Fearless LA Podcast


Messages from Fearless LA

  • 45 minutes 3 seconds
    Kingdom Scales: Worth The Weight

    Pastor Christy Johnson preaches a message "Kingdom Scales: Worth The Weight".


    When we ask God to use our lives, what we don’t realize we are asking for is for the Lord to prepare us. We are going to have to go through some moments of pressing and pruning which end up being quite painful but instead of complaining when those things happen let's aim to become people of prayer! The weight of God’s glory on our lives might not happen easily but it will happen faithfully and that glory will always be worth the wait. We cannot abort the assignment because on the other side of our faithfulness we will experience the beautiful birth of something impactful.

    13 May 2024, 5:58 pm
  • 47 minutes 53 seconds
    Magnify - Jeremy Johnson

    Pastor Jeremy Johnson preaches a message "MAGNIFY" and explains when we MAGNIFY God instead of the problem, you're able to get a kingdom perspective. 

    6 May 2024, 8:04 pm
  • 44 minutes 9 seconds
    Winning Cities - Neil Smith

    Read: Matthew 5: 14-16 | Proverbs 23:7 | John 7:22 | 2 Timothy 2 As we continue to dive deeper into our walk with God we realize that Church is not a hiding place but a rallying place to get fired up for the next mission Our only objective in life  is that people discover Jesus so how we represent Him is going to be more effective out in the world that inside the walls of the church. In order to complete this mission we have to stand on the truth that we are both kings in ruling but also kings in waiting, so as we are expectant to God to take us to that “next big thing” we can still influence the atmosphere of where we are at.  Here are some things to think about as we continue to reflect the light of Christ:  1 Sometimes our lack of promotion is just a season of preparation.  2 To bring glory means to excel in whatever it is we do and that excellence will speak to people. 3 We have to be overt and covert at the same time.  It’s our mandate to change this city and to change this country for the Lord. A city on a hill cannot be hidden the word says, which means that if each of us collectively shine the light that has been given us, together we make a massive impact on the darkness that surrounds us. We often feel ineffective because we are isolated but look around you and see that you have been placed in a body that is running this race alongside you!  Application - Where are you positioned: a job, your family, your friends. How can you begin to bring that unique light into their lives? Prayer - Father help me reflect the light of Jesus on to those around me. I pray that I will excel in all the skills you have given me and in that process that I will bring you utmost glory. Help me see this season of preparation as the training grounds for what you have in store for the future! In Jesus Name!

    22 April 2024, 7:00 am
  • 44 minutes 2 seconds
    A Place Called Gethsemane (My Own) - Jeremy Johnson

    Our dreams can never know the power of resurrection unless they experience some sort of death. All of us want to live but very few of us want our dreams to die and in this walk we find that if they die they actually go into His hands and in His hands there is resurrection power. In order to share in his blessings we have to choose to share in his suffering! It’s his humanity that draws us closer to him but it’s his divinity that transforms the humanity in us and this transformation is the “process” that we all go through. The process is painful but here are somethings that we can take heart in knowing: Even Jesus prayed to forfeit the process before the promise, but in that prayer He chose God’s way! The pain will only affect one person but the process will birth something that will impact the lives of many. Jesus passed the test because He knew  that God was ordering His steps. He clung to trust even when pain was imminent. All of us must go to the wilderness alone and it’s there that we will get prepared and tested. The enemy will test us with our own promises without a process. The cost of the process is worth everything, just like the pain of labor is worth the baby in the end. So know that the steps give you the strength to hold the promise in the end. Jesus defeated the devil on the mountain but He fought the flesh in the garden. The ultimate fight is with ourselves but He shows us that the flesh can be conquered! Application -How can you begin to give God worship through the steps your on? Can you choose God’s way over your way today? Prayer - Father, the process has been painful. But I long to join in the suffering of Christ so that I may know the joy at the end. I worship and honour you for being God. Thank you for holding my life in your hands and for never giving into prayers that would help me cut corners in life. I give you my dreams and life knowing full well that you will lead me every step of the way. Amen

    18 April 2024, 8:12 pm
  • 50 minutes 1 second
    I've Got The Keys - Jeremy Johnson
    When we accept Jesus into our hearts we’re not waiting for anointing to hit us but we now become carriers of His Spirit. The heart is the center of our life and when we invite him into the center, this life is no longer subject to our old ways but it is now subject to His rule. By accepting Jesus we are saying yes to receiving all power, all authority and all of heaven that is waiting to back you up. This is what Jesus was trying to say when He said that we have been given the keys to the Kingdom. But sometimes we run into walls in this walk of faith and we begin to question that authority. 1. A wall is not an offensive weapon, it is a defensive tactic. If we've hit a wall it's not because the devil advanced on us but it's because you've advanced on him. 2. When we’ve reached the end of our faith it simply means we have come to the beginning of His 3. The enemy will lie to us from behind the wall and the only way to use the keys is to use God’s word. The truth of His word will set us free. God wants to release His power in our lives, He wants His anointing that rests on to change nations. Jesus picked up the keys to death hell and the grave which He gave back to us in the form of salvation. We no longer have to shout down walls but we get to pick up the keys by opening the word and praying it over our homes and watch the power of heaven release us from our cages. Let’s not be Christians in cages for one more day, let's choose to be renewed and restored from now on! Application: Have you run into walls with your life: with your faith, your life, your relationships, your ministries. How can you begin to unlock those cages with the truth? Prayer: Father, protect my heart from the lies that the enemy has been whispering over me. As I’ve come to this wall in my life, remind me of the truth so that I may declare it. I no longer have to live with this oppression because victory was won on that cross! Thank you Lord for leading me to your truth!
    18 April 2024, 8:07 pm
  • 43 minutes 59 seconds
    Jeremy Johnson - Dragon Slayer - Hello My Name is Revival

    Read- Isaiah 43:18 Acts 2:17-21 Revelation 12:7-12 Revelation 1:14

    Revival starts when you catch a new vision of the same old situation. As we prepare to take ground, the most important thing on this journey would be to forget the former things and focus in on what God is doing right here, right now. This fresh vision of our lives will open up our hearts to a move of God like never before and we are to be a church that is building the kingdom wherever we go, we need to remember the following:

    1. It is the power of the blood and the power of our testimony that will cause the shift in pain. People don’t connect to our promise they connect to our pain, like a puzzle piece, it's what was broken and missing in us that has created a space for someone to partner with us in life.

    2. God is bringing us to the dark places to bring the water out of us to bless those around us. Those rivers of living water will be more of a miracle when they come forth in a dry and desert place.

    3. We will never step out if we don't know who is with us, all of Heaven is backing us up and that should give us the boldness to preach revival. God came upon the heroes of faith so that they can carry the anointing into every situation. But unlike the heroes of the past, we have that anointing living within us and it has nothing to do with us!

    We need to know how powerful our God is and then we need to know how much He loves us. We take all God’s power away if we continue to hate ourselves and if we cannot see that this all powerful God has left the powers of the universe to rest his hands on us we will forfeit this race. Revival is here and it starts with us!

    Application: Can we stop looking into the past and press into the future? If there past miracles and great moments in your life that have maybe turned into idols then ask the Lord to give you a fresh vision of the future today!

    Prayer: Father I pray that revival will break out in me today. I long to be used by you, at this moment. You’re not waiting for perfection because you are perfect. If it is a move of God it will only happen through broken vessels and the foolish things of this world. I ask that you move me out of the way so that you can reach the world around me, through me. In Jesus name!

    10 March 2024, 8:00 am
  • 34 minutes 24 seconds
    Jeremy Johnson - Dragon Slayers

    Read- Revelation 12:7 Luke 8:39 Titus 3:3 Colossians 3

    We have to remember that more than just one man speaking from a pulpit, there is power in the word of our testimonies. When Legion was saved he wanted to follow Jesus but instead of going with Him he was asked to return home and proclaim the goodness of God. It’s time for us to go back to the place where we were broken so that we can proclaim the truth of Jesus and the power of His salvation.

    Here’s why our testimony is important:

    1. God took the wages of sin that were piled up against us and he justified us by his grace to allow us step into a purpose that is greater than we can possibly imagine.

    2. The ark of the covenant used to be something that held the presence of God but now we are the ark of God, we have a story to tell.

    3. Religion has become the chains of bondage instead of sin but let’s witness through the Holy Spirit to those around us and help break the Spirit of Religion off.

    We worship gifted people when our gifts are simply tools to build the house and to shine His light. Work on your gift, cultivate it but ask him to help you use it to honor Him . Jesus was about the Fathers business, that was his ultimate testimony. We are the arks that touch the city and we don’t need a mic to testify. Go get people saved and then invite them to church!

    Application - How can you share your testimony with someone this week?

    Prayer - Father give me the courage to share my testimony with those around me. I pray that you use every tool I have at my disposal to spread the truth of what you have done in my life.

    3 March 2024, 8:00 am
  • 28 minutes 41 seconds
    Jeremy Johnson - If It Cost Me Everything

    Amos 9:12-5 Matthew 10: 29-31 Luke 12:6-7

    Back in the day the sparrow was a pest in their towns and homes. It would build nests where it wasn’t supposed to, it was too quick to be caught, however there are places in the bible that the Lord tries to remind us about our worth through the picture of a Sparrow. The sparrow is both vigilant and joyful. God is looking for some people who are both stubborn and joyful, stubborn for the right things like the presence of God and joyful because of the fruit of the Spirit.

    1. It’s because we are so fearful of other things but God, that we get angry and frustrated over our lives. When we are in awe of God it replaces all other awes!

    2. Vigilance and Joy can be found in a firm foundation of the valley, the mountain top, in the presence of my enemies, the green pastures because God is everywhere.

    3.The sparrow is a reminder of not who you are but whose you are. While people overlook the sparrow the Lord looks over it. Let’s focus on the nature and character of God and begin to enter His presence!

    If a pest can live in our house rent free, trusting and living their lives because the Father who loves ALL takes care of them, how can we not believe that we are in good hands? God has not passed us over but he continues to push us forward in His plan. Run to him to receive that revelation and He will give you all you need!

    Application: Have you been feeling overlooked and forgotten? Do you have a hard time trusting God with the details of your life? How can you take one step closer to His truth today?

    Prayer: Father, how comforting it is to know that you are the Lord of a sparrow. I have failed to grasp the truth that I am worth anything to you so help me get to know you, so that I may see your character and nature and know in my heart that no matter where life takes me, I can trust you always!

    25 February 2024, 8:00 am
  • 38 minutes 58 seconds
    Jeremy Johnson - Light a candle in your: World, City, House

    Amos 9:13-15 Isaiah 60:1-3 Matthew 5:13 Micah 7:8

    God is doing something with what you called dirt. There is going to come a time when the harvest is going to surpass the harvesters. We might be walking through a season of life that currently looks like dirt, this might lead us to look at the glory days that have passed and idols what the Lord has done, but God is wanting to remind His church that He is doing a new thing and here’s why:

    1. In the darkest times He longs to shine His light through us. The light of the Lord is violent against the darkness so instead of hiding that light, He wants us to be a city on a hill.

    2. The greatest burden, the greatest mission and the greatest passion should be to light the candle in our home.

    3. God told us that we are like salt, and just like salt we will never expire, never be able to get rid of our essence. In His hands we can be used to heal, to redeem, to restore and to enhance His will.

    Many people have misunderstood the parable about the Salt. Jesus did not make a mistake when He said salt that loses its saltiness is worthless because the reality is that salt can scientifically never go bad. Just like that there isn't any expiration date on salt and there is no expiration date on your call. No matter how bad your life has been, you will always be valuable in the hands of God!

    Application: How can you begin to let the essence of God shine through you where He has placed you?

    Prayer: Lord because you have called me to be the salt and the light, help me embrace the reality of who I am. I am not to be hidden and forgotten, my purpose will not expire no matter what anyone says. Help me advance your kingdom and change the atmosphere of every setting you place me in, because that is what you’ve already called me to be!


    18 February 2024, 8:00 am
  • 44 minutes 57 seconds
    Jeremy Johnson - Revival in All

    In this season God is done calling us into the shallow. He doesn't care if you just got saved or if you're struggling with sin. He is not calling everyone of us to the deep because what we need it but because the food we need is in the deep end.Here are some things to consider with your relationship with God:

    1. God will always be able to use whatever you put before Him. But in order to see the fullness of God youwill need to give all of you.
    2. We need to replace our fear of man with the fear of the Lord. Only then will we be able to live a life free to operate in the authority He's given us.
    3. God emptied heaven to gain intimacy with us, although we've been fasting making room in our lives for His love will be the most fulfilling thing we do.

    There will always be two types of people: Sauls or Peters. The difference between the two was this: one dealt with that fear of man the other dealt with immaturity and the pride of man. One repented and the other had a rebuttal. Remember that the same sun that melts wax hardens clay, so what will be your response when the Lord calls you to a greater level of intimacy with Him!


    What would you pray for if you knew that God was backing your words from heaven? How different would your life be if you knew that everything you spoke had authority and weight. You can get that way if you allow God to be the number one priority in your life!


    Father I'm asking you to take me deeper. Forgive me for any area of disobedience in my heart, I know you've asked for all of me and I may have only let you in on some of my heart. I want all of me to be consumed by all of you!

    11 February 2024, 8:00 am
  • 28 minutes 28 seconds
    John Cameron - I Stand in the Presence of God

    Luke 1:13-20 We live in a day and age where there are many things that come against us. However, just like the seven sons of Sceva we might go after strongholds thinking we have the authority only to realise that we don’t. The only way to become a generation that walks in releasing the power of God is to remember the following:

    1. We can’t get authority from God if we don’t have intimacy with God.

    2. We need a generation who know how to linger in the presence of God.3. Vision will come when we stand in the presence of God. Our identity and our authority should be the result of our intimacy with the Lord whereas our doubts and fears will be a manifestation of our distance from Him. So wherever you are today on your journey, press into His presence and ask the Lord to teach you how to spend time with Him!Application:

    Do you find yourself rushing out of the presence of God? When was the last time you sat and lingered in His presence?Prayer: Father, teach me how to sit with you. I long to be beside you and I’m sorry for the letting life’s distractions get in the way of intimacy with you. Give me eyes to see and ears to hear your still small voice, and help me draw closer to you daily!

    4 February 2024, 8:00 am
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