Athey Creek | Audio Podcast

Brett Meador

Bible Teachings by Brett Meador.

  • Old Testament Picture - New Testament Truth by Brett Meador
    A debate arises in the early church in Acts 15:1-11 over whether the new Gentile believers should be circumcised and follow Jewish law. As we explore how they settled the issue, we turn to the Old Testament to see the answer in a striking parallel between Joseph and Jesus, which gives us great insight into salvation by grace through faith.
    2 February 2025, 6:00 pm
  • Through the Bible | Acts 14 by Brett Meador
    As they continue their first missionary journey in Acts 14, Paul and Barnabas encounter extraordinary opportunities but also fierce opposition from a group of Jews who continually stir up trouble. But despite these violent uprisings – and even a near-death experience for Paul – they continued performing miracles, preaching the Gospel, and strengthening the faith of the new believers who accepted Jesus as their Savior.
    30 January 2025, 3:00 am
  • The Answer to Idolatry by Brett Meador
    After Paul and Barnabas are mistaken for gods, Paul addresses the fervent crowd in Acts 14:11-19 to redirect their worship to the one true God. As Paul boldly explains the folly of idolatry and points to how God reveals Himself through creation, his words once again incite hostility, culminating in a violent uprising against him.
    26 January 2025, 6:00 pm
  • Through the Bible | Acts 13 by Brett Meador
    Paul and Barnabas embark on their first missionary journey in Acts 13, encountering both fierce opposition and incredible opportunities. Along the way, they face resistance from a hostile sorcerer and Paul’s first sermon angers the Jews yet blesses the Gentiles who eagerly receive the Word of the Lord.
    23 January 2025, 3:00 am
  • Forgiven by Brett Meador
    In Acts 13:36-39, Paul makes a powerful declaration that we can only find forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ. But what does this actually mean for us? As we study, we learn why forgiveness is necessary, the benefits of confession, repentance, and salvation, and why Jesus Christ is our only access to these things.
    19 January 2025, 2:00 am
  • Through the Bible | Acts 11-12 by Brett Meador
    Following Peter’s vision concerning the Gentiles, the church continues growing, and the Gospel spreads rapidly in Acts 11-12. However, the explosion of Christianity sparks persecution from Herod, who kills James and imprisons Peter. Yet we still see that God is in control as Peter is miraculously freed through the power of prayer and angelic intervention while Herod meets a ghastly demise.
    16 January 2025, 3:00 am
  • Evangelism + PDX Crusade 2025 Announcement by Brett Meador
    The Gospel reaches the prominent but wicked city of Antioch in Acts 11:19-21, and many people become believers as a result. Similarly, we desire to impact the city of Portland, Oregon, and shine the light of Jesus Christ within our dark community. In this special message, Pastor Brett shares plans to reach the Portland metro area with the Good News of Jesus Christ as we officially launch the PDX Crusade 2025. Billy Graham Crusade footage (1957 New York City, NY, and 1992 Portland, OR) courtesy of BGEA. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
    12 January 2025, 2:00 am
  • Through the Bible | Acts 10 by Brett Meador
    God orchestrates an extraordinary scenario in Acts 10, leading to the salvation of Gentiles and their inclusion into the Church. As we watch the story unfold, we meet a diverse cast of characters who all played a unique role, see how God combined vision and confirmation to accomplish His purpose, and hear the Gospel message of salvation through Jesus Christ preached to the Gentiles in Caesarea.
    9 January 2025, 3:00 am
  • Is My Vision From God? by Brett Meador
    While praying on a rooftop, Peter receives a vision in Acts 10:9-20 that would interestingly impact the early church and Christianity to this day. As we study Peter’s vision and its implications, we examine how the Lord can still give us dreams and visions as we seek Him and how we can have confirmation that they are from Him.
    5 January 2025, 4:00 pm
  • Through the Bible | Acts 9:20-43 by Brett Meador
    Things take a significant turn for the early church in Acts 9:20-43 as Saul, once their primary persecutor, converts to Christianity and exits the scene to prepare for his future ministry. Meanwhile, we catch up with Peter, who continues to follow Jesus' example while boldly sharing the Gospel throughout the region.
    19 December 2024, 3:00 am
  • Paul's Conversion by Brett Meador
    Saul of Tarsus is on his way to threaten and murder the Christians in Damascus when he has a life-changing encounter with God in Acts 9:1-19. In this dramatic account of his conversion, we see God knock Saul down to show him the error of his ways and extend his free gift of salvation to even the most unlikely person.
    15 December 2024, 4:00 pm
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