Buddha Magic

Buddha Magic

Thai and South East Asian Occult and Buddhist documentary Media Channel and publications. www.buddhamagic.tv

  • 47 minutes 30 seconds
    Legend of Luang Por Pina's Lucky Star Amulet
    A short preliminary Biography of the Trajectory of Thai Buddhist Master of Historical Legend; Luang Por Pina, followed by an Extensive Synopsis of the Meanings and Symbolism within his Famous and Unusual 5, and 8 Pointed Pentagram 'Daw Aathan Hnun Duang' Lucky Star Amulets.
    5 May 2015, 3:41 pm
  • 9 minutes
    A Ramakien Tale Part 7.1 (Prelude)
    A Ramakien Tale Prelude to Episode 7 - Lord Latsatian & the Yaksa Rulers of Langka. This is a Prelude to the Seventh Episode of the Thai Ramakien Tale. Preamble and Essential Knowledge is Imparted, for a deepened understanding of the story, as it progresses.
    30 December 2014, 12:39 pm
  • 7 minutes 41 seconds
    Kata for Sak Yant - Gao Yord
    Main Kata Incantation and additional traditional Heart mantra used for both Sak Yant Gao Yord, as well as all Cockerel Yantra, and Amulets. Uses the Dtamra of Luang Por Phern of Wat Bang Pra Temple.
    3 December 2014, 8:50 pm
  • 13 minutes 6 seconds
    A Ramakien Tale Pt 6 (Parts 1 and 2) - Nontuk Yaksa gets a Diamond Finger (Conclusion)
    Recompiled complete version of the originally 2 part story of Nontuk Yaksa. This is the complete story of Nontuk, And how he obtained his magical diamond finger, with which he persecuted all of the Devas in heaven A Ramakien Tale - episode six! The hairless Nontuk Yaksa Gets a Diamond Finger bestowed as a Blessing from Pra Isworn (Shiva), for Faithfully Washing the feet of the Devas on their way up Mount Grailas, and for his Loyalty in never complaining about the head patting and jeers he received from the Devas during his service. Nontuk runs Amok throughout the Heavens, Killing the Devas and Molesting the Apsara Nymphs. Pra Isworn orders Pra Narai Vishnu Avatar to Transform into an Apsara and Woo Nontuk into Submission with his Enchantment Spell. Pra Narai concedes and tricks Nontuk into cutting off his own leg, with the laser beam like light that emanates from the very same diamond finger he was given by Pra Isworn. Pra Narai then stands upon the fallen Nontuk, who cries out in Woe, complaining that Pra narai had used Trickery and would otherwise not have been able to beat Nontuk. Pra Narai then Beheads Nontuk with the promise that both would be reborn on Earth, Narai becoming a mere Human (Prince Rama/Pra Ram), and Nontuk would be reborn as the Demon Totsagan of Langka. Pra Narai then promises and prophecies that even with Totsagan as a ten-headed 20 armed Monster, that the Human Prince Pra Ram as incarnation (Avatar) of Pra Narai, would still conquer his soul, and kill him.
    29 October 2014, 7:43 am
  • 13 minutes 3 seconds
    A Ramakien Tale Episode 5 - Triburam Yaksa
    Triburam Yaksa, the ruler of Solasa City, builds a fire to perform Poojah to Pra Isworn (Lord Shiva). The Poojah is to attract the attention of the God Shiva, in order tyo Beseech the Blessing of Invincibility, and that Even Pra Narai cold not ever kill him - this was a secret plan, in order to secretly defeat Pra Narai Vishnu Avatar, whom he both feared and hated. Pra Isworn bestows the blessing with the command that Triburam must promise to not abuse the power. Triburam breaks his promise, and is punished by Pra Isworn, after a failed attempt to kill Triburam using Mount Kailash as a bow, Pra Narai (Vishnu Avatar) as the arrow, and Paya Nak (The Naga King) as the string of the bow, to shoot at triburam. Triburam was invincible even by the hand of Pra Narai, and so Shiva used his blazing fire eye, to burn Triburam, and his armies of Yaksa, to cinders.
    2 August 2014, 5:11 pm
  • 18 minutes 49 seconds
    A Ramakien Tale Episode 4 - Lord Anomatan's Birth
    A Ramakien Tale Episode 4 - The Birth Of Lord Anomatan. Lord Vishnu Pra Narai conjures a lotus with child out of his navel. In the original Vedic mythology, the being who is manifested upon the Lotus which emerges from Vishnu's navel, is not Anomatan, rather, Brahma himself. This is one of the many differences which are to be found in Thailand's version of Valmiki's Ramayana epic myth, and this, is part of what makes Thailand's version of the story much more than just a version, rather a completely different story in itself.
    4 June 2014, 5:37 pm
  • 10 minutes 12 seconds
    Ramakien Tales Episode 2 - Hirantayaks attacks the Earth
    A Ramakien Tale - The second part of introductory talks which will lead up to the retelling of the Thai Ramayana (Ramakien) epic myth. This episode breaks away from the academic prelude which will deal with the family trees of the three main kinds of sentient beings found within the tale of the Ramakien, in order to lighten things up and gives a little bit off the events which lead up to the story by retelling the story of Hirantayaks. Hirantayaks was a giant Asura Deva (Yaksa) monster, who tried to roll up the surface of the earth,in order to leave the humans with no place to dwell anymore out of pure maliciousness. This tale tells the tale of one of the 10 avatars of the god Vishnu in this case the avatar, where he incarnated as an albino Wildboar, in order to stop the demon Hirantayaks, from destroying the earth.
    4 May 2014, 9:33 pm
  • 13 minutes 55 seconds
    Incantation for Grinding Muan Sarn Sacred Powders
    Kata for Grinding up broken (or unbroken) amulets and images into Sacred Powders;For contemplative destruction of broken amulets, or even whole unbroken sacred amulets (as used as a method of non clinging, and contemplation of transience in the Mahayana Sand Mandala painting creation, and subsequent destruction). To empower with mind rapture and cosmic insight during the grinding of sacred powders using a pestle and mortar, it is useful to use the following kata  Rupang suunyang anijjang nipannang na tugkhang anatta    Rupang = assumed form/shape  Suunyang = zero - cessation, dissolution, nothingness, emptiness, void Anijjang = anijja /impermanent/transient Nippanang = enters into the end of the fidgety incessant action and constant presence of dissatisfactory transient states, and becomes one with everything else  Na Tugkhang = not Dhukkha or not dissatisfactory in state of existential separateness (illusion of being as a self that does not exist) - no longer suffering Anatta = without an identity or name that is inherently part of it, and descriptive of its unchanging self. This formula, is 'nork dtamra' (not inside any ancient formula i know of) and inherited through insight, not mouth to ear lineage transmission. Meaning 'self invented, or discovered.. uncovered..' the American Indigenous People, at least the Haida of what we now know as Canada, believe all forms to already exist, and in their carvings, are merely uncovered, not invented, for Nature has invented all forms which can exist, since the beginning, and we are merely here to uncover them for ourself, and/or reveal them to others. In the same way, i believe all physical and metaphysical laws and Dhammas to be as the Buddha declared them to be.. Namely not of his Own Invention or Formulation, rather, that this Dhamma has Existed since the Beginninglessness of Timeless Eternity, and that he has merely Uncovered or Discovered it, and Revealed it to All Humans and Devas. Hence, this formulation, is not my invention, rather, has been uncovered, as we uncover all things we find in the journey within our own minds
    30 April 2014, 7:54 pm
  • 3 minutes 25 seconds
    Invocation for the Khmer Pra Ngang Deity
    Invocational heart Mantra Tutorial for the Calliing and Reanimation and subsequent empowerment of the Khmer Pra Ngang Deity.
    18 April 2014, 9:04 pm
  • 50 seconds
    A load of Meaningless Senseless Pondering
    Pondering is Paranoid thought. Pondering is Unsurety. Pondering is investigative and is not knowing. Knowing is spontaneous and without words or premeditated analysis. This tour claims to be ordered meaningless and useless ponderings, and is in fact with the claims to be. However meaningless and useless they are, are use and meaning can still be found in them for that can be utilised to create something else which is meaningful and useful. Listen to the talk and you may grasp the inflected meaning, with insight.
    14 April 2014, 7:26 pm
  • 34 minutes 52 seconds
    12 Sense Bases and their inner & outer objects
    This pod cast talks somewhat about the 12 sense bases, and their inner, and outer objects. However, the talk, also Delves into a multitude of other related topics all which are assistive in deepening one's understanding of contemplative introspection in Thai Buddhist Vipassana,and subsequently, the path, to enlightenment. The Talk is a long meander which drifts from the topic of the sense bases, to investigate and proliferate upon related issues and influential factors in the Human perception and the awareness of pervieved phenomena and the chain of events which trigger thoughts, emotions, actions and subsequently entrapment in Samsara, the world of Illusory Dualistic Linear Thought. Thought is a Prison, Awareness arises in its purest state, only when the Human conditioned thought process stops. Thinking in Words is not Spontaneously Being one with all things, and reacting accordingly in Nature. Thinking in words, is is merely self entrapment in illusory Chimeras of Thought.. words. Beyond words, and thinking in words, lies the formless realms of Arupa Jhana. This is the meditative state and access point which opens up the necessary insights, and realisations, which will make one able to understand, and eventually see, the true path to Liberation, and Self Enlightenment
    11 April 2014, 8:27 am
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