Braincast - on the frequency of Mind and Brain

Arvid Leyh

The podcast on the freqeuncy of mind and brain

  • 19 minutes 35 seconds
    Braincast 025 - Materialism, Buddhism and Position Definitio
    Episode 25 is rather personal with a look behind my mental curtain: motivation and preferences, why Buddhism pops up on a regular basis and about my biggest problem on the topic. A definition of position.
    31 January 2009, 2:27 pm
  • 21 minutes
    Braincast 023 - Hard-headed
    Planing, acting and, most of all, inhibiting – those are the main tasks of the prefrontal cortex. Additionally it has peer-to-peer connections to emotion- and social related areas. So this episode is about that part of the brain, that makes us human. An episode including bad mood and good bets.
    17 January 2009, 6:39 pm
  • 19 minutes
    Braincast 023 - Driven by Emotion
    Emotions are not just blessing or curse, they are much more. For example one way for the brain to talk to itself – via the body. They are the source of all our decisions. And first and foremost they are a way to survive.
    13 December 2008, 12:50 pm
  • 18 minutes 6 seconds
    Braincast 022 - Creative perception
    Part 2 about senses and perception is about how the brain deals with incoming data. It shows that some things simply are droped, while others are constructed. A braincast about roses, gorillas, blind spots and two self-experiments.
    28 November 2008, 2:55 pm
  • 18 minutes 6 seconds
    Braincast 022 - Creative perception
    Part 2 about senses and perception is about how the brain deals with incoming data. It shows that some things simply are droped, while others are constructed. A braincast about roses, gorillas, blind spots and two self-experiments.
    28 November 2008, 2:55 pm
  • 16 minutes 23 seconds
    Braincast 021 - Basics: Senses
    In dealing with reality the brain might be quite creative, but the senses are not: They send in the real world, one gig of data per second. This and other impressive numbers in Braincast 21. Plus: seeing with the tongue.
    15 November 2008, 9:44 am
  • 16 minutes 45 seconds
    Braincast 020 - Autists and Savants
    Autism is quite extreme: affected people shrink into theirselfs, live complicated rituals and have trouble understanding emotions. But out of autism can arise a real wonder: the savant syndrome, showing the real possibilities of the brain.
    1 November 2008, 5:36 pm
  • 16 minutes 36 seconds
    Braincast 019 - Stress
    Stress is not just stress – it was designed to safe our life. But nowadays we even have stress with stress, and this is just sassy. In this episode you find some inner-headly backgrounds. And even some good news.
    25 October 2008, 3:31 pm
  • 15 minutes 16 seconds
    Braincast 018 - The underestimated animal kingdom
    Man is the pinnacle of creation and shall rule the world – that´s how we like it to be. But the difference between us and those brute animals is not that big, as this braincast demonstrates.
    11 October 2008, 2:39 pm
  • 16 minutes 37 seconds
    Braincast 017 - The world out there
    It the world out there would exist without us noticing, has been a heavy disput between philosophers for centuries. With "neurological constructivism", neuroscience found a position that offers great possibilities.
    4 October 2008, 4:55 pm
  • 18 minutes 34 seconds
    Braincast 016 - Altruism
    A peaceful topic at last: altruism, fairness, kindness. From scratch healthy brains are not capable of anything else – and they don´t want to, too. An episode of bright prospects.
    27 September 2008, 7:10 pm
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