Quantum Conversations with Lauren Galey

Lauren Galey

Join us for Quantum Conversations that will uplift and heal your soul! Featuring a variety of guests, these conversations explore the world of metaphysics and spirituality. Raise your vibration, open your heart and expand consciousness with these new paradigm leaders, healers and consciousness/ascension teachers.

  • 1 hour 27 minutes
    The Divine Combination with Archangel Gabriel Channel Shelley Young
    LEARN MORE https://www.acoustichealth.com/quantum-conversations/shelley-young-the-divine-combination/ ACCESS Shelley's Special Offer on the Divine Combination Course: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/shelley-young-the-divine-combination-understanding-and-utilizing-the-essential-elements-of-enlightenment/  In this Quantum Conversation, she will be teaching what the essential elements of the divine combination are, and how, when they are utilized together, open the door to enlightenment and activate the operating system of the empowered human being.  Anyone, regardless of their level of understanding, belief system, or where they are on their spiritual journey, can start to use this system right now to experience greater peace, ease and guidance in their lives.
    28 June 2019, 6:00 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Quantum Conversation with Wah Devy - To Heal or Not To Heal
    Access Wah Devi's Special Offer: www.acoustichealth.com/wahoffer.htm To Heal or Not to Heal, That is the Question Healing is an exchange with the elements; it is spacious, divine, and geometric. First question is, what are you interacting with? Second question, is there any spaciousness in that interaction? The whole world contains miraculous possibilities of spacious, loving wholeness. There are ways to change your thoughts, brainwaves, light, electromagnetic field, energetic bodies, breathing and senses to create an environment for healing and transformation. Enjoy this Quantum Conversation with Wah! Devi and ask yourself: 1. What’s your daily routine? How do you surround yourself? In what order do you enact your routine? 2. What’s your mission? It’s something you promised yourself you would find. It is your theme throughout life. Some people explore leadership, others service, others cooperation, others abuse, others loyalty. People may join you to explore it together for awhile, but it always comes back to that longing you have within you. 3. When do you take time for yourself during the day? What are you doing? How does it feel? REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS www.acoustichealth. com
    22 August 2017, 2:50 am
  • 1 hour 41 minutes
    Quantum Conversation with Gene Ang - Arcturian Healing Frequencies
    Access Gene Ang's Special Offer: http://www.acoustichealth.com/geneoffer2.htm Arcturian Healing Frequencies Arcturian Healing Frequencies are brought forth by Gene Ang, a Neurobiologist PhD from Yale, who has turned his attention to spirituality and to the use of subtle energy in healing the body. Gene has downloaded a divine healing method inspired by higher beings from the star system Arcturus. It is Divinely guided through the form of the Arcturians. In this episode, you will be attuned to the Arcturian Healing Light (AHL). This is a form of light, energy, and information meant to accelerate a person’s evolution. In particular, the attunement will place an energetic Arcturian Golden Star and Purple Sphere in each participant’s heart center that will allow them to transmit the AHL for others. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS www.acoustichealth.com
    2 August 2017, 2:28 pm
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    Quantum Conversation wtih Dr. Suzanne Lie - Arcturian Message for August Eclipse
    Access Dr. Sue's Special Offer : www.acoustichealth.com/drsueoffer3.htm Unity Focus for August 21, Eclipse A Message from the Arcturians Join Dr. Suzanne Lie who will channel messages from the Arcturians on the potent portal of the Lion's Gate and the August 21 Eclipse. "This is a great Cosmic Re-set of Consciousness," say the Arcturians, who offer messages on how you can surrender to the Higher Light and connect to the energy field of the eclipse. The Arcturians share information on Light Language and how you can begin to percieve it. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com
    29 July 2017, 1:50 pm
  • 1 hour 38 minutes
    Quantum Conversation with Nora Herold - The Summer of Change - A Pleiadian Perspective
    Access Nora Herold's Special Offer www.acoustichealth.com/noraoffer2.htm The Summer of Change – A Pleiadian Perspective In these times of accelerated change, integration, re-ascension, and becoming your multidimensional self it is essential that you find within the vibratory rate of joy and use that as the foundation for your creations while at the same time allowing the process of transmutation of trauma to continue. Nora Herold and The Pleiadian Collective will assist you with this along with sharing up to the moment information on the status of the shift and how to best operate during this time. Let the unconditional love of the Pleiadians along with your guides and helpers facilitate your journey in becoming sovereign. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com
    28 July 2017, 6:29 pm
  • 1 hour 47 minutes
    Quantum Conversation with Cynthia Charis - The Great Particle Convergence
    Access Cynthia Charis' Special Offer: www.acoustichealth.com/cynthiaoffer3.htm The Great Particle Convergence Join Cynthia as she talks about the monumental times of 2017, the Year of the Big Reset. She describes how we are entering an extraordinary opportunity for personal and collective enlightenment as we approach The Great Particle Convergence that begins on the Solar Eclipse of August 21st, 2017 and culminate on December 21st, 2017. This is an epic occurrence for Earth and all of humanity as enlightened particles from the sun and the higher dimensions of Creation are converging to weave together a new timeline for the restoration of Earth and her people into their original blueprint of divine perfection. Throughout this event, the Sun will flood our light bodies and DNA to help awaken our original divine blueprint as the 5th Dimensional Beings we are meant to be. In the show, we will activate the Sun within our own Heart’s Chakra to open the pathways of Ascension within us and blaze forth as the Wayshowers of the New Heaven on Earth. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com
    27 July 2017, 11:50 pm
  • 1 hour 41 minutes
    Quantum Conversation with Anrita Melchizedek - Inner Purification Rites
    Access Anrita Melchizedek's Special Offer www.acoustichealth.com/anritaoffer5.htm Inner Purification Rites In this transmission with Anrita and the Elders, we are offered the tools and techniques to transform physical and/or emotional dis-ease with a new level of ease and grace, as well as release old wounds and betrayals, frozen miasms, parasites or astral entities, and purify ourselves on all levels of our Beingness. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com
    26 July 2017, 10:01 pm
  • 1 hour 43 minutes
    Quantum Conversation with Raquel Spencer - Living as an Advanced Lightworker
    Access Raquel Spencer's Special offer: www.acoustichealth.com/raqueloffer5.htm Living Life as an Advanced Lightworker With all the information, classes, workshops and tools available, are you actually seeing an improvement in your daily life? Seeking and learning is not the same as embodying! Spiritual awakening is all about how you experience and live your life. When the mechanics of your human super computer actually change, real tangible results are experienced. Getting your human super computer upgraded regularly makes a huge impact on how you experience your life. This is why quick fixes fail at providing the long term results your looking for. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com
    20 July 2017, 7:57 pm
  • 2 hours 6 minutes
    Quantum Conversation with Hope Fitzgerald - The 10th Dimensional Infinity Wave
    Access Hope Fitzgerald's Special Offer: www.acoustichealth.com/hopeoffer.htm The Infinity Wave The Infinity Wave and how it continues to strengthen. These are the times it was sent to us to use! In 2010, Hope received a series of visions, which culminated as a watery, flowing figure "8”. Through dowsing, it was revealed that this moving geometry was a 10th-dimensional energetic tool called the Infinity Wave, sent to us by a benevolent Universe for upcoming tumultuous times (which are upon us now). Hope launched the Wave Energy Center for Conscious Evolution, dedicated to applying the Infinity Wave for the positive, expansive development of the individual, the community and the Earth. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com
    19 July 2017, 7:02 pm
  • 2 hours 11 minutes
    Quantum Conversation with Lisa Transcendence Brown
    Special Offer from Lisa Transcendence Brown www.acoustichealth.com/lisaoffer8.htm You Are ON a Multi-Dimensional Earth Join us as we discuss how the Gridwork for NEW Earth is inside of each of our bodies and anchored through our fully expanded/Higher Selves/Christed/Crystalline Consciousness, which links up to our own personal Star Gate System, returning the natural ability to each one of us for full Multi-Dimensional Travel and living and existing on NEW Earth Now. REGISTER FOR QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com
    18 July 2017, 11:21 pm
  • 1 hour 56 minutes
    Quantum Conversation with Asara Open Your Inner Star Portal
    Access Asara's Special Offer: www.acoustichealth.com/HCs12asara.htm Access Your Star Knowledge And Open Your Inner Star Portal With Ease! Find Out More About Your Galactic History And Where You Are Coming From! Come Join Us For a Magical Journey To The Stars & Step Into Your True Potential. Find Out How To Access and Explore Your Star Knowledge, Tap Into Your Galactic Gifts & Abilities and Activate Your Inner Star Portal With This fascinating call with Asara and the Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com
    14 July 2017, 12:00 am
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