LIFE's mission is to impact and change our generation with the reality of Christ.
Listen to a powerful message of hope from Ps Josh So'e (LIFE West Campus Pastor) as we focus around communion and remembering the sacrifice Jesus made for us. As a part of the message we'll take communion together, so why not grab some bread and juice and join us in this special moment.
To find out more about LIFE, visit us at
Listen to a powerful message of hope from Ps Luke de Jong (Senior Pastor) as we focus around communion and remembering the sacrifice Jesus made for us. As a part of the message we'll take communion together, so why not grab some bread and juice and join us in this special moment.
To find out more about LIFE, visit us at
Listen to a powerful message of hope from Ps Tashinga Chanyau (LIFE South Campus Pastor) as we focus around communion and remembering the sacrifice Jesus made for us. As a part of the message we'll take communion together, so why not grab some bread and juice and join us in this special moment.
To find out more about LIFE, visit us at
Listen to a powerful message of hope from Ps James Hannah (LIFE North Campus Pastor) as we focus around communion and remembering the sacrifice Jesus made for us. As a part of the message we'll take communion together, so why not grab some bread and juice and join us in this special moment.
To find out more about LIFE, visit us at
Listen to a powerful message of hope from Ps Erin Manners (LIFE Central Campus Pastor) as we round out the year with Celebration Sunday - an opportunity to share stories from the year that's been and praise God for what He done, doing and will do in our lives.
To find out more about LIFE, visit us at
Listen to a powerful message of hope from Ps James Hannah (LIFE North Campus Pastor) as we round out the year with Celebration Sunday - an opportunity to share stories from the year that's been and praise God for what He done, doing and will do in our lives.
To find out more about LIFE, visit us at
Listen to a powerful message of hope from Ps Craig & Nadia Clark (LIFE Melbourne Lead Pastors) as they wrap up our 'Unfiltered: Relationship Realities' series. The reality is that desires are part of our God given DNA, but we have to be careful about where and how they are directed.
To find out more about LIFE, visit us at
Listen to a powerful message of hope from Ps Luke de Jong (Senior Pastor) & panel as we continue our Unfiltered series, focusing on what it means to find security in every season.
To find out more about LIFE, visit us at
Listen to a powerful message of hope from Ps James Hannah (LIFE North Campus Pastor) as he kicks off our Unfiltered series, focusing on the realities of relationships. In this week, Ps James looks at how Jesus modelled relationships and how we can experience deep and present relationships in all areas of our lives.
To find out more about LIFE, visit us at
Listen to a powerful message of hope from Ps Tashinga Chanyau (LIFE South Campus Pastor) as he kicks off our Unfiltered series, focusing on the realities of relationships. In this week, Ps Tashinga looks at how Jesus modelled relationships and how we can experience deep and present relationships in all areas of our lives.
To find out more about LIFE, visit us at
Listen to a powerful message of hope from Ps Josh So'e (LIFE West Campus Pastor) as he kicks off our Unfiltered series, focusing on the realities of relationships. In this week, Ps Josh looks at how Jesus modelled relationships and how we can experience deep and present relationships in all areas of our lives.
To find out more about LIFE, visit us at
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