Good Guys Wear Black

Fr. Anthony Perkins and Ancient Faith Radio

This podcast is designed to provide information, encouragement, and entertainment for priests, other clergy, and those who love them. We'll talk about self-care and the many joys and challenges that come with the cassock.

  • How (Not) to Improve Clergy Selection and Development
    Today Fr. Anthony waves the "Good Idea Wand" (a cursed artifact to be sure) to come up with solutions to the problem of maladjusted clergy. He then invites Fr. Gregory to evaluate them. The ideas they discuss are; psychological evaluations, mandatory reporting of credit scores and financial debt, annual performance evaluations, and peer reviews. In the end, they both agree that even though solutions like these may offer short-term benefits, the best solution is to facilitate the growth of genuinely Orthodox cultures and institutions. Enjoy the show!
    14 July 2022, 6:38 pm
  • Where Do Thoughts Come From?
    Fr. Anthony talks with Fr. Gregory about scientific theories about the origin of thoughts and how the Orthodox understanding covers and improves on them both theologically and practically. This should not be surprising as Orthodoxy grounds anthropology within the fullness of the faith and monastic wisdom is the practical fruit of this theology as it has been lived, developed, and preserved for many generations. Enjoy the show!
    11 July 2022, 4:30 pm
  • Missions and Stewardship with Fr. Robert Holet
    Fr. Anthony continues his discussion with Fr. Robert, author of "The First and Finest: Orthodox Christian Stewardship as Sacred Offering" about some of the necessities, joys, and struggles that come with starting and nurturing a mission. This time, they focus on how to pay for (and NOT to pay) the bills. The key is to make everything - to include financial stewardship - resonate with and in the Eucharist. Enjoy the show!
    18 June 2022, 9:15 pm
  • Ritualizing Opportunities for Grace in Mission Work
    Fr. Anthony continues his discussion with Fr. Robert Holet, author of "The First and Finest: Orthodox Christian Stewardship as Sacred Offering" about mission work, this time focusing on the need to organize and routinize the work of the parish intentionally and well (so that grace can grow). Enjoy the show!
    6 June 2022, 5:30 pm
  • Talking Missions (and Horses) with Fr. Robert Holet
    Fr. Robert Holet is the author of The First and Finest: Orthodox Christian Stewardship as Sacred Offering, one of the best practical guides to fostering a healthy parish culture that you can find. Fr. Robert is also one of Fr. Anthony's mentors, something that comes out clearly in this, their conversation on the role of leadership in fostering a healthy mission culture. What do horses have to do with that? Listen and find out!
    24 May 2022, 6:36 pm
  • The Confusion of the Micro and Macro Domains
    Fr. Anthony talks with Fr. Gregory Jensen about motivated reason and the consequences of mixing micro and macro domains. They suggest that our increasing tribalism is exacerbated of confusing pastoral and public communications - something that is all but impossible to avoid on social media. Enjoy the show!
    13 May 2022, 7:36 pm
  • The Guru as a Dysfunctional Archetype
    The Guru as a Dysfunctional Archetype with Anthony and Fr. Gregory Jensen, PhD, about guruism, why it is dangerous, and how to avoid it. Enjoy the show!
    22 April 2022, 6:27 pm
  • Talking About What Matters Most
    Fr. Anthony talks with evangelical author, blogger, and podcaster, John Michalak about grace, liturgy, and the need to "surrender subjectivity." John started attending services at Holy Resurrection in Waynesville NC a few months ago and shares some observations. Enjoy the show!
    16 April 2022, 10:43 pm
  • Fr. Gregory Jensen on Confession and the Cultivation of Repentance
    Fr. Anthony talks with Fr. Gregory Jensen, PhD, about how NOT to elicit repentance during confession, some of the differences between confession, interrogation, and therapy, and why love and trust are foundational to the process of reconciliation. Enjoy the show!
    7 April 2022, 11:09 am
  • Love and Ministry in a Time of War
    Homily on the Last Judgment (Matthew 25:31-46). Fr. Anthony draws on his experience as a retired Army officer (USAR) and the teaching of St. Maximus the Confessor to provide perspective, consolation, and encouragement during this time of war. Major points include the way the world and its labels darken our spiritual sight and the power Christ has given to His Royal Priesthood to heal the world's pain.
    12 March 2022, 4:47 pm
  • Spotting Bad Research
    Today Fr. Anthony talks with heterodox political scientist Matthew Woessner (PhD, OSU) about how to recognize bad research. We are being inundated by all kinds of misinformation (and disinformation!) through the press and social media, to include from otherwise Orthodox sources. This is increasing our polarization and decreasing our trust in institutions and one another. Learning to recognize bad research isn't just useful for spotting deceptions about public health; it may even help us see through bogus claims about about ecclesial politics. Matthew Woessner is a Professor of Institutional Research at the United States Army War College, but the views he presents in this talk are his own.
    3 March 2022, 5:48 pm
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