Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard with Gene Bogart

The Gary Renard Podcast -- produced and co-hosted by Gene Bogart. Featuring news, updates, interviews, and discussions with Gary Renard, author of the best-selling books, "The Disappearance of the Universe", and, "Your

  • 53 minutes 35 seconds
    Gary Renard Podcast - ep056
    0,0,1500,15002f0801b1_b22e74d9_ebfa04b0.jpgEpisode 56: The "Out With 2015, In With 2016" Podcast – Gary and Gene begin this end-of-2015 into-2016 episode with a look back at Gary's extensive travels to the Orient over the past year: visiting a number of countries in Asia where he and Cindy brought the message of A Course in Miracles to large numbers of people, many of them entirely new to the Course's teachings. Gary notes how important it is that new students of the Course get started with an accurate assessment of what the Course is saying, instead of starting off the process with major misunderstandings of what should be basic principles. — The conversation then moves into a very thorough, extended discussion of a number of current would-be "teachers" of ACIM who completely misrepresent the actual teachings of the Course, while claiming to present "improved" or "corrected" versions of Jesus' intended curriculum. Gary makes some eye-opening points that clarify a great many areas of controversy. He also explains in detail some of the facts surrounding the Course's inception, and how the original editing of the Course took place. There is quite a bit of deep discussion involving the core principles of the Course's teaching; and Gary reiterates the very important idea that the Course does not need to be interpreted…but it does need to be understood.

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    1 April 2016, 8:13 am
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Gary Renard Podcast - ep055
    0,0,1500,15002f0801b1_b22e74d9_ebfa04b0.jpgEpisode 55: The "Springing into Questions!" Podcast – As promised for this episode, Gary and Gene focus on questions sent in by podcast listeners. There's a brief discussion up front touching on numerology, music, movies… but the conversation VERY quickly turns to A Course in Miracles, and of course, forgiveness. Our first question for Gary concerns forgiving family members, especially when the grievances have existed for a long time. Gary's answer involves the necessarily repetitive nature of the forgiveness process, and how the Holy Spirit is always working with us behind the scenes, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Gene adds some comments about the "split mind" being healed a little bit, every time we forgive. Next question asks for Gary to explain the Course's position regarding dreams and their interpretation. The answer involves the Course's teaching that we understand that recognition of the fact that we are dreaming should be our true goal. Our next listener question asks about feelings of depression and even suicidal thoughts, both of which seem to have become more intense since studying the Course. Gary's response reminds us that these kinds of thoughts and feelings always come from the ego, and it's critically important to consistently recognize this as such. The Holy Spirit will always offer a happy replacement for any negative thought the ego puts in our way. Gary's closing thoughts remind us to always look at "the big picture" that the Course is showing us, rather than focusing on the little obstacles with which the ego would attempt to distract us.

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    1 June 2015, 5:33 am
  • 58 minutes 41 seconds
    Gary Renard Podcast - ep054
    0,0,1500,15002f0801b1_b22e74d9_ebfa04b0.jpgEpisode 54: The "Merry February!" Podcast – If this show has an unexpected "holiday season" flavor to it, that's because it was recorded during the Christmas-New Year period…even though it's now being released in February. This is due to a variety of reasons that we won't go into here…but nevertheless, enjoy the belated Holiday cheer! ~ The program gets underway very quickly with some impromptu discussion of forgiveness, and the challenges often encountered when applying forgiveness to painful worldly events. Gary provides a few quotes from the Course that address the forgiveness process. Gary then talks about his new writing schedule, and about an upcoming trip to China, where both the Course and DU are gaining an enthusiastic following. There's also discussion about the Course's reception in other Asian countries. The conversation turns to the ACIM teaching that "the script is written", and how this applies to what seems like a series of coincidences here in the world—and how it is only from the Holy Spirit's perspective that "the big picture" can be seen and understood. Then, a "Question for Gary" asks, if God is not aware of our seeming, mistaken illusion of separation, time, and space, then how can He offer a correction for it? Gary's answer addresses the real nature of the Holy Spirit and His role in the correction of the ego's illusory thought system. Gary's closing comments suggest aligning ourselves with the practicality of the Holy Spirit's forgiveness process in everything we seem to do here in the world.

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    20 February 2015, 9:08 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Gary Renard Podcast - ep053
    0,0,1500,15002f0801b1_b22e74d9_ebfa04b0.jpgEpisode 53: The "Questions for Gary at Christmas!" Podcast – As promised in the last show (Ep. 52), Gary and Gene devote an entire podcast to questions submitted by listeners; some just recently, and some from the archives. The first several brief questions come from the same listener: How do we know when the ego has been undone? When the Course says to "forgive the world", does that mean we are to renounce the world? Does the ego love the body…or wish to kill it? And, how can I see beyond the body when I am in physical pain, or even emotional distress? The next question comes from a listener in Argentina who asks, "If I get healed in regard to a problem I'm having, will I simply find another problem in 'the script' that will be just as painful?" Next question asks: If God is in communication with me all the time, why don't I hear God? Why don't I feel God? Next: A question regarding something Pursah said about massage techniques. (Gene's lovely wife Helen will enjoy hearing this one!) Final question (for this episode) asks about increasing one's ability to forgive, but perhaps in doing so, minimizing one's ability to quiet the mind: What is the best balance between focusing on forgiveness opportunities, and quieting the mind through meditation? Then, unexpectedly, the podcast receives two very special guests! (You'll have to listen to find out who.) Gary's closing comments reflect on the Course teaching that we should all begin to make things different this year, by making everything "all the same."

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    25 December 2014, 10:15 am
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Gary Renard Podcast - ep052
    0,0,1500,15002f0801b1_b22e74d9_ebfa04b0.jpgEpisode 52: The "Spirits of Autumn" Podcast – Released in November, this episode was actually recorded before Halloween, which seems appropriate…because some supernatural occurrences will be discussed during the show! But the program begins with Gary recapping his recent tour of Europe, including an ACIM conference in Greece that featured Gary and three other presenters. (Gary says that the best part about participating in conferences is getting to meet people from the ACIM community from all over the world.) His travels also took Gary to Finland and to Paris, one of his favorite cities, which Gary describes as having been "designed by artists." Back stateside, Gary and Cindy visited Berkeley, CA for an ACIM gathering hosted by Cindy's Mom, Doris Lora; Gary mentions that Cindy's sister Jackie is developing a new TV series for the Internet, and Gary speaks about a series of magazine articles he is now writing about the Course. Gary and Gene then both speak about handling the "negative" occurrences in the world from an ACIM perspective; they also turn to the topic of "natural" disasters like the ebola outbreak, and how we should apply forgiveness even—perhaps especially—in such challenging circumstances. There is a "spook-tacular" Question for Gary regarding ghosts, demons, and exorcisms, with the listener wanting to know how these phenomena can be understood from a Course perspective. Gary's answer includes a personal story about contact with an actual ghost! Gary's closing comments emphasize the importance of gratitude in living life as someone studying and practicing A Course in Miracles.

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    21 November 2014, 9:31 am
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    Gary Renard Podcast - ep051
    0,0,1500,15002f0801b1_b22e74d9_ebfa04b0.jpgEpisode 51: "The Suicide Podcast" – This show commences not long after the tragic death of beloved comedian and actor Robin Williams, and Gary and Gene use the opportunity as a platform to discuss the concepts of death and suicide from A Course in Miracles perspective. Before that discussion begins, however, Gary takes a few moments to talk about his upcoming trip to Europe, and chats a bit about his experiences traveling the world as a student and teacher of the Course. The conversation somehow transitions to the topic of animals, wild and domestic… before returning to the topic at hand: that of death, and the tragic circumstance of suicide. Gary and Gene speak with candor, as well as with both humor and gravity, and touch on aspects of depression and suicide ranging from psychology to pharmacology to spirituality. Interestingly, the Course itself never mentions suicide directly; but it does speak extensively about death, and the ego's fixation on it. The Course teaches very specifically that death is never the answer to any problem, and that any trials we may face in life are just "lessons presented once again", until we eventually correct them permanently via the forgiveness process. Gary stresses the importance of actually practicing forgiveness in the way ACIM directs, and assures listeners that the process becomes easier and more joyful the longer one practices it. Gary and Gene both reminisce about the wonderful qualities that Robin Williams demonstrated and embodied; and Gene closes the show with a reminder that unlike forgiveness (which is "always the answer"), suicide is almost "never" the answer.

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    2 September 2014, 4:43 am
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    Gary Renard Podcast - ep050
    0,0,1500,15002f0801b1_b22e74d9_ebfa04b0.jpgEpisode 50: "The 50th Podcast!" Gary and Gene celebrate the milestone of their 50th podcast together, and take a look back at how their very first show started things off. Gene notes how "formal" the first episode felt, when compared to the looser feel of more recent shows; but he and Gary both note the lightheartedness that the podcast series has had right from the beginning. Gary makes mention of some of the changes that have occurred over time at the DU yahoo discussion group, and he and Gene discuss the Course's teaching that laughter is the Holy Spirit's principle means for dispelling the ego's belief in seriousness. The discussion includes some close examination of the ACIM concepts of not making the world real, not "needing" to do anything in the world, and not actually needing a body, even while we appear to be inhabiting bodies. This all ties in with the concept of "being in the world but not of it." Both hosts discuss the 50 Miracle Principles which are found at the very beginning of the Text of the Course, and use this as a springboard to talk about some of the Course's deeper teachings. Gary mentions his second speaking trip to Japan, and discusses some of the differences as well as similarities between ACIM and Buddhism. Both hosts stress the importance of applying the Course's teachings about forgiveness to everything that appears to happen in the world, regardless of the apparent severity of the situation at hand. Gary and Gene close out this 50th Episode with some reflections on cats, on the podcast series, and a look forward to new upcoming episodes.

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    19 June 2014, 6:19 am
  • 59 minutes
    Gary Renard Podcast - ep049
    0,0,1500,15002f0801b1_b22e74d9_ebfa04b0.jpgEpisode 49: "The Christmas/New Year 2014" Podcast. This show begins at the close of 2013 with a special visitor for Gary (Hint: this fellow travels in a sleigh!); and then Gene invites Gary to update everyone on his latest book, "Love Has Forgotten No One." Gary discusses teachings contained within the book, and also shares some advice he received from Arten and Pursah regarding handling criticism from people both inside as well as outside the ACIM community. Gary mentions that his teachers emphasize throughout the book that we must continuously remind ourselves "not to make the world real", when we are faced with challenging situations or people. As the Course teaches, we are always replacing the thought system of the ego with the thought system of the Holy Spirit. Gary then discusses his plans for the unfolding New Year, including some of the traveling destinations he and Cindy will be visiting. Gene and Gary both spend some time stressing the importance of actually practicing the Course's teachings, and acknowledge that it requires a long-time commitment if one is going to achieve the goals the Course sets forth. Gary closes this episode out by reading the beloved quotation from ACIM: "The sign of Christmas is a star, a light in darkness", and then gives explanation as to the real meaning of these beautiful words.

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    13 January 2014, 2:59 am
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    Gary Renard Podcast - ep048
    0,0,1500,15002f0801b1_b22e74d9_ebfa04b0.jpgEpisode 48: "The Transcending Time" Podcast. The explanation for this title will be revealed later in the episode... but Gary kicks the show off with some breaking news about the release of his new book, "Love Has Forgotten No One", including discussion about the book's simultaneous international publication. The conversation turns to the topic of A Course in Miracles (as it always does!), and Gene and Gary explore the nature and application of forgiveness here in the world. Gary reveals some of his own forgiveness lessons that he writes about in the new book. Gene reveals some new insights he has gained since experiencing his near-death medical event, and shares revelations about the personal experience of time while here in the physical world. And time, then, for Questions for Gary (and Gene, too.) First question comes from a listener in the Netherlands, who asks for guidance about applying the forgiveness process some time AFTER the grievance has occurred. Both co-hosts offer some powerful ideas about how to apply forgiveness at ANY time, and under any circumstances. Next question addresses the quandary of avoiding the ego's traps even while being involved in seemingly "positive" endeavors. Gary's answer reinforces the concept of remaining "above the battlefield" in all worldly activities. At this point in the show, a special guest joins the program: Cindy Lora-Renard! For her first official guest appearance in a podcast episode, Cindy speaks about her expanded role as a fellow presenter at Gary's events; she also reveals how the nature of these events has been evolving into a more interactive experience with everyone who is in attendance. Cindy and Gene discuss the peace that comes from having practiced forgiveness... even, as in Gene's experience, at the point of death or other challenging occurrence. Cindy shares the importance of kindness in all of our relationships; and the importance of developing trust that the Holy Spirit will provide an answer to any question we have, if we will be still and await the appropriate time to receive it. Gary rejoins the show to provide a closing quote from the ACIM Text, "The Forgotten Song."

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    21 October 2013, 4:56 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Gary Renard Podcast - ep047
    0,0,1500,15002f0801b1_b22e74d9_ebfa04b0.jpgEpisode 47: "The Summer 2013" Podcast. For some reason, Gary and Gene begin this episode with a few funny stories relating to author Wayne Dyer (a very humorous man in his own right.) Gary gives an update on progress for his upcoming book, and also speaks about Hay House, the publisher. Then, the conversation quickly turns to Course topics. Gary and Gene discuss the fact that in the world we see, very few "teachers" actually stick to teaching what the Course truly presents, and so often attempt to blend other practices and thought systems into their teachings… and that this is NOT the fastest way to reach the experiences that the Course is leading us toward. The ACIM-based discussion addresses the seemingly sequential nature of different lifetimes, which in actuality, are not sequential at all. Forgiveness is discussed (of course!), and we see that practicing forgiveness is really fulfilling "our part" in the Holy Spirit's perfect plan. The conversation touches on the worldwide translations of A Course in Miracles, and Gary talks about the multi-language simultaneous release of his upcoming book, "Love Has Forgotten No One." Gary wraps the show up with some thoughts about the importance of doing whatever it is we do, always with the Holy Spirit as our guide and companion.

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    14 August 2013, 5:34 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Gary Renard Podcast - ep046
    0,0,1500,15002f0801b1_b22e74d9_ebfa04b0.jpgEpisode 46: "The Spring Ahead" Podcast. Gary and Gene start off by discussing the now-official release date for Gary's long awaited third book, "Love Has Forgotten No One." Gary explains that, although many people have been frustrated by the long wait, he feels that the extra time involved made for a much better book, and one that is very much the book he wanted it to be. (The book will be released by Hay House on Oct. 8, 2013.) Gary mentions Gene's CD recording "The End of Sacrifice" from the Text of ACIM… and then updates everyone on progress with the DU TV series. And then it's time for "Questions for Gary!" First up: since it is Pursah's statement that she became enlightened during her (future) lifetime, then if Gary became enlightened in THIS lifetime, would that mean that Pursah would never be born? Gary answers with a great deal of detailed information about the nature and process of reincarnation itself. The next question follows up by asking about what happens at the point of death, and how does enlightenment fit into that process? Third question asks about forgiveness work done in this lifetime, and if one does not achieve enlightenment this time around, will it lessen the amount of work that needs to be done in a future lifetime? Gary's answer involves the cumulative nature of the forgiveness process. Gary's closing message encourages all "spiritual people" to give each other a break, and be kinder and less judgmental in the way we deal with others… since all forgiveness is ultimately self-forgiveness.

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    30 April 2013, 3:57 am
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