Intelligent Design the Future

Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture

Podcasting on intelligent design and evolution

  • 16 minutes
    Physicist Eric Hedin: Information, Entropy, First Life
    On today’s ID the Future out of the vault, Canceled Science author and physicist Eric Hedin concludes his conversation with host Eric Anderson about the challenge that the second law of thermodynamics poses for purely naturalistic scenarios of the origin of living organisms. The problem, Hedin argues, is generating the reams of exquisitely orchestrated biological information required for even the simplest self-reproducing cell. The fundamental principles of physics mitigate against chemical processes getting the job done. Hedin provides easy-to-grasp examples that illustrate his arguments. This is Part 2 of a two-part conversation.


    20 December 2024, 9:05 pm
  • 28 minutes 16 seconds
    Stephen Meyer: Do Miracles Violate the Laws of Physics?
    On this episode of ID The Future, philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer concludes his conversation with Praxis Circle’s Doug Monroe. In this last section of a multi-part interview, Dr. Meyer explains why theistic evolution – the belief that God used the evolutionary process to create – is an incoherent position to take on the origin and development of life. There’s no need, Meyer says, to attempt to reconcile theistic belief with a dying theory. Meyer also discusses the topic of miracles. He thinks David Hume’s argument against miracles is weak and goes on to explain how miracles demonstrate the independent action of a conscious agent and why they don’t violate the laws of physics. It’s an intriguing conclusion to a wide-ranging conversation.


    18 December 2024, 6:07 pm
  • 35 minutes 48 seconds
    Stephen Meyer: Can There Be a Theory of Everything?
    On today’s ID The Future, philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer continues his conversation with Praxis Circle’s Doug Monroe. In this section of a multi-part interview, Dr. Meyer discusses two of the crucial arguments of his latest book Return of the God Hypothesis: the information embedded in DNA code that demands an explanation, and the fine-tuning of the physical properties of the universe and what’s wrong with recent attempts to explain that fine-tuning by resorting to a theory of multiple universes. Dr. Meyer also addresses the question: can there be a theory of everything? Dig Deeper


    16 December 2024, 6:31 pm
  • 11 minutes 36 seconds
    Physicist Eric Hedin Talks Entropy and the Origin of Life
    On today’s ID the Future from the archive, host Eric Anderson sits down with Canceled Science author and physicist Eric Hedin to discuss Hedin’s new book and, in particular, the book’s take on the origin-of-life problem. Hedin says the second law of thermodynamics poses a serious problem for the idea of a mindless origin of the first single-celled organism from prebiotic materials. Such an event would have involved a breathtaking increase in new information, and Hedin says that physics tells us pretty clearly that mindless nature degrades information; it doesn’t create it. Are there workarounds? Listen in as he explains why he’s not optimistic.


    13 December 2024, 9:23 pm
  • 26 minutes 32 seconds
    Stephen Meyer: Did Belief in God Make Modern Science Possible?
    On this ID The Future, philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer sits down with Praxis Circle’s Doug Monroe to offer insights into the intersection of science, philosophy, and religion. In this section of a multi-part interview, Dr. Meyer begins by discussing the nature of information. He explains the difference between mathematical information, or Shannon information, and specified information, a more meaningful type of information that conveys the quality of the content, not just the quantity of it. Dr. Meyer then turns to the theistic assumptions that fueled the scientific revolution. Why did modern science begin where and when it did? What was the spark that ignited that famous flowering of human scientific thought? Dr. Meyer has answers.


    11 December 2024, 6:24 pm
  • 44 minutes 46 seconds
    How to Make a Bayesian Inference to the Best Explanation
    When we gain new information about beliefs we hold, it’s good practice to update our viewpoints accordingly to avoid incoherence in our thinking. On today’s ID The Future, host Jonathan McLatchie invites professor and author Dr. Tim McGrew to the show to discuss how Bayesian reasoning can help us maintain coherence across our set of beliefs. The pair also apply Bayesian logic to the debate over Darwinian evolution to show that a confidence in design arguments can be mathematically rigorous and logically sound. Bayesian logic provides a mathematical way to update prior probabilities with new information to produce a more realistic likelihood ratio. And when it comes to evaluating different hypotheses, small pieces of evidence can add up. “Even evidence Read More ›


    9 December 2024, 10:14 pm
  • 20 minutes 31 seconds
    John Bloom on the Match that Lit the Scientific Revolution
    On today’s ID the Future out of the vault, Biola University physicist John Bloom discusses his chapter in The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith, an anthology co-edited by host Casey Luskin. Bloom argues that while the Babylonians and Greeks contributed some discoveries and insights that would eventually play into the rise of science, science did not take off, was not born, until a cluster of crucial ideas drawn from the Judeo-Christian worldview infused Western thought. Only then did astrology become astronomy, alchemy become chemistry, and the great adventure of scientific discovery begin in earnest.


    6 December 2024, 6:55 pm
  • 35 minutes 18 seconds
    The Universal Optimal Design of Vertebrate Limbs
    When we look at feats of human engineering, like vehicles, skyscrapers, and computers, we don't doubt our intuition that they're intelligently designed. But when it comes to marvels of the natural world, like bird wings, whale flippers, and our own arms and legs, we're expected to suspend our design intuition and credit a gradual, undirected evolutionary process. Bio-engineer Dr. Stuart Burgess has been studying vertebrate limbs for over thirty years. On this episode of ID The Future, Burgess shares his cutting-edge insights on the universal optimal design of vertebrate limb patterns and the implications for fields like robotics.


    4 December 2024, 5:35 pm
  • 20 minutes 19 seconds
    New Study Triggers Key Origin of Life Questions
    Did life on earth spring up early and easily through evolutionary processes? Or does the emergence of life represent another infusion of information into the biosphere that is best explained by intelligent design? On this episode of ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid and Dr. Casey Luskin discuss the implications of a recent study on the last universal common ancestor, also known as LUCA. They explore the nature of LUCA as a hypothetical organism, its complexity, and the challenges it poses to evolutionary theory. The conversation also touches on the media's portrayal of scientific findings and the problems associated with molecular clock techniques used to date LUCA. Ultimately, they highlight the rapid emergence of complex life on Earth and the implications for origin of life theories.


    3 December 2024, 12:09 am
  • 43 minutes 49 seconds
    John West in Turin, Italy: Intelligent Design’s Roots and Fruit
    Every Friday we repost a gem from our archive of hundreds of episodes. Today’s pick from the vault takes us to a conference in Turin, Italy, where scholar John West speaks about the roots of intelligent design, roots that stretch back to ancient Greek and Roman philosophers. In his talk, West also makes the case that design thinking was crucial to the rise of modern science, and he traces how Darwinism has eroded design thinking, fueled scientific racism, and undermined belief in human exceptionalism.


    29 November 2024, 11:20 pm
  • 21 minutes 4 seconds
    Wrestling with Darwin: A Reading From Fr. Martin Hilbert’s New Book
    When Charles Darwin formulated his theory of evolution, he offered up a new god and a new understanding of mankind. But does his creation myth satisfy the scientific evidence we have today for the design and complexity of life? I'm Andrew McDiarmid. On this ID The Future, I read an excerpt of a new book that exposes the inadequacy of Darwinism and dispels the darkness of Darwinian materialism. A Catholic Case for Intelligent Design, by Father Martin Hilbert, is now available from Discovery Institute Press.


    27 November 2024, 5:32 pm
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