Incantation for Grinding Muan Sarn Sacred Powders
Kata for Grinding up broken (or unbroken) amulets and images into Sacred Powders;For contemplative destruction of broken amulets, or even whole unbroken sacred amulets (as used as a method of non clinging, and contemplation of transience in the Mahayana Sand Mandala painting creation, and subsequent destruction).
To empower with mind rapture and cosmic insight during the grinding of sacred powders using a pestle and mortar, it is useful to use the following kata
Rupang suunyang anijjang nipannang na tugkhang anatta
Rupang = assumed form/shape
Suunyang = zero - cessation, dissolution, nothingness, emptiness, void
Anijjang = anijja /impermanent/transient
Nippanang = enters into the end of the fidgety incessant action and constant presence of dissatisfactory transient states, and becomes one with everything else
Na Tugkhang = not Dhukkha or not dissatisfactory in state of existential separateness (illusion of being as a self that does not exist) - no longer suffering
Anatta = without an identity or name that is inherently part of it, and descriptive of its unchanging self.
This formula, is 'nork dtamra' (not inside any ancient formula i know of) and inherited through insight, not mouth to ear lineage transmission.
Meaning 'self invented, or discovered.. uncovered..' the American Indigenous People, at least the Haida of what we now know as Canada, believe all forms to already exist, and in their carvings, are merely uncovered, not invented, for Nature has invented all forms which can exist, since the beginning, and we are merely here to uncover them for ourself, and/or reveal them to others.
In the same way, i believe all physical and metaphysical laws and Dhammas to be as the Buddha declared them to be.. Namely not of his Own Invention or Formulation, rather, that this Dhamma has Existed since the Beginninglessness of Timeless Eternity, and that he has merely Uncovered or Discovered it, and Revealed it to All Humans and Devas.
Hence, this formulation, is not my invention, rather, has been uncovered, as we uncover all things we find in the journey within our own minds
30 April 2014, 7:54 pm