears behind and really achieve their dreams.  Angie is also the host of the Life Purpose Advisor Podcast, where she talks to other professionals about finding their purpose in life. 

    Angie talks about the failures along the way, as well as the lessons learned.  Angie has a coaching class starting in May and she has generously offered BAM Reporter listeners $200 off the program.  It's the best investment you can make in yourself.  Claim this  discount before April 30th, and save $200.  You can sign up for her class here.  The coupon code for $200 off is BAMR200.  Take advantage today and I guarantee you won't be sorry.


    You can find Angie and her Podcast at Life Purpose Advisor.


    This podcast is sponsored by Team Podcast.  The one stop shop for done-for-you podcast support services.  Pay one fee and get everything you need done.  It can't be simpler.

    16 March 2015, 4:33 pm
  • 21 minutes 30 seconds
    Changes On The Horizon
    Constantly changing and evolving in your business is critical for survival.

    After a year of doing a 5 day a week podcast, Christy announces some changes to her podcast format.  

    There's a new direction that is much needed that she will be taking with the Brick and Mortar Reporter podcast.

    Listen to this episode for all the details on the changes.


    This podcast is sponsored by Team Podcast.  The one stop shop for "done-for-you" podcast support services.  Free your time to create great content.  

    9 March 2015, 5:00 pm
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