Biblical Literacy Podcast


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  • Session 17- Revelations vignette: The Dragon, the Beasts, and The Future
    6-9-24 Biblical-Literacy Mark continued with lesson 17 in his Study of Revelation starting with a reference to The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis which shows how Satan instructs his demon with eight ways to shake and destroy our faith. Satan uses the church, ourselves, Christian life, prayer, focus, all to pull us away from God. Mark then expanded on this from Revelation 12 - 14. 1. The Reality of Satan’s Assaults - We learn: He is real and hides himself. Can be a frontal attack or more subtle. We are part of an ongoing war. The mark of the beast - 666, is the number of man. 2. Placed into Revelation’s Larger Context - We learn: All the visions and vignettes begin and end with Jesus. The blessedness of the redeemed. The warnings of humanity. The harvest of mankind. Listen to Mark teach how Satan (Dragon) has been trying to destroy Christ and His people since Christ entered the world and will continue until the second coming. Beware of false teachers and false teachings that are not from God. Anything that puts something other than God on the throne leads to death. Points for Home: God keeps all his people. We sing a new song.
    9 June 2024, 12:00 am
  • Session 16- Revelations vignette, continues with more Dragon
    Mark continued with Lesson 15 in A Study of Revelation. This week’s focus was on the dragon, the beast, and other things. The persecuting dragon in Revelation 12-14 shows a spiritual war.This occurs during the age of the church through the second coming. The dragon: Satan, the deceiver, accuser, devil.Two different beasts are sent to plague the world: sea and land. The beast from the sea represents earth's history, nations, and government. The best of the land represents the mind. Points for home:  We’ve been made more than conquerors  Be wary of the enemy’s wiles  Endure Listen to Mark continue with the theme from Revelation: The victory of Christ and His church over the dragon and his minions. The church is afflicted but not destroyed. Beware of wors hiping governments instead of God
    2 June 2024, 12:00 am
  • Session 15- Revelations vignette, bowls of wrath!
    05/26/2024 Biblical-literacy The lesion begins with Mark talking about where we are so far in the book of Revelations and then talks about the persecuting Dragon, which starts in Revelations Chapter 12. Where are we so far in Revelations? Revelations was the type of writing that was common 2000 to 2500 years ago that Scholars today call apocalyptic. The writing was rich in: Symbolism An age to come Peculiar use of numbers Visions and Dreams Coming Cataclysm Angels and demons Mark singles out one of these writings that is important to us today which is, Peculiar use of numbers, defining their different uses inside Bible verses and outside the Bible Example: The number 3: Daniel 6:10 – Daniel kneels and prays three (3) times a day. 1 Samuel 3, Numbers 6:24-26, Jeremiah 22:9, Isaiah 33:10 Outside the bible:  Pathway of the sun was divided into divisions each associated with a separate deity. The number 4: Genesis 2:10 – The river from Eden was divided into four (4) to encompass the land. Isaiah 11:12, Acts 10:11, 11:5, Ezekiel 7:2 The Number 7: Proverbs 24:16 – The righteous fall seven times but get up again. Exodus 25ff, Matthew 18:21 Outside the Bible: The penitent offered the prayer, My God my sins are seven times seven, pardon my sins. Mark then explains the 7 parts of Revelations which are: Christ In the Lampstands (1-3) (w/7 letters) Heaven and the 7 Seals (4-7) The 7 Trumpets (8-11) The persecuting Dragon (12-14) The lesson continues with greater detail relative to the persecuting Dragon, referring to Revelations 4-7 and Revelations 8-11, Age of the Church – Vision Span - 2nd Coming The theme continues with the victory of Christ and his church over the Dragon and his minions. Revelations 12:1 is discussed in detail relating to “The women is the “Church”. The lesson continues with discussion of Revelations 12:4 and the conflict between the woman, about to give birth, and the Dragon. Revelations 12:6 sheds lite on the actions of the woman and the results of her actions. God’s power and rule in our hearts is vindicated!  Luke 10:17-20 See Rev 12:17 and see the reaction of the Dragon. Bottom line, Satan’s wiles against the Church continues…… Points for Home: We are not helpless paupers! A woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars The accuser is defeated! “ the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down” We’ve been more than conquerors! “they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb"
    26 May 2024, 12:00 am
  • Session 14- Revelations, God is already at work!!!
    5-19-24 Biblical-Literacy Mark continued in The Study of Revelation with the 7 visions that happen in parallel construction. The focus of today’s lesson is the interlude period: the sixth seal and the sixth trumpet prior to the second coming. This age of the church period is a call and a warning for people to repent before it's too late. Mark also taught about the “little" scroll that the angel of God shows to John and asks him to eat it. The scroll tastes like honey in his mouth but becomes bitter in the stomach, symbolizing that following Jesus is sweet but the world turns against the Christian. Points for home:  God is in control  Let us be witnesses  Be at peace Listen to Mark talk about how God’s justice is coming with a reminder there are things at play in the universe that we don’t understand. Mark shares the biblical meaning of symbols and what it meant to a church who faces persecution then and today. Be encouraged.
    19 May 2024, 12:00 am
  • SE-Jesus' disciple, Peter, on how to live while we still have time on earth
    5-12-24 Biblical-Literacy Brent Johnson taught today’s lesson on the topic of what we should do while waiting on the 2nd Coming of the Lord. Brent’s primary passage was from 2 Peter 3:11-18. Peter wrote the letter around 64-67 AD. Brent opens by explaining the letter’s purpose: to remember truth, faith supplements, and be aware of false teachings because time is running out for the Lord’s return. I. Live Godly Lives 2. Live Gospel Lives 3. Live Growing Lives Points for home: Live right - godly and biblical Share Jesus with everyone Keep growing Listen to Brent teach on Peter’s urgency for Jesus’ followers to continue holy and godly lives.
    12 May 2024, 12:00 am
  • Session 13- Revelations, Blow the trumpets!!!!
    5/5/24 Biblical-Literacy Mark continued in The Study of Revelation with a comparison of chapters 4:7 and 8:11 The lesson showed how John’s two visions compare and relate to the people at the time of writing and those living in the age of the church. Revelation 4-7: The 7 seals,what each signify and there effect on believers and unbelievers concluding with Jesus’s second coming. Revelation 8-11: The 7 trumpets parallel the 7 seals and occur at the same time. Trumpets refer to warnings and judgment throughout the Bible. Points for home: God is in control Jesus is both our savior and judge He is our peace Listen to Mark teach God is always at work and remains in control. There is nothing pretty about evil, but thankfully Satan’s powers have limits.
    5 May 2024, 12:00 am
  • SE - Revelations, The Second Coming of Jesus
    4-28-24 Biblical-Literacy Dr. David Capes taught a class in the Study of Revelation with a focus on the apocalyptic themes noted by the Apostle Paul. Dr. Capes reviewed more traits of apocalyptic themes including analysis of the academic definition, literature of the time, and how it encouraged faithfulness for the persecuted believers.  In addition, Dr. Capes shared about Paul’s mindset and apocalyptic ideas in his writing: experienced visions, two ages of history (this evil age ruled by Satan and the age to come ruled by God), Jesus came to deliver us from this present age, and how we remain locked in battle with spiritual forces. Listen to Dr. Capes conclude in sharing a C.S. Lewis excerpt from Narnia and contrasting two kinds of people: living and dead. Where will you be? God wants to rescue you from this present age.
    28 April 2024, 12:00 am
  • Session 12 - Seven Trumpets of Revelations
    4-21-24 Biblical Literacy Mark continued in A Study in Revelation expanding the theme of visions. Revelation replicates the same visions in different ways. Today’s agenda focused on Revelation 8-11: the 7 angels and 7 trumpets, similar to the 7 seals in Revelation 4-7. We learn that: 1.The visions are happening at the same time. 2.Bible trumpets are the sound of the warning of God’s judgment. God is at work. 3.Many of the trumpets came out of the plagues of Egypt. Points for home: 1.God is in control 2.Jesus is our prayer partner 3.Heed the warning Listen to Mark teach God is continually at work in a beautiful but fallen world that is not what it should be.
    21 April 2024, 12:00 am
  • SE - "Remember" that God offers the believer hope.
    Biblical Literacy 4/14/24 Pastor Jarrett Stephens taught the Biblical Literacy class lesson with a focus on “Remember" that God offers the believer hope. He asked us to focus on these times: 1. Remember your salvation 2. Remember your calling 3. Remember when the Lord first used you 4. Remember when you met your spouse and/or had your first child 5. Remember your toughest trial Rewards of remembering: 1. Thanksgiving 2. Fuels worship 3. Strengthens faith God instructs us to remember who He is and what He has done for us. Let’s never forget His incredible faithfulness.
    14 April 2024, 12:00 am
  • Session 11 - Study of Revelation continues, hear about the seals and the trumpets!!!
    4-7-24 Biblical-Literacy Mark continued in our class study of Revelation with a reminder that what God says is reality. Mark's lesson had three areas of focus: 1. Reading Revelation in time: The reader is encouraged to understand literature during the time of writing Revelation. 2. Deeper study of Revelation 4-7 and the seven seals: We see heaven's perspective of earth. We must remember that God is the center of the universe, all things. 3. Revelation 8-11 can be read as a parallel passage with seven horns. Mark will dig deeper into this study next week. Points for home: • Don’t be afraid; God is in control. • God sees our tears. • Prayer makes a difference. Listen to Mark reveal the meaning of the visions and seals in Revelation 4-7. A seal protects against tampering. It marks ownership. Certified genuineness. God has a plan for eternity as shown in Jesus’ first coming, the age of the church, and Jesus' second coming.
    7 April 2024, 12:00 am
  • Session 10 - John's vision in chapters 4-7 of Revelation
    Mark continued the Study of Revelation, Part 10, with a focus of Revelation in Context. Mark begins with an overview of Apocalyptic literature and continues with three points. 1.Revelation in context: type of literature, time of literature, and intense persecution of Christians. Two themes in Revelation: comfort the church in its struggle of evil, and Christ wins over the dragon or satan. 2.Reading Revelation in time: some read the book chronologically. Mark recommends reading it as 7 vignettes or parallel reading, much the way Daniel is read. The Bible teaches us how to read the Bible. Daniel: repeated dreams and visions that show what God is about to do. In Revelation we find three terminal time periods: first coming, age of the church, and the 2nd coming or age to come. 3.Revelation 4-7: God’s plan in history. Points for home: 1. Do not fear 2. Satan is foiled by his own weapons 3. God will wipe away every tear Listen to Mark explain how the Bible teaches us to read the Bible by understanding the way God speaks to us through dreams & visions, in history and the future.
    24 March 2024, 12:00 am
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