Intel: Intelligent Storage

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Data center efficiency challenges are on the rise. With advances in digital technology, everything from medical records, advanced weather modeling, videos, movies are being digitized. Massive amounts of unstructured data (aka “Big Data”) is forcing IT managers to rethink how they manage and store information. A full 17 percent of IT budgets are devoted to storage, and power and cooling costs represent as much as 40 percent of operational expenses. Corporate data is expected to increase by 650 percent from 2009 to 2015. As enterprise storage continues to grow at a staggering rate, businesses can no longer meet their capacity needs by simply adding more storage to their traditional, siloed data center infrastructure. Enterprise storage solutions based on Intel Technology can evolve storage architecture into dynamic, flexible environments that enable IT to scale capacity and implement efficient capabilities to keep up with explosive data growth. Intel Xeon Technology provides the energy

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