SolelyJ's UFO Podcast

Joseph (Jay) Ibar

Just a hopeful podcaster. A bit of UFO talk all the while learning about audio recording.

  • 36 minutes 31 seconds
    Ep. 10 - The Antarticans
    Ep 10 - The Antarticans Cosmic Paradigm Flying saucer spotted over Portsmouth ---- Thanks Jelly Bean of – for the Mezcala UFO info. More at: --- Alien Race: The Antarticans- Plugs! The Paranormal Cafe - With Rob Simcox and Charlie Silvestri 1. As you heard from the commercial earlier they are doing LIVE shows on Sundays and if you're interested in listening live you can go to scroll down to the "Paranormal Cafe" button and there u will see a streaming button. 2. 3. The13skulls - TJ Latest Episode was great! It was informative and funny! 1. 2. Conscious Living: with Lisa Gawlas 1. 2. Age of Revolution - Alex Staples The only place where you'll learn about Spiders, Video Games, Stars, and even Chicken Bone experiments all in 1 podcast. 1. AlienNationSam With Sam Williy He always has different shows up … I cant keep up with the guy. He’s only 16 I believe, but he seems very knowledgeable about UFO phenomena. Now I could never be as judgemental as Sam, because In all honesty I DON’T know what’s going on… but anyway if you’re interested Visit his website at 1. Mysterious Universe 1. Eerie Radio 1. The Paracast 1. Earthfiles - Linda Moulton Howe 1. Thanks to: to Liz for for giving me some props on the last podcast… that was very nice Liz. I’m glad that it is enjoyed by some! Slick-heyoka who left great feedback on itunes. He says I’m straight to the point without a lot of ego talk about myself. Really interesting. Thank you slick I’m glad you think so. I know that it’s impossible to make everyone happy… and I apologize now to those that feel that way. To some of you I may even sound like a pompus guy.. but trust me … that’s not my intent. I don’t pretend to know everything, actually I don’t know very much at all… but that’s why I’ve Gotten into podcasting. In hopes that I do gain some knowledge. ----------- music: Deepchild "Tronic Dub" (mp3) from "Reissue Dubs" (Future Classic) Buy at Napster Buy at GroupieTunes Buy at mTraks Download More On This Album DJ Nayo "Solar Cycle" (mp3) from "Solar Cycle" (Acid Milk Recordings) More On This Album D.J.A. "Classify All" (mp3) from "Classify All" (Acid Milk Recordings) More On This Album
    28 February 2008, 4:37 am
  • 14 minutes 37 seconds
    This is not an episode 1
    This is not an episode 1 A quick word on whats going on... I have started recording episode 10... Stay tuned. A few words about the Stephenville with the help of Rob Simcox and Charlie Silvestri from The Paranormal Cafe podcast/radio show. The Paranormal Cafe is doing LIVE Streaming every Sunday night 10pm-12 Eastern time. Just visit scroll down to the "Paranormal Cafe" banner... click it and then click the purple banner. Thanks for stopping by! J
    13 February 2008, 5:22 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Ep. 9 - The Lyrans
    Episode 9 - The Lyrans Please excuse my tardiness in bringin you a show, but as you can imagine with the holidays it's nearly impossible to sit and record for me. In this short episode I will read something interesting about where us humans may of come from... are we part Lyran? Also I will respond to an interesting email from an interesting person from mexico.. We will close the show with the entire Jim Sparks interview done by Project Camelot, it is an older interview, but a good one none the less.. If you're interested in listening to something newer please visit mysterious universe .org for a recent Jim Sparks interview. THE LYRAN BEGINNINGS: === The email from Victor David from Mexico talks about a certain book: The Kybalion - Hermetic Philosophy,M1 === BIG SPECIAL THANKS TO: ValPal & Vi-see-2r - For leaving good feedback in iTunes! The Paranormal Cafe - For mentioning this website and podcast in their latest episode. Please visit them at WWW.WCOJ.COM (Scroll down and on the left side you will see the Paranormal Cafe button) or visit them alternatively at PARANORMALCAFE.PODOMATIC.COM Benjamin Grundy from - for Doing the lates JIm Sparks Interview. AND SO ON... ==== THE JIM SPARKS VIDEO: WORTHY LINKS! WWW.PARANORMALCAFE.PODOMATIC.COM WWW.THE13SKULLS.PODOMATIC.COM WWW.MYSTERIOUSUNIVERSE.COM WWW.THEPARACAST.COM WWW.EERIERADIO.COM WWW.EARTHFILES.COM WWW.PETROGLYPHSINTHESKY.COM WWW.COSMICPARADIGM.COM WWW.UFO.WHIPNET.ORG WWW.YOUTUBE.COM MYSTERIOUSUNIVERSE.NING.COM THE13SKULLS.NING.COM VIDEO.GOOGLE.COM WWW.IODALLIANCE.COM AX-OTMS.PODOMATIC.COM ===== Galaxy 2 Galaxy "Return Of The Dragons" (mp3) from "Galaxy 2 Galaxy: A High Tech Jazz Compilation" (Submerge Recordings) Buy at iTunes Music Store Buy at eMusic Buy at Napster Buy at Rhapsody Stream from Rhapsody Buy at Amazon More On This Album ===== Mikie Smithers "Obsession" (mp3) from "Obsession" (System Recordings) Buy at Napster Buy at Rhapsody Stream from Rhapsody Buy at Amazon More On This Album
    30 December 2007, 9:54 am
  • 35 minutes 31 seconds
    Ep. 8.1 - The Return (Again)
    Ep. 8.1 The Return (Again) Welcome Back! Sorry I screwed up the show… this is the new 8.1 version. Podomatic was upgrading their servers, and I screwed up my file. This show covers the following: Defending Sacred Ground by Alex Collier I continue reading parts from Chapter 1 of the book. If you're interested in getting a free copy of this book in PDF form, scroll down to an earlier episode. -- My Shadow Being Experience Guitar Hero in the dark caused me to see a shadow person? --- The Chupacabra, Alien or Animal? Video 1: Video 2: Video 3: --- Sorry to keep it short... Thanks for visiting! --- WORTHY LINKS! WWW.PARANORMALCAFE.PODOMATIC.COM WWW.THE13SKULLS.PODOMATIC.COM WWW.MYSTERIOUSUNIVERSE.COM WWW.THEPARACAST.COM WWW.EERIERADIO.COM WWW.PETROGLYPHSINTHESKY.COM WWW.COSMICPARADIGM.COM WWW.UFO.WHIPNET.ORG WWW.YOUTUBE.COM MYSTERIOUSUNIVERSE.NING.COM THE13SKULLS.NING.COM VIDEO.GOOGLE.COM MUSIC WWW.IODALLIANCE.COM IODA PROMONET FOR BEGINNING GATO Mark Rae "Gato" (mp3) from "Into the Depths" (RAEMAN) Buy at iTunes Music Store Buy at Rhapsody Buy at Napster Stream from Rhapsody More On This Album UNBELIEVABLE Techno Squirrels "Unbelievable" (mp3) from "Unbelievable" (Rave Police Records) Buy at iTunes Music Store Buy at Rhapsody Buy at Napster Stream from Rhapsody More On This Album FOR END OF SHOW OLVIDELA COMPA Nortec Collective "Olvidela Compa" (mp3) from "Raul Campos Presents Lotería Beats Mixtape, Vol. 1" (Nacional Records) Buy at Rhapsody Buy at Napster Stream from Rhapsody More On This Album
    20 November 2007, 11:53 pm
  • 5 minutes 26 seconds
    Solelyj's Return
    Hey guys... finally, I'm recording again! Please excuse my voice and the heavy breathing.... I've got a cold right now. (Can't breathe thru my nose!!! ugh!) --- Sorry to Alex Staples for not mentioning his podcast... you can check him out at --- Sorry to Liz, for not mentioning her as well... thanks for sticking around Liz!
    15 November 2007, 7:14 am
  • 32 minutes 45 seconds
    Episode 7: The Reptilians
    EPISODE 7 : THE REPTILIANS Video: Mile-wide UFO over Guernsey Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Recounts Apollo 11 UFO Encounter ==== From Here to Andromeda Search Andromeda Look for videos over 20Min Hope you Enjoy! ==== DOWNLOAD ALEX COLLIER'S BOOK HERE: ==== THE REPTILIAN RACE The following is an extract from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men there were who delved into darkness, using dark magic, calling up beings from the great deep below us. Forth came they into this cycle. Formless were they of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of earth-men. Only through blood could they have formed being. Only through man could they live in the world. In ages past were they conquered by Masters, driven below to the place whence they came. But some there were who remained, hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man. Lived they in Atlantis as shadows, but at times they appeared among men. Aye, when the blood was offered, for they came they to dwell among men. In the form of man they amongst us, but only to sight were they as are men. Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the Councils, taking forms that were like unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o'er man. Only by magic could they be discovered. Only by sound could their faces be seen. Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows to destroy man and rule in his place. But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic, able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent, able to send him back to his place. Came they to man and taught him the secret, the WORD that only a man can pronounce. Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent and cast him forth from the place among men. Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth in a place that is open at times to the world. Unseen they walk among thee in places where the rites have been said. Again as time passes onward shall they take the semblance of men. IS GEORGE BUSH SR A REPTILIAN? Video 1: Video 2: === THANKS: TAMMY N, VALPAL215, ALL NING USERS! ALEX STAPLES, CHARLIE FROM THE PARANORMAL CAFE PODCAST, AND TJ FROM THE13SKULLS PODCAST. WORTHY LINKS! WWW.PARANORMALCAFE.PODOMATIC.COM WWW.THE13SKULLS.PODOMATIC.COM WWW.MYSTERIOUSUNIVERSE.COM WWW.THEPARACAST.COM WWW.EERIERADIO.COM WWW.PETROGLYPHSINTHESKY.COM WWW.COSMICPARADIGM.COM WWW.UFO.WHIPNET.ORG WWW.YOUTUBE.COM MYSTERIOUSUNIVERSE.NING.COM THE13SKULLS.NING.COM VIDEO.GOOGLE.COM MUSIC WWW.IODALLIANCE.COM City Speaks Windowwalkers "City Speaks" (mp3) from "Out of Window LP" (Cosmic Playroom) Buy at iTunes Music Store Buy at Napster More On This Album Jaybrown Windowwalkers "Jaybrown" (mp3) from "Out of Window LP" (Cosmic Playroom) Buy at iTunes Music Store Buy at Napster More On This Album
    20 September 2007, 6:09 am
  • 1 minute 14 seconds
    Contactee Alex Collier 1994 Interview
    You will need to visit Turn up the volume. Sorry for the quality. J
    14 September 2007, 11:29 am
  • 34 minutes 12 seconds
    Ep. 6 -The Dates
    Ep. 6 - The Dates This episode covers a bit of the Nibiru and the Annunaki, we introduce Andromedan contactee Alex Collier, The Alien race covered in this show is the Andromedans. Also I read a few quotes by some very credible people concerning the UFO phenomena. Nibiru and Annunaki Info and links: For more info google these names: Zecharia Sitchin, Jason Martell, Lloyd Pye, Damon Elkins, Jim Marrs Videos: Other Videos: PLEASE ... DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH ... AND MAKE CONCLUSIONS BASED ON THAT. ALWAYS. It's scary, but I have a feeling that something BIG is heading our way.... I hope it's for the good of mankind. -- TJ calls in! From the13skulls podcast at and Eerie Radio show at -- The Quotes "I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth." --President Harry Truman, April 4, 1950 White House press conference. "For the next two or three days the saucers passed over the base daily. Sometimes they appeared in groups of four, other times as many as sixteen. They could outmaneuver and outflank us seemingly at will. They moved at varying speeds--sometimes very fast, sometimes slow--and other times they would come to a dead stop as we zoomed past underneath." --Astronaut Gordon Cooper, describing his first direct encounters with UFO's while serving as a military pilot in Germany. "These (gray aliens) were living, breathing creatures, just as mortal as you and I. They had feelings, they had families. They had a cultural society. The one thing they didn't have was hate, hostility. They had anger, from what I observed--and I don't know how to explain it better than stating--it was an intellectual anger. They could not... comprehend how a species such as us, that had such great potential to do such wonderful and marvelous things, could do such horrible and nightmarish things to one another." --Master Sgt. Clifford Stone, ret., who testified that he encountered "gray" aliens while working in a US Army unit that retrieved crashed extraterrestrial vehicles. 2001. "I suspect that we have, indeed, been contacted--perhaps even visited--by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public." --former CIA official Victor Marchetti quoted in "How the CIA Views the UFO Phenomenon," Second Look, vol. 1, no. 7. Washington, D.C. 1979. "We alone cannot take credit for our recent advancement in certain scientific fields. We have been helped." --Dr. Herman Oberth, NASA German rocket scientist. When asked to identify the helpers, Oberth replied, "The people of other worlds." === Charlie from The Paranormal Cafe Calls in! Thank you sir! Visit: Great podcast! === The Andromedans and Alex Collier BOOK : === Thank you Listeners! Thank you Liz, and special thanks to all Ning listeners. Especially those from and === MUSIC PROVIDED BY THE IODA PROMONET AT “Digital Done Right!” Thank you! Drifting in Silence "chameleon" (mp3) from "Chameleon" (Labile Records) Buy at iTunes Music Store Buy at Napster More On This Album Sam Sparro "Sick" (mp3) from "Black & Gold" (Modus Vivendi) Buy at Napster More On This Album David Satori "Before They Came" (mp3) from "Music from the New Edge - Vol. 01" (Cyberset Music) Buy at Buy at iTunes Music Store Buy at eMusic Buy at Rhapsody Buy at Napster Stream from Rhapsody More On This Album
    7 September 2007, 2:42 am
  • 37 minutes 41 seconds
    Ep. 5 - The Experience
    Episode 5 - The Experience On today's show we cover more on the Haiti UFO video and prove it to be a hoax, Discuss a video that shows what goes on when you try to drive into Area 51, Bring up the subject of Presence in the Moon. Then I tell about the experience I had about 5 years ago, and close with the mention of a race called the Agharians. Wanco UFO video VUE6 at work VUE6 The Proof === Drive up to Area 51 === Bases on the moon? Jim Marrs' Alien Agenda === The Experience [img][/img] === Alien Race: Agharians === MUSIC THANK YOU IODA! Taranga "Taranga" (mp3) from "Taranga"by Prem Joshua(White Swan Records) More On This Album Conscience "Conscience" (mp3) from "Conscience"by Benny Culture & Singie Shante(Megawave) Buy at iTunes Music Store More On This Album Brown World "Brown World" (mp3) from "Misunderstood"by Cheva(Embryo Records) More On This Album Ranga "Ranga" (mp3) from "Taranga"by Prem Joshua(White Swan Records) More On This Album Run From Safety - good for end "Run From Safety" (mp3) from "Run From Safety"by Octoberman(White Whale) More On This Album WWW.SOLELYJ.PODOMATIC.COM WWW.THE13SKULLS.PODOMATIC.COM WWW.PARANORMALCAFE.PODOMATIC.COM WWW.MYSTERIOUSUNIVERSE.ORG WWW.EERIERADIO.COM WWW.ALIENATIONSAM.PODOMATIC.COM WWW.THEPARACAST.COM WWW.PETROGLYPHSINTHESKY.COM WWW.JIMMARRS.COM UFO.WHIPNET.ORG WWW.YOUTUBE.COM -- WWW.AUDACITY.COM WWW.IODALLIANCE.COM
    24 August 2007, 5:09 am
  • 21 minutes 49 seconds
    Ep. 4 - The Haiti UFO
    EPISODE 4: We cover the UFO over Haiti that has been shown on Youtube and Google, New Sightings revealed by the MOD, and MORE! Please see the videos included here: UFO over Haiti 22 second clip Recorded UFO over Haiti with Cell phone Great UFO video with More Haiti UFO spaceships different angle! UFO over Kanata Ottawa- Weird Winding noise MUSIC texture Download "texture" (mp3) from "fallto"by Drifting in SilenceLabile Records More On This Album I'll walk alone Download "I'll Walk Alone" (mp3) from "Calligraffiti"by Grand AnalogURBNET Communications Inc. Buy at iTunes Music Store More On This Album grim reaper Download "Grim Reaper Blues" (mp3) from "Manifest Destiny"by EntranceTee Pee Records More On This Album LINKS: (Jeff Woolwine)
    12 August 2007, 9:00 am
  • 20 minutes 26 seconds
    3rd Podcast (Blurb)
    In this episode I talk about what I've been up to... again! I also bring you a few UFO related material that is pretty fresh. I test my skills at adding music on this one!!! lol... I hope it all works out. MUSIC - THANK YOU IODALLIANCE.COM! Camelia Download "Camellia" (mp3) from "Lovely"by Joachim JStranamente Music Buy at iTunes Music Store More On This Album hypnosis Download "Hypnosis" (mp3) from " Vol.3"by SAR LaeraStranamente Music More On This Album --- LINKS NOTE! I FORGOT TO MENTION A FAVORITE WEBSITE OF MINE, AND I APOLOGIZE!!! HEY CHARLIE... HEY ROB! UFO News Sightings Flying Saucer for sale? Iowa Minister John Click interviewed by Linda Moulton Howe about a Crab/Scorpion he saw on top of a cow. Jeff Woolwine IODALLIANCE.COM IODALLIANCE.COM IODALLIANCE.COM
    8 August 2007, 8:49 am
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