First Assembly NLR Audio Podcast

Rod Loy

Listen each week as Pastor Rod Loy teaches from our Guidebook for Living - the Bible.

  • 33 minutes 31 seconds
    It's Time for Generosity and Hospitality | Buckle Up

    As we continue looking at Romans chapter 12, we come to verses 13 and 14: Rom. 12:13 Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Paul's words are a clear and straightforward command for each of us - it's time to be generous and hospitable. In this message, you will learn practical ways to follow Paul's command. You will also be presented with the opportunity to put generosity in action!

    3 February 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 41 minutes 20 seconds
    Are You Passionate About Jesus? | Buckle Up

    In this message, as we continue “Buckle Up”, we look at Romans chapter 12, verses 11 and 12: Rom. 12:11 "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Get ready, this message is going to be very, very challenging. It could also be absolutely life changing. We pray you will discover or re-discover a passionate love for Jesus!

    27 January 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 32 minutes 27 seconds
    Your Role is Important! | Buckle Up

    In the Church, we all play a role in reaching lost people and making life-long followers of Jesus. There are no superheroes, A-listers, or lone warriors - we come together to form a team that Paul calls "the body of Christ" (1 Cor. 12).

    This message continues our series, "Buckle Up". We learn how God designed His Church to accomplish His mission by using people just like you! Buckle up - we've got a job to do and you play an important role!

    20 January 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 33 minutes 34 seconds
    It's Time to Change | Buckle Up

    When someone says, "Buckle Up", you know there is something ahead you need to prepare for. It may be a challenge, a difficulty or a hard truth, but no matter what it is, you need to buckle up!

    This message kicks off a new series: “Buckle Up”. At FirstNLR we believe in being Biblical Christians - the Bible should guide how we talk, act, and treat others. In this series, we dive deep into Romans chapter 12, where we will raise the bar for how followers of Jesus are supposed to live.  We challenge you to live up to the biblical standard! It's your choice - will you accept the challenge?

    13 January 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 55 seconds
    What Does A Healthy Church Look Like?

    Since becoming pastor, Pastor Rod has taught from the same passage in Acts chapter two at the start of each year. From this passage, we can identify twelve signs of a healthy, growing church. Whether you are new to our church family or have been a faithful member for years, this message is an important reminder that we all play a role in keeping our church healthy. This is the perfect message to share with someone - they will learn who we are and what we believe!

    6 January 2025, 4:00 pm
  • 38 minutes 23 seconds
    2025 - The Year of Freedom

    Are you ready to step into lasting freedom? In this message, we’ll explore how to break free from the chains of addiction, shame, and struggle. Discover hope, healing, and the promise of transformation in Christ. This is your chance to embrace a new way of living and make 2025 your Year of Freedom.

    30 December 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 45 minutes 35 seconds
    Christmas at First NLR

    Christmas service features beautiful music, a meaningful moment of communion and the life changing message of Christmas. We would love for you to share this message with your family. You are going to love the start of service. It features all your favorite Christmas songs in eleven minutes!   

    23 December 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 36 minutes 43 seconds
    It Will Be Worth It All | The 23rd Psalm

    This message we will finish the 23rd Psalm by looking at the final verse. It's an incredibly encouraging message that will remind you of God's goodness and mercy and our forever home! It's one you won't want to miss.

    17 December 2024, 3:57 pm
  • 25 minutes 20 seconds
    Your Good Shepherd Cares for You! | The 23rd Psalm

    Sometimes, the problems and difficulties of life are overwhelming. Everything seems to go wrong, and you can't find a solution. When that happens, what do you do?

    In this message, you will learn verse 5 of the 23rd Psalm. In life's most challenging moments, your Good Shepherd watches over you, prepares a way, and cares for you. This verse is a beautiful picture of God's love!

    9 December 2024, 5:02 pm
  • 27 minutes 15 seconds
    Are You in a Valley? | The 23rd Psalm

    When you are surrounded by difficulty and trouble, you find yourself in a valley. No one gets a free pass from hard times in life! When you know that valleys will come, how do you prepare?

    In this message, we learn verse 4 of the 23rd Psalm. When you find yourself in a valley, your Good Shepherd is there to lead you through. It's an encouraging message you need to hear!

    2 December 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 31 seconds
    How to follow the Good Shepherd | The 23rd Psalm

    In this message, as we continue the 23rd Psalm, you’ll learn how to discover and follow God’s plan for your life. We will also celebrate God’s plan for restoration and redemption. You will be encouraged and grateful.

    25 November 2024, 4:00 pm
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