Charisma Connection

Charisma Podcast Network

Newsmakers and storytellers who are impacting our world. Listen to the stories of everyday people and Christian newsmakers who are impacting their communities, businesses and families.

  • 31 minutes 48 seconds
    America's Midnight Revelation by Phil Hotsenpiller
    17 April 2024, 7:48 pm
  • 13 minutes 56 seconds
    Dispelling Fear Around the Red Heifer Sacrifice

    Join Phil Hotsenpiller on a journey to conquer fear of the end times as we explore the importance of the red heifer in relation to the rebuilding of the Temple. Unveil the fascinating details surrounding the rare red heifers and their symbolic significance in providing hope amidst chaos. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion - subscribe for more empowering content!

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    10 April 2024, 7:03 pm
  • 36 minutes 8 seconds
    Evangel University Voices: Women in Leadership With Dr. Carol Taylor (Part 1) - repost
    Evangel University in Springfield, Missouri, upholds high academic values while combining Christian faith with every aspect of life. In this first of seven episodes in the "Evangel University Voices" series, the university's outgoing president, Dr. Carol Taylor, talks with host Chris Johnson about the unfolding of her career path, which has spanned 45 years. She also shares what God is doing among students now in the Evangel community and looks to the future of Christian higher education. She is inspired by Evangel students' "willingness to learn" and "heart to serve."
    22 September 2023, 7:30 pm
  • 35 minutes 9 seconds
    The Lord's Prayer - RT Kendall

    How can we know God's will if we don't pray His prayer?

    No prayer is better known-or more misunderstood-than the prayer Jesus provided in His Sermon on the Mount. The words, though simple, can transform the way Christians pray and live.

    With remarkable insight, wisdom, and depth, respected theologian R. T. Kendall uncovers the transforming truths contained within each line of this familiar prayer, including the following:

    • When and why to pray the Lord's Prayer
    • How to know and pray the will of God
    • How unanswered prayer can be a sign of God's favor
    • How the Lord's Prayer can be misused
    • Why we should pray at all

    This book will give readers not only a model for prayer but also a revolutionary way to pray effectively while drawing closer to the Father.

    After reading this book, you will understand the intricacies of the Lord's Prayer and how it was designed to powerfully affect your relationship with the heavenly Father.



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    19 May 2023, 3:28 pm
  • 36 minutes 30 seconds
    "Designed to Heal" with Ben Rall Dc

    Get to know Dr. Ben Rall - author of "Designed To Heal" - Charisma Connection God still healsā€”and we are divinely designed to heal. The Scriptures address healing from the beginning to the end! God created us with a divine purpose and continues to provide everything we need for health and wholeness. However, the enemy desires to destroy this truth. Using fear, lies, and propaganda, Satan attempts to trick us into believing we are not designed to heal. In Designed To Heal, Dr. Ben Rall refutes these lies and provides daily inspiration, revelation, and action steps that will guide and encourage readers along their healing and wellness journey. Readers will discover:

    ļ‚· What the Bible has to say regarding wellness

    ļ‚· Amazing and encouraging facts and statistics about healing

    ļ‚· Daily action steps and questions for deeper reflection

    ļ‚· Testimonials from patients who have experienced health victories God designed our bodies to heal. With all the confusion surrounding health, this book offers readers insight and realā€world action steps to break free of fear and discouragement and improve their health today!


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    19 May 2023, 3:17 pm
  • 22 minutes 36 seconds
    Billy Graham: The Man I Knew with Greg Laurie

    Greg Laurie, the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship, shares stories of Billy Graham and how he changed the world for Christ from Laurie's new book "Billy Graham: The Man I Knew."

    29 April 2021, 3:34 pm
  • 23 minutes 12 seconds
    Fire From Heaven with Shane W. Roessiger

    Shane W. Roessiger, the founder of H.O.T. House of Truth Apostolic Center, reveals how it is time for followers of Christ to return to the altar to be refined by the fire. Listen as he returns to Charisma Connection to talk about his new book "Fire From Heaven." Learn God wants to use the Holy Spirit through you to orchestrate change in the church.

    Download Shane's latest books free of charge:


    5 April 2021, 3:30 pm
  • 19 minutes 54 seconds
    Pastor Thomas McDaniels Asks, ā€œNow What?ā€

    In this inspiring episode, Pastor Thomas McDaniels of the Lifebridge Christian Center in Longview, Texas, shares with host Marti Pieper about how God is using his simple ā€œNow Whatā€ booklet as a modern-day tract to lead people to Christ and the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

    29 March 2021, 3:55 pm
  • 21 minutes 16 seconds
    New Movie Addresses the Mystery of the Kingdom of God, the Blood of Jesus and Spiritual Warfare for Children with Director Adam Smit

    Through storytelling and animation, Adam Smit created a film to help children and teen audiences to have a foundation of the blood of Jesus and how to fight spiritual warfare. Listen to Adam's story of how this film, "Mystery of the Kingdom of God" came about and his mission to reach today's children as they grow up to experience Jesus.

    Watch the trailer at

    "Mystery of the Kingdom of God" will be in theaters on March 26, 2021.

    8 March 2021, 9:44 pm
  • 17 minutes 4 seconds
    Every Step You Take Is One a Child Will Not Have to for Clean Water: Interview with Crystal O'Rourke of World Vision

    Listen to find out how World Vision is impacting the world with clean water with their Global 6k for Water. Crystal O'Rourke of World Vision joins the show to share the story behind this cause, how it brings communities together, and what you can do to participate.

    Learn more when you visit World Vision.

    1 March 2021, 10:25 pm
  • 18 minutes 58 seconds
    Yael Eckstein Leads The Fellowship to Comfort Jewish People in Need

    Yael Eckstein inherited the mantle from her rabbi father of an exceptional organization. Learn more about The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews in this podcast interview with host Chris Johnson. It was no accident that Christians and Jews joined together to meet the needs of poor Jews in Israel and other countries, including Holocaust survivors, as well as helping the Jewish people relocate to their own nation. Listen as Yael shares the important work of The Fellowship.

    15 February 2021, 11:06 pm
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