Feng Shui Mastery Show With Cathi Hargaden

Cathi Hargaden

Welcome to the FengShuiMastery Show……This is Cathi Hargaden your feng shui practitioner/teacher hosting a new show with some great people lined up to be interviewed. We are going to be covering some great topics from looking at the philosoph

  • 45 minutes 46 seconds
    Feng Shui Cyprus
    Economic Feng Shui

    Economic Feng Shui

    If Feng Shui is all about flow and energy and the subsequent vibration it exudes, then, if we look at Cyprus we can see how the energy of Wealth has flown in very well for many years and then……..

    What happened?

    Well the flow suddenly was blocked. And, what happened as a result?

    In this interview you hear about how the flow of wealth was always coming in from the international jet set and when the European Central bank decided to skim off the bank accounts – rob Peter to pay Paul – it left the account holders not only with huge losses but all the subsidary ripples created out of the financial losses created in some areas mental health issues.

    Feng Shui flow into the banks in Cyprus suddenly became blocked; what does Paola have to say about this flow?

    Interestingly it was not as simple as funds being blocked by the Banks but, the total mindset of the island was affected. So we can see when flow of anything is locked or blocked it creates ripples across the country across the population.

    The flow of Wealth and its subsequent block has occured all over the world but we see it on this small island in the middle of two economic worlds.

    Should we call Feng Shui Cyprus a Feng Shui Crisis?

    After all how could this diamond of wealth in the middle of the Meditarranean Sea be hijacked into dismantling its wealth and shred it by order of a bureacracy on the mainland?

    Let us see where the energetic nature of wealth and the feng shui tide of money flows to next!

    The post Feng Shui Cyprus appeared first on Feng Shui Mastery Show.

    14 June 2015, 11:21 pm
  • 20 minutes 35 seconds


    Relationships: What a topic to discuss. Talking about special relationships in your life or a long term partner or civil or religious ceremony no matter what it all begins with vibration.

    Have you ever felt you were exuding a particular vibration from yourself?
    Have you noticed when you are in a good space within yourself that you feel great and so does everybody else?
    That you start attracting some great potential friends and partners? Where does that special vibration come from?

    Well it does start within but is also supported and influenced by what is it that is around you; that ‘s right, your environment.

    For instance, is your environment full of certain images so that life leads you to that particular vision?

    Are you hanging on to life in the past? Do you have much memorablia that ties you to too many people who have since long gone from your life?



    How about looking at what is right in front of you?

    What do you see?

    Is it chaos or clarity? Is it comfort or pain? How do you feel where you sleep, eat, relax?

    These are just some of the ideas mentioned in the interview with Corinna; a lady who talks about how she managed to attract the ideal guy into her life and it is absolutely fascinating to hear.

    Is it possible that your husband or wife is within reach of where you are now?

    Could it be that neither of you are resonating from the same energetic pattern and therefore quite easily miss each other?

    Listening to this interview we see how people miss each other all the time without knowing it and its not until there is an internal shift within that things on the outside, begin to appear.


    1. Clear Clutter
    2. Change energetic pattern
    3. Change your pictures
    4. Orientate using the Compass
    5. Time your changes.

    This interview is not only a fascinating explanation on how relationships can manifest but it is an invitation to take up some of the ideas mentioned, utilise them and see how you get on.

    Be sure to comment below on your findings.

    The post Relationships appeared first on Feng Shui Mastery Show.

    27 December 2014, 9:42 pm
  • 37 minutes 16 seconds
    Clutter Clearing – is it for You?

    Clutter Clearing is how my guest began her Feng Shui journey some months ago.

    Is your business stalling? Do you find yourself procrastinating for no particular reason?

    Has your life stagnated? Why do you have headaches, pains all of a sudden?

    We have been looking at the process of clutter clearing and my guest today  has provided some amazing insights on how she got started and what she has discovered in this process and has achieved.

    Funnily enough what we discovered that it was not just about how you physically felt; lighter, less burdened, more dynamic, less weighed down and greater clarity but it had an effect in other areas of her life too.

    Business wise she reported how much more clarity she gained; communication was far more simple;  letting go of old stuff and memories that had not supported her particularly provided space for a better life.

    An interesting point was the concept of gratitude.  Even though you may have to let go of things and stuff that is dear to your heart showing gratittude for the very fact you owned it, used it, and benefited from such items is an attiude oof appreciation.

    When you have that kind of attitude it does not flag up loss at all but gratitude and that there is more of those great experiences on the way. Many people brought through two world wars and many other difficult times built up an attitude of scarcity – there was not enough and therefore you have to hoard or gather lots lots more.

    This attitude gives off a feeling of not enough, that there will never be enough and exudes scarcity.

    It is an understandable approach to a world that has created that inner architecture in people; you know the more you want something sometimes because you are not relaxed it creates a strain almost a constipation that blocks the energy to allow that very thing to happen.

    When you are relaxed; allowing things into an available space with non-scarcity values there is a greater flowing.  So, returning to the clutter clearing; when you let go with ease, gratitude and appreciation it creates a space for something new to come into the next phase of your life.

    So, is Clutter Clearing for YOU? Listen to this guest’s realisations and you will realise it is for EVERYONE!

    It isnt just about what you can see around you that is construed as clutter; but clutter, in the computer, pockets, cars, diary, fridge, cupboards, the mind, social circle……..it is endless but ultimately if there is no space to enjoy life and create peace and harmony then all you are left with is the habitual patterns of what we call clutter and chaos.

    If you want to discover more on how to get started on this journey take a look at my free webinar:




    The post Clutter Clearing – is it for You? appeared first on Feng Shui Mastery Show.

    18 August 2014, 1:01 am
  • 29 minutes 32 seconds
    Decluttering Your Life

    Decluttering Your Life is essential if you want to make a shift in your world.

    I mean how many people are conscious of really entrapping themselves into a space within their own homes, busniesses that it actually causes them health issues?

    What exactly is decluttering?  Does it mean getting rid of everything?  No it doesnt  But it is realising what is hanging around in your life that you no longer have a need for or is impeding your flow to a better life.

    I mean, for people starting businesses, this is a major factor in blocking their wealth.  For those who require health, wealth and peace once again when you start the process of letting go  you start to see, feel and sense a release, start to feel lighter, and you see things more clearly thanks to decluttering your life.

    Students are often eager to implement the ideas of Feng Shui but it chaos already exists in their environment they are in effect just adding to that chaos.  Why is why clearing out old possessions with sad associations clogging up the arteries and veins of your home is often the first aspect to address.

    People are only too eager to want the effects and end results of tihs process of decluttering but it can be quite a difficult time for people.  They realise the possessions they no longer need have a function are difficult to let go of because part of their identity is stuck in them.

    Do you identify with this?  Is this you?  How do you feel when you spring clean, let go of the heaviness of those plastic bags, handing them over to the charity shop often making you inevitably feel lighter, generous and also having created more space for new developments in your life.

    There is often a resistance to letting go of anything not just clutter as fear stops people from discovering space in their surroundings and therefore more space within themselves.


    To discover more on how to get started click the link below and register for a free webinar.




    The post Decluttering Your Life appeared first on Feng Shui Mastery Show.

    17 August 2014, 11:41 pm
  • 20 minutes 43 seconds
    SPACE & Feng Shui


    Space – have you ever craved space around you, space from crowds, more space within yourself where peace resides?

    Across all the major cities of the world people are crammed in tight like sardines with no space to swing a cat because the values of such real estate are overwhelming to most people. People are pulled to spaces where there is a special vibration.

    How do you generate a special vibration in any room?  Have you noticed how certain places affect you in a brilliant way and then other places revile you? In our everyday life do you focus on the object or do you focus on the space around it? Whenever there is a space people usually want to fill it with something.  I have noticed how people can feel very uncomfortable having too much space as it shows them up almost like a shining a light on themselves.

    This is even discomforting to most thats why they choose to surround themselves with objects, people, IT devices and food, drugs, toys and as you know the list is endless. So, what would happen if you discovered more space around and within you than ever before?

    Would that give you a perception that is completely different from the one you have now? How does it feel to empty the cramped space you have now and often people tell me they can breathe, manouvre and see things differently. Less room for anxiety, fatigue, frustration.

    I just came from an office where personal space was so minimum as the flavour of the office now is hotdesking.  People feel all at sea when they hot desk and quite disorientated as their  surroundings psychologically can be invaded at any time. So, its not just physical space as perceived by the eye but space in time too. How many gaps are  there in your world of Time? Is every minute registered for doing?  Are there any gaps?

    Are there any silences in that space? What colour is introduced, textures, sounds, aromas, designs because ultimately you are responsible for what is invited into your personal space? Are you repsonsible for the vibrational energy exuding from you around  your body?

    I know more questions being asked and answers? Well get back to me as if conversation is stimulated from this topic then more space to discuss this essential dimension in our life.

    For more information on how to bring some great qualities into your personal space using the principles of feng shui you can listen to a free webinar here:


    http://internetcoachingschool.com/webinarmagic/register.php?wid=4340  Sydney March 2005 002  

    The post SPACE & Feng Shui appeared first on Feng Shui Mastery Show.

    5 July 2014, 9:34 pm
  • 56 minutes 43 seconds
    Change Your Environment

    Change Your Environment in Your Home?

    We are talking about the Feng Shui or the vibrational energy that your home exudes sometimes without you knowing.

    This in turn affects your health, wealth, relationships and many other aspects in your life.  Whether its your heart for health or love either way it appears there is an electromagnetic force that exists around us all and therefore affects the quality of our life within the environments or the climate of our homes in which we dwell.

    Is it time to Change Your Home  Environment?

    What does that mean?  Mark Abadi talks about the many forces within our environment especially the one’s we cannot see and illustrates how they are impacting upon us all the time, most of the time we are unconcscious of its effect.

    As an holistic  psychologist he discusses the power of aroma, sounds and designs but he goes from the micro – cell to the macro.  The invisible forms of communicating appear to be occuring between people all the time without us every knowing.

    He talks about the electrocmagnetic energy fields within us all and the power of the patterns in water which, in effect, make up over 90% of what the human body constitutues.

    So, for the first time, we are not just realising the environment refers to what we can see outside of us, but what can we know about our selves and our environments within us.

    Is this why you choose a certain person to be attracted to because of the resonance  or vibrational field of yourself within?

    Is this why you choose a particular place to live because of some inner energetic field that is working within you unbeknownst to yourself?

    How do you change your environnment once you realise something needs to energetically shift for both you and your family?

    Here are some ideas on what is going on in our physical and metaphysical universe – listening to Mark he gives us a scientific and psychological insight which makes you really think Who are You really? and, how can you  Change Your Environment?

    Change Your Environment!

    For more information on how to Change Your Environment in different ways so that you can get the best out of You and Your Home click on the link below:



    The post Change Your Environment appeared first on Feng Shui Mastery Show.

    25 June 2014, 9:52 am
  • 36 minutes 25 seconds
    Art of Alchemy – Attention to the Pictures on Your Walls -E5

    The Art of Alchemy is about the power of Art on our walls and, how your pictures might be affecting your Life.


    In this interview a textile artist shares her journey of textile art, meditation and spiritual realisaitons.


    She talks about how Alchemy is associated with the element of metal; be it gold, silver, copper.

    Symbollically it explains how we too within ourselves can transmute from the very slow physical energies that we believe is our true identity to the more faster vibrations that exist associated with our spiritual true nature.


    Her project is an expression of the Art of Alchemy.  She talks about how she came across this project – how the theosophical subjects like astrology, alchemy and concepts like Feng Shui have always been around.


    Catherina relates her own personal journey to developing her artwork alongside her spiritual discoveries .


    Be aware of your own art work  and the impact it has on  you.


    What do your pictures tell you how to be, do and feel?  What is the relationship you have with your environment?


    Art work is the outer expression of what is going on inside……..you have agreed to have a relationship with colour, design, geometry, texture whether you know it or not.  That is why colour and geometry are very powerful in everything we see around us andoften decides whether we are drawn to something or not.


    That is why advertising and marketing are so powerful because these qualities of colour and design are sending powerful messages at all times.  What is the message that you would like to convey and does it have an alchemical quality to it.


    PS    My Message  – Take control of the Alchemical nature of your pictures and what vibration and message it conveys to  you.  To discover more about how your environments influence you  go to:



    to discover more.

    Art of Alchemy

    The post Art of Alchemy – Attention to the Pictures on Your Walls -E5 appeared first on Feng Shui Mastery Show.

    26 May 2014, 12:38 pm
  • 22 minutes 25 seconds
    Feng Shui Book Review

    Feng Shui Book Review

    FengShui Books

    Feng Shui book review is an opportunity to discover which feng shui books would suit your style and interest.  Having read many of these books on this subject I decided to do a review to help you on your Feng Shui Book journey.

    I started off reading the only Feng Shui Book on the market – an interior design book.  It grabbed my interest and so this host of books here could grab yours.

    The market became deluged ten years ago by a plethora of feng shui books; illustrated with artwork, designed with great detail, complicated astrological analysis.  So, I have provided this review to get you to choose what is easier for yourself; whether its the visual, theoretical, or more complex explanations – you have a choice. As I have read all of the feng shui books on this show you get to see what is available and I tell you a little about each.  That way it makes it easier for you to not have to make lots of decisions; what feng shui book will always jump out at you. So, come on board, take a look at what is being reviewed and get started on your own Feng Shui Book journey.  Listen to some of the ideas that you will find in these books and make the decison for yourself what is most suitable.

    The post Feng Shui Book Review appeared first on Feng Shui Mastery Show.

    30 April 2014, 12:52 am
  • 33 minutes 33 seconds
    Chinese Acupuncture and Feng Shui – 3

    Chinese Acupuncture follows similar principles to Feng Shui

    Chinese Acupuncture follows similar principles to Feng Shui

    Chinese Acupuncture is an eastern intervention designed to reduce the blockages that are impeding the flow of energy around the body.

    How many of us know we are not performing to our optimum – it often feels like stagnancy in energy, or fatigure or inertia.

    Chinese Acupuncturists utilise very fine needles in specific areas of the body to release the blockages.

    When clients experience Chinese Acupuncture they often express a new lease of life, greater energy and improved vibrancy.

    What about using a similar form of Chinese Acupuncture on your home – known as Feng Shui.  Have you ever entered your home after being out all day, or been away on holiday and returned to a home that feels stagnant and low in energy?   Chinese Acupuncture parallels Feng Shui for the home – taking out the clutter, clearing the space is partly similar to improving the flow of your environment making you feel lighter and more at ease in your own home, workplace or commercial building.

    A Chinese Acupuncturist in this interview discusses how the five elements are found in most of the Traditional Chinese Medicine approaches.  The five elements are symbols used in Feng Shui to explain how to attract a balance into your home.  The amazing benefit to this system of Chinese Acupuncturist and Feng Shui is also an appreciation of understanding your nutrition, general health and attracting a balance in your environment.

    So, now we are in the season of Spring, this is one of the best times of the year to implement what we could call Chinese Acupuncture for the home – Feng Shui.  If you would like to feel lighter, less burdened, more calm and return to your home as an oasis then start acupuncturing your space by clearing the clutter which is visible to the eye and clear the space which is more non visible but can be felt.

    The post Chinese Acupuncture and Feng Shui – 3 appeared first on Feng Shui Mastery Show.

    15 April 2014, 8:48 pm
  • 17 minutes 27 seconds
    Feng Shui Tips – An Introduction- E2

    In this Introduction to Feng Shui Tips you will be delighted to discover that we will be covering subjects from colour to crystals, geopathic stress to clutter – all aspects of how you can improve your environment and welcome the benefits that will emerge.

    The benefits of Feng Shui Tips are that you will be able to get a good nights sleep, no more popping pills when you discover that the computer, tv and other electro magnetic equipment in which you find yourself living and sleeping has affected  your mood and health.

    Simple realisations that you can change the colour, design and layout of your home.

    Why not create a message within your own home – one of tranquility, harmony and equilibrium. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    But the Feng Shui Tips go even further; this is not a crack pot idea from the east but an ancient philosophy where you will discover that sacred geometry, philosophy and meditation were all forces within the design of this amazing system we call Feng Shui.

    Feng Shui Tips – even if you implement just one will have a knock on effect improving your quality of life and you start to take control within your inner architecture – that is your mind, emotions and your immediate environment whether that be a caravan, yurt, mansion or just a simple house in your street.

    Discover the different topics we will be looking at and speaking to guests about their paritcular field  on the Feng Shui Mastery Show.

    Crystals - One of the many Feng Shui Tips on offer

    Crystals – One of the many Feng Shui Tips on offer

    The post Feng Shui Tips – An Introduction- E2 appeared first on Feng Shui Mastery Show.

    15 April 2014, 8:13 pm
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