Athey Creek | Audio Podcast

Athey Creek Christian Fellowship

Bible Teachings by Brett Meador.

  • Through the Bible | John 8 by Brett Meador
    A Bible teaching titled “Through the Bible | John 8” from John 8 by Brett Meador.
    16 May 2024, 2:00 am
  • I AM the Door by Brett Meador
    In the third "I Am" statement of Jesus in John 10:7-9, we find Jesus declaring Himself the Door for the Sheep. But why exactly do sheep need a door, and what does this mean for us? As we look into the symbolism behind this statement, we see the purpose of this door, why there is only one, and how we can enter it to find protection, rest, and eternal life in Jesus.
    12 May 2024, 5:00 pm
  • Through the Bible | John 7 by Brett Meador
    There is a lot of discussion about who Jesus really is during the Feast of Tabernacles in John 7. As the people debate the hot topic of the day, we see them use faulty logic and so-called intellectualism to make assumptions about Jesus that will only cause them to reject Him and ultimately lead to their destruction.
    9 May 2024, 2:00 am
  • I AM the Light of the World by Brett Meador
    Jesus declares He is the Light of the World in His second "I Am" statement in John 8:12, illuminating a concept that we see from the beginning in Genesis to our present command as Christians to reflect His light. As we study, we learn why this is such a weighty declaration, how to discern between true and false light, and how to ensure we point those who live in ever-increasing darkness toward Jesus.
    5 May 2024, 3:00 pm
  • Through the Bible | John 6 by Brett Meador
    Jesus has a jam-packed 24 hours in John 6 as He feeds 5,000 men (plus women and children!) with only five loaves and two fish, calms a storm as He walks across the Sea of Galilee, and launches into a deep theological discourse on how He is the Bread of Life. As we look into the significance behind these events, we see how Jesus astutely responds to the people's inquiries to show them who He is and what they must do to be saved.
    2 May 2024, 2:00 am
  • I AM the Bread of Life by Brett Meador
    Jesus declares, "I am the Bread of Life" in John 6:31-58 in response to the people's assertion that their ancestors ate bread from Heaven. As we study Jesus' first "I am" statement, we learn how this is linked to manna in the Old Testament, see the danger of murmuring against the Lord's provision, and examine the blessings we receive when we allow Jesus to be the one to fulfill and sustain us.
    28 April 2024, 5:00 pm
  • Through the Bible | John 5 by Brett Meador
    Jesus attracts the negative attention of the religious leaders after He breaks one of their legalistic rules by healing a man on the Sabbath. As they question Him in John 5, Jesus begins making claims about who He is, why He came, and the final authority He has to judge – which will ultimately draw their ire even more.
    25 April 2024, 2:00 am
  • Are You Feeling Helpless? by Brett Meador
    In John 5:1-16 we meet a man who has been crippled for 38 years and is utterly helpless in his attempt to find a remedy. However, his life changes when he encounters Jesus at the Pool of Bethesda. As we study his story, we learn what this man did to deserve this miracle, how he and others responded to his healing, and how the grace and mercy he received are also available to us through Jesus Christ.
    21 April 2024, 5:00 pm
  • Through the Bible | John 4 by Brett Meador
    After encountering Jesus at the village well, a Samaritan woman rushes to share the good news with her fellow townspeople, resulting in many believing in Jesus. Later in John 4, we see an example of false faith from the people of Galilee, and conversely, true faith in action as a nobleman’s son is miraculously healed. As we watch all these events unfold, we see a beautiful model of evangelism, Jesus’ compassion on people from all walks of life, and where genuine faith comes from.
    18 April 2024, 2:00 am
  • The Woman at the Well by Brett Meador
    Jesus does something radical in John 4:1-29 when he takes a planned detour to Samaria – a place where Jews typically would not travel – to speak to a woman who typically would not be spoken to. As we see this story unfold, we learn why Jesus did such a shocking thing, what the living water He offered the woman was, and how we, too, can obtain it as we receive salvation from Jesus Christ.
    14 April 2024, 5:00 pm
  • Through the Bible | John 3 by Brett Meador
    During a nighttime encounter, Jesus explains to Nicodemus what it means to be born again – a concept that still causes confusion today. As we study this essential doctrine of the Christian faith in John 3, we see how God established this plan from the beginning, what we must do to experience it, and learn that salvation and eternal life are only found in Jesus Christ.
    11 April 2024, 2:00 am
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