Angel Heart Radio

Angel Heart Radio

You are a Divine Being. Our passion is to assist, inspire and support you on your path and in your faith. We fan your seeds of your hope, and help you to plant more. We support and highlight your connection with your Divine Nature, and we remind you, and help you to love the beautiful spirit you already are. We love speaking with you. Call into any Live shows! Anayah, Trudy and Darren offer mini angel coaching, Annette offers support on The Body Talk Hour, Marney offers Kinesiology support, Janet offers mini Astrological readings and Deb offers direct Divine support  - free - to callers! Dial (+1) 347 202 0232 or (+1) 714 583 6858 to speak with us on air. Welcome to our United Intention Radio and How To Connect With Angel's listeners!

  • 55 minutes
    Security and Significance - How These Values are Defined with Philip Duxfield
    Security and Significance - How These Values are Defined in our Subconscious & Reflect In Our Lives Philip Duxfield Rogue Therapies and I discuss what security means to us, and how we fulfil our need to feel secure - in healthy and unhealthy ways. Ask your questions, share your thoughts and feelings in the comments on the Livestream, Philip would be only too happy to support you. To be able to receive notifications of all our awesome Livestreams and sharing, Like and/or follow our page. Love, Anayah   Want to say connected with us? Join us here: While we've left BTR, we are never far away. We continue to support you, just as we have since 2010, so don't be a stranger, ok? xo  **Come join the conversation on our Facebook Livestreams,  #AngelHeartRadio #AngelHeartRadio #YouMatter #MentalHealthMatters #RememberYourMagnificence
    20 September 2021, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour
    Working Through Grief & Loss - Annette McCoy & Marney Perna
    Powered by Love  Loss and grief impact our lives in various ways when we lose a Loved One, a pet, a job or even when we move house Sometimes we can anticipate how a change in circumstance can affect us. Other times it can come unexpectedly and knock us for six. What can we do to ease our pain and suffering? Marney Perna, our in house Kinesiologist joins Annette McCoy to discuss scenarios and suggest strategies that may help in dealing with loss and grief   Want to say connected with us? Join us here: While we've left BTR, we are never far away. We continue to support you, just as we have since 2010, so don't be a stranger, ok? xo  **Come join the conversation on our Facebook Livestreams #AngelHeartRadio
    20 September 2021, 3:30 am
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    Relationship Breakdown: Depression & PND Anayah & Philip Duxfield
    Support, thoughts, inspiration, tips, tools and hope on Relationship Breakdown Through Depression, and Postnatal Depression, both incredibly important and interwoven subjects with Philip from Rogue Therapies and Anayah **You are very welcome to ask Philip any questions you may have via Facebook on Messenger on this link Powered by Compassionate Support  Want to say connected with us? Join us here: While we've left BTR, we are never far away. We continue to support you, just as we have since 2010, so don't be a stranger, ok? xo  **Come join the conversation on our Facebook Livestreams #AngelHeartRadio #AngelHeartRadio #MentalHealthMatters
    28 August 2021, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Boundaries & Self Care - Annette McCoy & Marney Perna
    We discuss how important it is for each of us to look after ourselves as well as others by ensuring that we have boundaries in place and keep inside them for our own well being. Kinesiologist Marney Perna brings her wealth of-down to-earth wisdom, her knowledge, and her senses of humour as she discusses this incredibly important subject, which does effect each and every one of us, with Annette McCoy   Please join us via the Angel Heart Radio Facebook page to make your comments and ask questions relating to Self Care Want to say connected with us? Join us here: While we've left BTR, we are never far away. We continue to support you, just as we have since 2010, so don't be a stranger, ok? xo  **Come join the conversation on our Facebook Livestreams #AngelHeartRadio   #AngelHeartRadio #mentalhealthmatters
    28 August 2021, 9:00 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Crystal Singing Bowls,The Space Program, Teenage Boys, Women's Prison & Angels?
    Ok, so what do Crystal Singing Bowls and the space program, teenage boys women inmates the police dept dolphins and angels have to do with today’s awesome Livestream??? Crystal Singing Bowls - Annie Jameson, that’s what/who! You’ll be so inspired as you learn more...Annie is so wonderfully inspiring! Annie’s Jameson’s Crystal Singing Bowls music is being used in the RAW program (Reclaim Another Woman), which provides an alternative pathway of re-integration for to a life free of crime, addiction and dependency on the state. Who said nothing ever changes?!! This is wonderful news for these women, and for us to, our families and communities, as we all know that the old systems of punishment don’t work, and only create more problems. You’ll find Anne’s music on Apple Music   Want to say connected with us? Join us here: While we've left BTR, we are never far away. We continue to support you, just as we have since 2010, so don't be a stranger, ok? xo  **Come join the conversation on our Facebook Livestreams #AngelHeartRadio Spotify: Listen to Annie on SpotifyvListen on Spotify And all your favourite platforms Add your comments, questions, and just general support for Annie in the comments while we are alive, or later when you watch the replay. Love, Anayah #AngelHeartRadio #RememberYourMagnificence #YouMatter #AngelLight777
    19 August 2021, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Depression Understanding, Care & Support - Philip Duxfield & Anayah
    Depression often goes unnoticed, is mistaken for moodiness, or sometimes, or not recognised at all. Often, we simply do not see that someone is struggling deeply behind that smile, or in the person who seems to be the life of every party. Philip Duxfield, Dip Couns from Rogue Therapies is here to offer support, care, and insight into understanding depression, managing depression, and how and where to reach out for help. Contact Philip at Rogue Therapies on Facebook Want to say connected with us? Join us here: While we've left BTR, we are never far away. We continue to support you, just as we have since 2010, so don't be a stranger, ok? xo  **Come join the conversation on our Facebook Livestreams #AngelHeartRadio
    1 August 2021, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Angel Lady Movie: Director Edgar Pablos is Wonderful!
    Edgar Pablos shares his vision for the ANGEL LADY - MOVIE, which introduces us to Ella, fresh from her 2 years in prison, and her 13-year-old son, Danny. They’re barely making ends meet when a mysterious glitch appears on Ella’s old television. Ella is sceptical when her neighbours call the glitch an Angel, but when miracles seem to occur, she is glad to cash in... ANGEL LADY - a feature film directed by Edgar Pablos, produced by Sheridan Film Company, JP Wetzel, and Carol Bidault de l'Isle - is shooting late Fall 2021 in Socorro, Texas. Powered by Love Want to say connected with us? Join us here: While we've left BTR, we are never far away. We continue to support you, just as we have since 2010, so don't be a stranger, ok? xo  **Come join the conversation on our Facebook Livestreams,  #AngelHeartRadio  #AngelLadyMovie
    23 July 2021, 3:30 am
  • 22 minutes
    Archangels Uriel & Nathaniel Help You With Stalled Decisions - with Syl Ver
    Are you sometimes stalled with your decisions? Ask Archangel Uriel and Archangel Nathaniel to help you! The have wonderful ways to help y ou to release whatever is keeping you from moving forward, and claim the love and peace that is your true, divine nature. Join Syl Ver, from Rome. *in English  Want to say connected with us? Join us here: While we've left BTR, we are never far away. We continue to support you, just as we have since 2010, so don't be a stranger, ok? xo  **Come join the conversation on our Facebook Livestreams #AngelHeartRadio  
    22 July 2021, 4:30 am
  • 47 minutes
    Angel Lady - Movie... More Than a Movie. Meet the Screenwriter
    The NEW ANGEL LADY - MOVIE, is on its way! Learn about the main characters, their personal backstories, their struggles and what drives them on. You will also discover the ANGEL LADY Movie's 0-year journey, came into being, its trials and how the idea came to co-writer Sheri Myers, her nurturing, vision and dedication that is bringing this movie to life! Want to say connected with us? Join us here: While we've left BTR, we are never far away. We continue to support you, just as we have since 2010, so don't be a stranger, ok? xo  **Come join the conversation on our Facebook Livestreams #AngelHeartRadio
    9 July 2021, 4:30 am
  • 28 minutes
    Messages From The Afterlife, Souls on Their Greatest Learning. Trudy Griswold
    ✨ Angelspeak co-author Trudy Griswold, shares messages from souls on their greatest experiences, to support those of us who are still on earth, to live our lives in the best possible way.    ✨Trudy shares some of these Spiritspeake Messages with Anayah including messages from Michael Jackson and Martin Luther King Jr. with us. Want to say connected with us? Join us here: While we've left BTR, we are never far away. We continue to support you, just as we have since 2010, so don't be a stranger, ok? xo  **Come join the conversation on our Facebook Livestreams #AngelHeartRadio   Enjoy more unique and loving words of wisdom on Trudy's website!
    7 July 2021, 4:00 am
  • 59 minutes
    How Often Does Your Mind Chatter Distract You? Annette & Rosemary Butterworth
    How distracted from your own peace of mind are you? Do you notice the signs, the universal support that exists in each moment for you, what we often call signposts? Rosemary is such a wonderful guest, and YES! she brings us another of her beautiful guided meditations today....a super way to stay in the NOW Please join us via the Livestreams on our Angel Heart Radio FB page so you can contribute and ask questions Want to say connected with us? Join us here: While we've left BTR, we are never far away. We continue to support you, just as we have since 2010, so don't be a stranger, ok? xo  **Come join the conversation on our Facebook Livestreams
    24 June 2021, 2:00 am
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