Farming God

Steve Ray

Farming god goes to the places and talks to the people adventuring through America’s spiritual revolution. We travel to China, to Mexico, and across middle America, asking bigger questions that broaden our understanding, fuel our imagination, and put our anxiety into perspective. Our fear is replaced by a vibrant identity that allows us to not merely survive, but to truly live. There has never been a greater opportunity for a new way to live in America. Will you join me?

  • 28 minutes 45 seconds
    White Earth: Bikepacking Across Minnesota

    Subscribe for Steve Ray updates at​ .

    My great great grandma left the White Earth Reservation in 1915 and our family has never returned. I’m turning 30 and am biking back. Amidst statistical poverty, attacks on Ojibwe culture, and a century of land theft, White Earth, Minnesota is rich in natural beauty and the people carry a truth that they will share if you listen.

    Donate to Niijii radio here:

    Subscribe for Steve updates at

    Thanks to the Ojibwe People’s dictionary for providing the Ojibwe chapter titles. You can look up Ojibwe words and pronunciation here:​ Thanks to my grandma, Maggie Rousu, Merlin Deegan, Joe Allen, Father Joe and the White Earth community. Thanks to Alex.

    Finally, thanks to my family: past, present, and future, for keeping the threads together.

    26 April 2021, 5:36 pm
  • 4 minutes 50 seconds
    The Final Show

    Follow @St3veRay and subscribe to the email list to hear about upcoming projects. 


    Featured in this episode:
    Essential Everyday Mini Pretzels 



    The End.

    7 January 2019, 5:03 pm
  • 38 minutes 2 seconds
    Dog training - David Sleeper

    David Sleeper is a dog trainer, writer, and philosopher. We spoke a few months back in an abandoned air force base in the high desert of West Texas about David Sleeper’s new book: Imprinting Morality in dogs and humans.

    Sleeper hopes to have his website live by the end of the week.

    Learn more about Steve Ray Media here. 

    6 September 2018, 6:18 pm
  • 4 minutes 15 seconds
    Play by the rules Steve

    Steve considers money, weather, and the future of podcasting.

    Sign up for the newsletter EVERYONE is talking about at



    29 June 2018, 3:51 pm
  • 12 minutes 24 seconds
    Farming god in the Deep North

    The Deep North podcast has launched.

    On computer>

    On iPhone>

    But Farming god isn't going anywhere. Stay tuned. 

    Jay Walljasper (author of The Great Neighborhood Book) and Alexandra Connett (Minneapolis transplant) make a case for a city beyond cows, cold, and camp snoopy. Before moving to Minneapolis, Alexandra had no expectations for Minnesota, "Everyone was asking me why I was moving to the middle of nowhere." Since arriving, her experience has been much different than she had imagined. 

    Walljasper says Alexandra isn't a unique case and that this perception is partially Minnesotans fault. In the age of social media and the brand called you "it's time that MSP set aside its suburban sensibility and proudly say we are a city." 

    Music by Zack Baltich and intro music by Enjoy the Cat

    Click here to learn more about Jay Walljasper

    28 March 2018, 6:31 pm
  • 11 minutes
    Halfway to Fargo

    Music by:

    Paul Spring

    Paintings by:


    Recipe developed by:

    31 January 2018, 11:35 pm
  • 13 minutes 53 seconds
    A Christmas Story

    A historical Christmas story featuring everyone’s favorite deer.

    Stay informed at

    Long before the historical Jesus and Black Friday, stories held special significance during this part of the year, the darkest days of winter, the solstice, a time to celebrate the coming of light. 

    In the 4th century Pope Julius I declared that the 25th of December be the celebration of Jesus’s birth. The timing worked nicely for evangelists, presumably making the pagan to christian conversion an easier sell.

    When Christianity came to America, the puritans banned Christmas for dislike of decadence.  From 1659 to 1681, Boston residents were fined for displaying Christmas spirit. Contemporary American Christmas is an entity of its own, resting on the shoulders of Charles Dickens and department store jingles.

    Rudolph originally appeared in a 1939 advertisement for Montgomery Ward, a department store.

    If we are, after all, living according to a story, we may as well choose a fantastic one. 

    Public Domain Audio files found at:

    19 December 2017, 6:35 pm
  • 41 minutes 18 seconds
    Nonviolent Sabotage - Dakota Access Pipeline

    Ruby and Jessica drill holes in the Dakota access pipeline. After limited success in public hearings, encampments, petitions, marches, and rallies, the two admitted to non violent sabotage. In this episode, the two speak publicly about the success they experienced during their 8-month long property destruction campaign, including the piercing of empty & exposed DAPL pipeline valves, as well as setting fire to pipeline machinery. Since coming forward, their home has been raided by the FBI, the two have been named as individuals in a federal lawsuit and both are facing future federal indictment. 

    Musings to consider:

    1. “The duty of privilege is absolute integrity” - John O'Donohue
    2. “as the rising smoke of an offering through the sun door, do goes the hero, released from the ego” - Joseph Campbell Hero with a thousand faces
    3. “The work is not yours to finish. But neither are you to take no part in it.” -Rabbi Tarfon

    I’m not condemning what the women did, I’m not condoning it either. But I’d like to talk about it. Email me: [email protected] with any thoughts.

    Music by Paul Spring and Brian Thavis. Thanks to the Minneapolis Catholic Workers. 

    31 October 2017, 6:27 pm
  • 29 minutes 25 seconds
    Russian Revolution

    Russians in rural Wisconsin- celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the Russian Revolution. What did this revolutionary era mean to the people of 20th century Russia? And what does it mean to you and I as we pursue happiness in the land of the free?

    Former episodes featuring rural Wisconsin ‘Ice age trail’, ‘Cardinal Directions’, and ‘Silicon Valley Fox

    Russian Revolution 1905-1921 By Dr. Mark Steinberg 

    Country strummin’ by Chip

    The rest of the the spectacular music by members of the Midwest Bard Club.

    1 October 2017, 3:30 am
  • 14 minutes 29 seconds
    Undesirables of Minneapolis

    Nuns, walkers, bikers, protesters, recreational philosophers, river people feat. Minneapolis and the Mississippi River 

    Music by Steve

    24 September 2017, 12:00 pm
  • 9 minutes 15 seconds
    About me

    It’s all about me. My name is Steve Ray and my favorite color is blue

    Sailing across the Atlantic documentary 

    Artists and songs in order of appearance:

    Boston: Rockin Roll Band

    Boston: More than a feeling

    Chip and Isak

    Avett Brothers: Please Pardon Yourself

    Avett Brothers: Life

    Mapei: Don’t Wait

    Father John Misty: Bored in the USA

    Father John Misty: Well, you can do it without me

    Father John Misty: Leaving L.A.

    Paul Spring: Take Another Moment

    Music used in this episode is commented on for a limited transformative purpose in a creative fictitious context. No revenue was generated through this episode which warrants it protected under fair use copyright clause.

    17 September 2017, 12:00 pm
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