Astral Projection can be an incredible adventure into consciousness. A voyage into the unknown, this is where this podcast will take you: beyond the physical, beyond the world we see around us. The Astral Projection Podcast will take you to the very essence of your being. For all archived episodes please visit . Thank you for listening please leave a comment if you have any feeback or would like me to do an episode on a particular area of Astral Projection.
This OBE is a good example about how we can connect to others during OBEs. I had gone up to the attic to sleep at about 2am due to my husband’s snoring. In the early hours of the morning I had the following OBE.
I am out-of-body and fly through the window only to suddenly hear my husband come in the room telling me not to go off flying. It’s not the first time I’ve had this sort of experience. Anyway as I hover outside the window I tell him that it’s perfectly fine why doesn’t he try it too. I go back into the room and take his hands so I am facing him outstretched arms holding both hands. I tell him to jump up in the air and that he will float so he does, then I persuade him to fly out the window with me, so we do, all the time in the same position, me in front of him holding his outstretched hands. I say, ‘There that’s not so bad is it?’ Then I say, ‘Make sure you remember this in the morning,’ I keep emphasizing, ‘Remember this in the morning.’
So in the morning while having breakfast I asked him if he had any dreams the night before, then he suddenly became enthusiastic as he recounted a dream he had. The outline of the dream is this, he was shopping for an anti-gravity device which would enable him to fly, he found one in a shop and bought it at a bargain price. The device consisted of a piece of wood that you held out in front using both hands. As he demonstrated the position I saw that it was the same one as we had used in my OBE, he said he used the device first to float then to fly.
So his mind had interpreted our flying OBE into a dream about an anti-gravity device, I’ve been called a lot of things but an anti-gravity device is a new one lol. Well I suppose Ali does mean wings in Italian.
This is not the first time I have met my husband out-of-body but it is the first time he has actually remembered something similar to what happened. Often I am usually flying off out of the house trying to persuade him that he can fly too.
This experience has implications also regarding how we can help people even when we are asleep, and I’m not talking about helping people have out-of-body experiences but rather by giving people support. Of course, with family the connection is very strong so probably it is easier to have an influence, same with close friends, however, this doesn’t mean helping others is not impossible, given that we have their permission. The best way when out-of-body is to ask your higher self the best way to help someone with whatever problem they have, you may get shown something in a kind of vision, who knows if your higher self considers it appropriate you may even have an encounter like I did with my husband where he brought it all back as a dream. This is one reason why we must not discount dreams as not very important, we may get messages from our guides through them, even loved ones on the other side, who knows someone somewhere might be trying to teach us to fly.
From May 2016
I just love that OBE feeling, detaching from the physical is great way to get rid of stress. I become conscious after the exit, as sometimes happens, and I’m flying down the road in our neighbourhood. I look down at what I’m wearing and for some reason I’m dressed in a short black jacket and I’m carrying a wooden chair, both the jacket and the chair are heavy so I throw down the chair and take off the jacket. I think these items are symbolic of something weighing me down in the physical.
Anyway once those items are discarded I become lighter, I am so happy to be OBE and experience the lightness that comes with detachment from the physical. I’m a bit too exhuberant so I calm myself down as too much emotion in the astral can cut short an experience. Checking out local areas has never interested me and I hadn’t set any intentions before sleeping which is a shame as I could have tried healing my knee, I have been experiencing some mild pain there lately.
I let my higher self decide for me and it gets dark, not scary dark though, I fly very quickly just above some trees, the trees seem familiar from other experiences, it starts to get lighter and I see a young man with red hair walking on a mountainside, he’s on a trekking expedition to the top of the mountain. I stop and go up to him, he’s enjoying his walk, at the top of the mountain there’s a castle with a tremendous view. I tell him that I would have loved to accompany him but I’m out-of-body and I know my time is limited, my alarm clock will go off soon and then I’d miss the view. I tell him I’ll fly up to the top.
So I fly up to the top of the mountain, go through a door into the castle, there are other people there, (no one is bothered by my flying, (in some places people are bothered by seeing someone flying and you have to tone yourself down a bit), I fly up to the highest point in the castle, I’m still inside, there’s a window through which I can see the sea, I always like views over the sea but a lady tells me that is not the spectacular view to be experienced. I then realise that the view is inside the castle and as I look down what I see is truly breathtaking but not visually, it’s breathtaking in its depth and ‘enormity of feeling’, it reminds me of Koestler’s description of what Freud calls ‘oceanic feeling’: (though this expression was originally coined by Romain Rolland).
“that expansion of awareness which one experiences on occasion in an empty cathedral when eternity is looking through the window of time, and in which the self seems to dissolve like a grain of salt in a lot of water.”
Aware that my alarm clock will be going off soon I leave the castle, to get out I have to go through a kind of TV screen, then through another door, others are entering as I leave. At this point I check in with my higher self to see if I can help out anywhere but it isn’t meant to be. I stay where I am, it’s truely a lovely place, different styled houses and each ecologically friendly, information enters my mind that this is where sustainable housing, farming etc is developed for the Earth before arriving as a physical concept. I receive the impression that I am looking at ideas from Earth’s future as seen from my present point as Ali Wylie on my timeline.
I see a celebration going on with lots of different kinds of food carried in different containers, there’s lots of colour and happiness, they are celebrating how they have found the solution to food problems on the Earth, now everyone will have enough good healthy food.
I think the spectacular view within the castle is showing how the beauty and depth we carry inside is so much more meaningful than anything we may see or experience on the outside, in our exterior worlds, this of course is nothing new in spiritual circles, but these reminders are sometimes necessary to keep us on the right path.
Happy travels!
I often talk about the importance of the mind in out of body experiences, firstly to set intention, and focus on that intention and while actually out of body to remain objective and in control. I have also spoken a lot about the heart and how it can act as a strong catalyst to bring about an OBE, as if you have a strong desire to connect to the beyond this desire can pull you into the beyond, it is not just ‘want’ it is something more. It is more like an extremely strong longing to connect to something you know is present somewhere within you, the path to that something is through your heart.
Combining these two aspects of who we are can create a powerful technique. Unfortunately we are used to separating everything, how we perceive the world, each other, the parts of our body, we don’t seem to be very good at unity, at least at the moment though things are changing.
The heart is very powerful, I felt its power once in an OBE where I could see and feel my heart chakra like a glowing engine full of power. Imagine being able to harness this power. We all have a heart so we all have this incredible power house, we only have to learn how to ignite it.
Our mind is also a powerful tool if we can learn to focus and not let it wander into the past and future beating ourselves up about the past and worrying about the future. Our point of power is the present and it is only from there that we can act.
Focusing our mind on our intention to experience an OBE while feeling a strong desire to connect to the beyond is powerful and it does require effort. The desire must be felt, it must not be the idea of a desire, I have called this ‘spiritual longing’ in the past, as mentioned earlier, it is a longing to reconnect to who you truly are, to your higher self, to the divine.
I don’t really like to call this a technique as the desire to reconnect to the divine is something not to be turned on and off, only to be used when we want to experience out of body travel. We should carry that feeling in our hearts as we carry on our everyday lives, who knows doing this may also have a positive effect on how we live too.
We have been taught over the years to perceive the world in a particular way, we live with blinkers on without seeing wider possibilities of life on Earth. Opening ourselves up, feeling that spiritual longing, that desire to connect to the divine, combined with the power of our minds, could take us many places including on incredible out-of-body experiences. Spiritual longing is a strong desire to experience who we truly are without the blinkers of our physical reality, one of the ways to do this is through out-of-body experiences. In one of my OBEs I experienced myself as the universe, I was everything, all was present, all was peaceful, it was incredible and defies description.
So let’s nurture our hearts and learn to control our minds, uniting the two, indeed uniting all our bits, so to speak.
A strong desire to grow beyond this physical reality can only take you one place and that is beyond the blinkers.
Phew where does the time go, can’t believe it’s now the other side of Christmas and the days are getting longer. My OBEs went to sleep for a while now they seem to have woken up a bit. They are rather short but it is good to be out.
In the first I leave my body and find myself in my garden in England I look around and fly to the end of the garden and look over to the left. There is something new and kind of new settlement, though not permanent in the sense of buildings etc and I see lots of blue lights. I am very happy as I feel there has been progress, something has evolved. The ‘people’ I say people but I don’t see anyone at first, I just get a feeling, however, the feeling that I get is that they are self-sufficient, they no longer rely on external things, not for survival of for spirituality. Everything they need is contained within. They even carry their own shelter with them, someone comes over and demonstrates how they can easily create a kind of igloo type shelter around them.
A few nights later I have the following experience.
It’s so good to be out and about, I love the feeling you get when you’re out there, it’s difficult to describe, a feeling of lightness, of freedom, so good to have a break from gravity lol. It’s not just that though, it’s a break from the predictability of the 3D reality.
I am dreaming I am in my old bedroom in England, I am dreaming that I want to have an OBE, I am in bed. At which point I start to feel the signs that I am about to have an OBE and I become lucid, I let the gentle fizz run through my body and I get up out of it.
I believe I am already in the astral probably in an astral version of my bedroom, I am lucid and it is not a lucid dream, it feels different, definitely has the OBE feel about it. I look at the window with the intent to fly through but it is all boarded up, and I feel it would take a lot of effort to go through. I decide instead to explore the house to see what wonders lie within. I float out of the room and see a figure in front of me a white, almost transparent lady, as I go towards her she kind of puffs away. I go down the stairs and I see my dad in the hall, though he has no substance, (my dad passed a while ago) I feel the figure of my dad is residue energy, he too disappears. I fly out of a window into the garden, how wonderful it is, the garden is permeated with a joyful energy. I look up there are some autumn leaves blowing in the wind, the leaves turn into birds, it is magical.
I don’t remember anymore, and soon wake up.
So cool to be out and about again, though I do feel that even if we may not remember what we do at night, there is always something going on. In the last weeks I feel I have been going very deep, maybe too deep to bring anything back to be processed by the human brain.
In the next OBE I am in a dream and I am very high up in a building, I get the urge to fly through the window, at that moment I become lucid and as I fly through the window I realise I am in the astral. It feels so good, I am flying very fast over a lake, I look around to decide which direction I feel like flying towards. I am sooo full of energy and I throw off my clothes to feel the energy sensations against my skin. I feel this is symbolic of throwing off earthy type energies. It feels so good I could cry, all the time I feel my energy rising.
I decide to fly towards some mountains, there is a small settlement and I find myself there with a young man, I feel we know each other quite well, I tell him how I am almost bursting with energy. We walk around the settlement to the other side I see a woman maybe Chinese, then suddenly I realise a volcano has erupted and we are close to the flow the lava, the young man says he’s never been so close to lava before. Then a strange thing happens and he sort of drops into the lava, all remains is his head on top of the lava flow and I pick it up though it is not really a human shape head and it is small and inanimate. Someone says to me, ‘it’s a good job you picked up his head’. The settlement isn’t stable as I see some cliffs fall into the water a distance away and now there is the threat of a tidal wave. I know I can fly and I am just about to take off to go to higher ground and an asian looking guy grabs my arm, he is trying to help me, to stop me from being swept away by the water, he doesn’t know I can fly. Momentarily the danger passes and he lets go of my arm, at which point I head towards higher ground.
I wake up.
I seem to be getting my night time focus back instead of falling into deep sleeps where I remember very little. Maybe this has to do with the days getting longer and with spring just around the corner. The wood pigeons are getting more vocal which I love, it’s a bird that has followed many of us through life though we may not have always been fully aware of its presence as I feel it is a bird that is often taken for granted. However, at least for me the cooing reaches a part of me that lies deep within. I recently read that the birds are 5th dimensional beings and there song holds secial messages for us. They certainly always remind me of my OBEs when I see them flying, reminds me of the feeling I have when I’m out there ‘free as a bird’.
Thanks for listening,
Happy travels!
Early this particular morning I decided to practice active listening as I have mentioned in other episodes, I put on a track to focus on and chilled into the music but not too much as to lose my focus. In the end I did go to sleep though.
I’m dreaming I’m observing a kind of white corridor there are people walking down it, they are in a sorry state, some can’t even walk properly and one guy who is in a pretty bad way picks up and someone worse off than him and carries the person on his back Then, still as an observer I’m in another white corridor and below me are 3 children who are shabbily dressed and a bit dirty. I tell them from above that we have to get out of this place, at which point I realise I am dreaming, and I tell them we can go to the astral together.
I set my intention and shoot up into the air intending to make an exit to the astral in the ceiling, but I can’t get through, I try again and make a round hole in the ceiling with my head, then the ceiling sort of screws round on itself so the hole becomes an oval hole. I don’t go through it as I realise that there is no ceiling above me now and I shoot up into the astral. I find myself in a lush green forest, it is so green, something white is coming towards me and as it gets closer there is a lot of writing on it though I don’t understand any of it, but I get the feeling that I have to save the world.
I stand in the forest I am some sort of warrior and there is another warrior with me, we are waiting for others to join us. I have a sword and dressed in black, a bit like a samurai.
I don’t remember any more than that. The thing that stands out is just how green the forest is.
A samurai saving the world sounds like some sort of video game lol.
Anyway even though short I am happy I managed to get out as it always gives me a feeling of something bigger, when I am back in my body after an OBE it always amazes me just how focused we are in this 3D reality, so focused that it is too easy to believe that this is the only reality and that our dramas are the only dramas. I’m sure there was a time when we were more in tune, when we saw so much more than the funnelled down version of the world that we see now, it is as if we live with horse blinkers on. It’s time to get rid of the blinkers and open our minds to something bigger, something deeper.
My journeys in the astral have taken me to many places, some beautiful beyond words, others so real they seem more real than real, others totally defy description. There are also more gloomy places, though some say all is light and love on the other side my experiences have shown me otherwise however, it is important to remember all ends in joy….sooner or later. It is no good denying these gloomy places exist, it would be like denying a part of ourselves, humanity does carry darkness within, as history tells us, as the state of our world shows us. However, helping just one person at a time out of their astral gloominess does make a difference.
We may believe that the bad things that happen are external to us and nothing at all to do with us as individuals but I believe we are all connected, we are all human, probably with many other lives. We just don’t remember in the life we are presently focused all the people we are and all the things we do or do not do in this big soup of the NOW.
This world is what we have created, what we are creating, it is our responsibility and we can make a difference by trying to be the best possible version of ourselves. We can try to raise our own vibration and this will have a knock on effect on the people around us, so yes our communities are important. In turn this, I believe, will also affect the astral planes as it is here our thoughts and emotions play out, this is why at times it is such a mess lol. Our thoughts are crazy and our dramas at times off the scale, causing out of control emotions and craziness.
Contributing to the wellbeing of our communities will help uplift humanity. This brings me to my new activity which I am hoping to bring to my own community, it involves drum circles. In the summer I completed a drum circle facilitator course, to tell the truth I don’t remember how I even discovered the event, but I knew I had to do it. It was amazing and I discovered how drum circles can lift people up, how they can connect people in a very deep way, I had some amazing experiences. So over the summer I have been gathering together a few second hand drums and percussion instruments, I also managed to grab a few camping chairs at a decent price to take my drum circles into nature.
However, I am now stuck as I need a few slightly more expensive nesting drums, which are lighter and easier to carry around, my funds are limited so I wondered how could I raise some money for the drums. I don’t like asking for money without some sort of exchange so I decided to record my book, Astral Dancer, that I could give away by way of a thank you for eventual support for this new venture.
One Monday before I went on holiday, I took the plunge, I started recording around 10 am and finished early evening. It was pretty exhausting but satisfying. Over the next few weeks I edited the audio, it took longer than I expected and a few times I wondered why I had started lol. It’s amazing how long it can take to edit just 20 minutes of audio.
Anyway it is completed and ready to download for those who donate to my drum fund. I have used the voice of an AI for Danny as his part, though only about 3000 words, proved too expensive to pay someone. AIs have certainly improved a lot in the last few years, he doesn’t sound too bad. I used my podcast set up so the quality is similar to what you are presently hearing. I have worked out I need about 2500 euros for the drums, once I have reached this sum I will take down this podcast episode and the option to download as this is a one off thing for the drums.
Of course I am still continuing with my astral projection stuff, how could I not lol, it has brought me much wisdom over the years and has become a part of me. So if you would like to donate to my drum fund please go to and click on the Donate to my Drum fund image or you can first go to the page that describes the project in more detail. After you have donated you should be taken back to my website where there is a link to download the Astral Dancer audiobook, it lasts about 3 and a half hours. If you have any problems accessing the download let me know via the Contact page on my site and I’ll do my best to get the audio to you.
Thank you in advance!
What a nice surprise this morning, a sign things are calming down after the summer, I also think recording a quick podcast episode recently helped get my mind focused on astral projection again.
I am laying in bed and I feel the usual sensations that I am in the mind awake/body asleep state, though I don’t feel as if I am me in my bedroom here in Italy, I’m someone else but still me lol, if that makes sense. I leave my body and immediately find myself in the astral. I shoot up in the air and look down, below me is a young man, roundish face and short hair, and he is also me. I feel I have his appearance. I’m so happy to be out-of-body we look at each other, we are both happy, then I fly off. I feel that I’m looking for someone or something, there is some sort of conflict going on, not a war, more an underlying conflict that needs resolving. There is a lady sitting at a desk and she is checking people through into a sort of work tunnel. I am with a group of women who are all dressed in white robes, totally covered from head to foot I don’t see their faces. The lady at the desk has dark hair and is bigger than the women, I too am bigger.
In some way the lady with dark hair represents the authorities, the ones who are keeping the women under control. I tell the women that they mustn’t go and get checked in and go down the tunnel but they don’t listen they think it is the only way they can be free. The lady with dark hair becomes aware of me and doesn’t want me there, I fly off and find myself in a glass building with the lady with dark hair. I vaguely remember flying through a window into a town but the memory isn’t clear and I don’t remember any more.
I often find myself inthe mind awake/body asleep state in other bodies, sometimes a version of my own as in Ali, sometimes someone else, though I think probably another me, from another life. A week or so ago I watched the film ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’, it was a bit confusing at times, a little difficult to follow if you got distracted, but I can appreciate the concept. Thousands of universes all happening at the same time with different versions of the same people, the appearance of the different versions was always the same though they were living different types of lives, with the same people, so if I were to make a correlation it could be said that each was a probable self living a possible life on a different timeline. Seth talks about probable selves, for anyone that isn’t aware Seth is an entity channeled by Jane Roberts a while ago now. The film ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’ is slightly different from the film ‘Cloud Atlas’ which depicts 6 different lives of the same essence, which are completely different in appearance and personality, male and femaile, so rather that probable selves they were other lives.
All rather confusing, maybe I shouldn’t bring the entertainment industry into this lol however, I do believe that our films and tv often do depict certain truths though maybe a bit distorted in order to be entertaining. You just have to look at the film ‘Matrix’ and how by many it is considered a documentary rather than fiction, but we won’t go into that.
So how is all this relevant to my OBE, well the films deal with how all the probable selves, or lives, can influence each other, in both negative and positive ways, I believe this is true. In some way we are in contact with ALL of who we are, for this I often wake up in the mind awake/body asleep state of other versions of the Ali me, or other people who are not the Ali me but are other mes from other lives with a different appearance. In this way we can all help each to work through our shadows, each me has different skills and abilities which we can connect with and use to lift up the total of who we are into a higher vibration.
Realising this and trying to make the connection can have a knock on effect and help wake up other yous who may still be unaware of the multiplicity of life. As individuals we can help transmute any negativity that we may have caused in other lives, or as probable selves, and this in turn will help the whole of humanity out of the tunnel we have been in for a very long time. This is how important you are.
It is all too easy to forget some of the lessons we learn in the astral, this is why it is important to reflect on and write down our dreams and OBEs and on occasion reread.
This summer I forgot the words of an astral traffic warden I met once in an OBE, in the UK traffic wardens are the people who fine you for parking in the wrong place. When I met her I was singing and dancing to upbeat music and she came over. I thought she was going to fine me for singing and dancing in public. However, she said that she was going to fine all the people who weren’t singing and dancing.
In other words she was saying don’t forget to sing and dance in life or you may have problems. I ended the summer with a tendonitis in my left shoulder. The second half of the summer was enjoyable but a little stressful, When I’m stressed a lot of the tension goes into my shoulders usually I don’t even realise I’m doing it, dancing in the evening in the kitchen to 70s and 80s music while I’m cooking usually de-stresses my body I shake off all the days stress like my dog shakes off all the emotion we smother him with.
I didn’t realise how this contributed to my wellbeing until the other evening when after boogieing a little in the kitchen there was a lot more movement in my shoulder. For half of the summer I had been too busy to partake of my kitchen disco, instead keeping all the stress in my shoulders, the body can only take so much and once home, my left shoulder had had enough and I got my ‘fine’ so to speak.
The astral traffic warden experience may seem quite simple and not really one of my more memorable OBEs but the message is indeed important, don’t stop singing and dancing, allow your body the opportunity to express itself freely. Allow your self to express itself freely, in the end this is your story, you are the protagonist, only you know what you need.
Remember even the simplest of out-of-body experiences can carry an important message.
In my last episode I spoke a little about active listening, and how it can take you into the present moment. Well I decided to practise a little when I wake up during the night. I often listen to tracks when I do wake up as it helps me relax and get back to sleep. So this particular morning I wake up and put on a track called the Chakra/Brainwave Harmonizer by Jonathan and Andi Goldman, I start to listen to the music, not just hearing it and allowing myself to drop back off to sleep but actively listening to see where it takes me.
After a while I realise my body has gone to sleep and I am feeling energy sensations that I recognise as the precursor to an OBE so I get up out of my body, go over to the window and fly through it. I am feeling full of energy and euphoric, my heart centre is particularly active, as I fly through the window I am surrounded by what I would describe as mist or light clouds, this is the nearest I can get to describing it. I feel so full of joy and want to connect to the Divine. Just in front of me I see a dark shadow, potentially it could have been a bit scary but I am so full of joy that I go over to it and give it a big hug, it immediately disintegrates and disappears. Some more stuff happened after but I can’t remember very well. Then I wake up.
I wasn’t intending to have an OBE I just thought that I would see where active listening to this track would take me, the track starts at the Crown chakra goes down to the Root then up again and finishes on the Crown. It could be that when I had my OBE the Heart chakra track was playing, considering my heart center felt very active.
It could be that I was doing some ‘shadow work’ as I did hug the shadow and it disintegrated, which is possibily demonstrating that if we hug our shadows, i.e. accept them as part of who we are and not try to hide and resist them, then our shadows will disappear.
This is an example of one of the benefits of OBEs, they help us evolve, we can deal with our shadows and grow just a little bit more each time. Of course this is not the only path to evolution but it is indeed a fascinating one.
A few days ago I got back from a 6 day retreat, (drum circle retreat), on the surface this may not be connected to astral projection, however, the Universe connects everything and leads us, if we listen, to our path and to experiences that enhance our understanding of our place in the scheme of things.
So this episode starts with a quote by Michael Roads
“You cannot think your way into the moment. You can only think your way out of it. To listen, you have to be consciously established in the moment.”
I have often spoken about the importance of the present moment and how it is our point of power, of connection with the Divine. To really be in the moment you should let go of your thinking as our thinking takes us away from the present moment into the past and future. There is an astral projection technique I call the Dream Focus Technique, where you focus on something to the exclusion of all else, if you focus for long enough the dream dissolves and you find yourself either directly in the Astral or in the mind awake/body asleep state, at least this is my own experience.
To illustrate this I once left my body and decided to meditate while in the Astral. I knew I had to empty my mind of all thoughts and focus in the present moment. It wasn’t easy but I managed it and I experienced myself as the Universe, I was everything.
So back to the retreat, we did an exercise where you stand in the middle of the drum circle, you have to listen to the sounds and then close your eyes, and turn to try to find your place in the circle. As I Iistened, with eyes closed, slowly turning it was as if the physical world dissolved and I had a similar feeling as the OBE mentioned before although not as intense. I was focused in the present moment as I was actively listening to the rhythm of the drum circle. I had listened myself into the present moment. The listening helps to block out thoughts and external distractions, the same as focusing in a dream dissolves the dream.
I haven’t had time yet to really work on listening, the retreat was pretty intensive, I still need some time to process everything, my dreams are full of circles of rhythm and sensations. I think I need another retreat to process the first one.