
James Rantschler

Deep Discussions of Physical Law

  • 32 minutes 20 seconds
    Episode 5: Counting Unvierses

    Jim goes on a diatribe about infinities and the multiverse.

    25 October 2021, 2:23 am
  • 21 minutes 58 seconds
    Entropy v. Entropy
    In this episode, I discuss a paper talking about the relationship between physical entropy and information-theoretic entropy in the context of quantum communication.
    19 June 2020, 3:19 am
  • 24 minutes 18 seconds
    The Machine in the Ghost
    This week, I talk about the fate of the universe in Bohmian Cosmology. Specifically, how Torres, Fabris, and Piattella use the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics to modify the Wheeler-De Witt equation in the an accelerating universe.

    Show Notes:
    14 May 2020, 2:34 am
  • 32 minutes 25 seconds
    Itty Bitty Physics
    I talk about a paper by John Archibald Wheeler, "Information, Physics, Quantum: The Search for Links."

    Show Notes:
    30 April 2020, 1:53 am
  • 29 minutes 36 seconds
    The Quantum Bookie
    I talk about Quantum Bayesianism, the extension of the Bayesian interpretation of probability to quantum mechanics, through the work of Christopher Fuchs.

    Show Notes:
    19 April 2020, 1:22 pm
  • 1 hour 28 minutes
    PhysicsFM - Intermission - Quantum Metaphysics
    Jim and Randy discuss the ways in which we interpret the wavefunction, quantum indeterminancy, and other strange things that happen in quantum mechanics -- going through nine classes of interpretation and what they mean about the underlying reasons for quantum mechanical behavior.
    4 March 2017, 12:53 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    PhysicsFM - Quantum Paradoxes 9 - Quantum Cats
    Randy and Jim discuss the implications of Schroedinger's Cat. In light of the measurement problem, in light of the collapse of the wave function, how can you understand what is happening to a quantum mechanical system?
    5 August 2015, 10:47 pm
  • 42 minutes 16 seconds
    PhysicsFM - Quantum Paradoxes 8 - Measurement and Compensation
    Jim and Randy discuss how "compensation forces" allow measurements of non-canonical variables without the difficulties discovered in the previous episode. They also discuss why some very important concepts of classical physics -- velocity and the electric field -- are not canonical.
    2 July 2015, 10:05 pm
  • 36 minutes 23 seconds
    PhysicsFM - Quantum Paradoxes 7 - Quantum Measurements - Jim Rantschler and Randy Morrison
    Randy and Jim talk about measurements of quantum systems, specifically in terms of a paradox involving the measurement of the velocity. This includes a long discussion of the von Neumann model of quantum mechanics.
    22 April 2015, 8:47 pm
  • 52 minutes 9 seconds
    PhysicsFM - Quantum Paradoxes 6 - Nonlocality and Causality - Randy Morrison and Jim Rantschler
    Jim and Randy discuss Aharonov and Rohrlich's suggestion that quantum mechanics should be formulated in terms of axioms based upon its physical peculiarities -- Nonlocality and Causality.
    25 March 2015, 10:05 pm
  • 49 minutes 45 seconds
    PhysicsFM - Quantum Paradoxes 5 - Modular Variables - Randy Morrison and Jim Rantschler
    Randy and Jim discuss modular variables and how looking at an infinite number of slits in a diffraction grating can better elucidate the process of quantum interference than the two-slit experiment.
    20 February 2015, 11:57 pm
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