Unity Spiritual Center Denver

Unity Spiritual Center Denver

Spiritual Leader David Howard presents dynamic lessons from Unity Spiritual Center Denver.

  • 44 minutes 59 seconds
    Episode 157: The Evolving Power of Order | Unity Spiritual Center Denver | 9.29.24
    Have you ever felt the tug between the need for order and the desire for flexibility?  Through a heartfelt anecdote, we dive into the impact of an overdeveloped sense of order, exploring how it can lead to rigidity and even OCD. We then transition into the profound interconnectedness of spirit and creation, viewing evolution as the unfolding of spirit through human life and consciousness. A tragic story of a young man's death becomes a catalyst for a deeper understanding of grief, anger, and love, highlighting how each life experience offers a unique opportunity for growth. Emphasizing gratitude and the power of expanding our awareness, we reflect on the importance of taking responsibility for our own lives to contribute positively to the collective experience. 
    30 September 2024, 8:25 pm
  • 41 minutes 32 seconds
    Episode 156: The Adjusting Power of Order | Unity Spiritual Center Denver | 9.22.24
    September is the month of order. The light of order expresses as our abilities of organization, adjustment and evolution.  Nature demonstrates the ease with which Divine Order ebbs and flows.  How orderly that this Sunday marks the fall equinox. The fall equinox occurs in September each year, marking the end of summer and beginning of autumn. Because the Earth is tilted on its axis, the Sun illuminates the northern or southern hemisphere more depending on where the Earth is along its orbit. But at two points in the year the Sun will illuminate the northern and southern hemispheres equally - the equinoxes.
    27 September 2024, 2:48 pm
  • 42 minutes 21 seconds
    Episode 154: Answering the Call - What is Your Soul Calling You to Do? | Unity Spiritual Center Denver | 9.8.24
    Join us for an inspiring journey with Guest Speaker Rev. Rachel Harrison as we explore the essence of finding one's purpose and answering life's unique callings. Through personal stories, we challenge societal expectations around career and parenthood, encouraging listeners to look within for their true calling rather than seeking external validation. Engage with us as we revisit childhood dreams and understand how they can shape our adult lives, especially for those who feel a spiritual calling in their professions. We continue by examining the transformative process of self-awareness and purpose, addressing the societal and personal obstacles that can hinder this realization. Drawing parallels with the evolution of communication technology, we highlight how modern expectations can sometimes obscure our connection to the universe's natural flow. Reflect with us on the impact of external influences and discover how embracing your unique gifts can lead to a more fulfilling path. This conversation serves as a reminder to recognize and overcome the limiting beliefs that have shaped our journeys. Our final chapters take you through the importance of surrendering to life's unexpected calls and the value of being open to new opportunities. Listen to touching stories of rediscovering passions and trusting the universe's guidance towards a greater good.  Reflect on the humility and gratitude that come with stepping fully into your soul's purpose, and be inspired to embrace your unique journey.
    11 September 2024, 3:57 pm
  • 57 minutes 4 seconds
    Episode 153: The Labor of a Lifetime | Unity Spiritual Center Denver | 9.1.24
    Labor Day is held the first Monday every September. Unlike most U.S. holidays, it is a somewhat odd celebration without rituals, except for shopping and barbecuing. For most people it simply marks the last weekend of summer and the start of the school year. The holiday’s founders in the late 1800s envisioned something very different. They were looking for two things: a means of unifying union workers and a reduction in work time. The first Labor Day occurred in 1882 in New York City under the direction of that city’s Central Labor Union. Another view is that Labor Day came about because workers felt they were spending too many hours and days on the job. In the1830s, manufacturing workers were putting in 70-hour weeks on average. Sixty years later, in 1890, hours of work had dropped, although the average manufacturing worker still toiled in a factory 60 hours a week. These long working hours caused many union organizers to focus on winning a shorter-eight hour work day. They also focused on getting workers more days off, such as the Labor Day holiday, and reducing the workweek to just six days."Your greatest work will be done in your own God-appointed channel. If you will let Spirit possess you wholly, if you will have the highest will done in you and through you, you will be moved out of your present limitations into a manifestation as much fuller and more perfect and beautiful as is the new grain than the old seed, which had to fall into the ground and die." - EmilieCady, Lessons in Truth
    2 September 2024, 6:38 pm
  • 46 minutes 13 seconds
    Episode 152: Another Perspective of Will | Unity Spiritual Center Denver | 8.25.24
    What if breaking through your internal struggles could reveal a profound sense of self-worth and connection to a higher power? Join us for a heartfelt exploration of divine will, free will, and the unity of all faith traditions. We begin with reflections on finding strength through a higher power, followed by Sarah's enlightening introduction to the Sufi invocation. With insights from Puro Murshid Inayat Khan, we honor the interconnectedness of Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam through a symbolic candle lighting ceremony, celebrating our universal quest for wisdom and spiritual inclusivity. How do different faith traditions perceive the balance between free will and divine will? In this episode, we dive into scriptures from various religions, reflecting on consciousness, personal sovereignty, and the immense gratitude owed to the divine for guiding us with wisdom and compassion. From the Upanishads to the Quran, we explore the delicate interplay between individual actions and divine influence. We also share a Sufi perspective on universal and individual will, highlighting the strength found in aligning personal will with universal forces and the profound impact it can have on our spiritual journey. Choosing joy amidst life's challenges can be one of the most empowering decisions we make. We conclude this episode by discussing the journey of the soul through different realms and the cultivation of free will through intention, awareness, and love. Through personal stories and reflections, we emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive outlook, even during tough times, and the transformative power of joy. Finally, we invite you to join us in a melodic Sufi meditation that aligns our sense of self with the divine, reinforcing the joy and personal responsibility that can shape our lives for the better. Tune in to embrace the transformative power of joy and spiritual growth.
    26 August 2024, 1:23 am
  • 49 minutes 5 seconds
    Episode 151: Re-Educating Our Will | Unity Spiritual Center Denver | 8.18.24
    “It is our job in developing our God-given potentialities to re-educate the will, the directing power of the mind, to teach it to become receptive to spiritual motivation, rather that to goals determined by our materialistic pursuits alone” (Hausmann W., Your God-Given Potential, pg. 109). This re-education of our personal will requires time, thought and dedication. This Sunday's service will offer you an opportunity to consider and experience this for yourself.
    19 August 2024, 5:47 pm
  • 47 minutes 6 seconds
    Episode 150: Elevated Understanding | Unity Spiritual Center Denver | 7.28.24
    This Sunday concluded our exploration of the light of understanding. Understanding expresses as our powers of comprehension, realization and insight. It works hand in hand with the light of wisdom expressing as our powers of judgement, discernment and intuition. Take note of the progression within each of these powers. Comprehension is only the beginning of understanding. The depth of understanding progresses through realization and ultimately insight that can be applied in the moment. Likewise, wisdom begins with “sound  judgement”. By this is meant our capacity to assess or evaluate situations and reach conclusions.  Judgement is fundamental to the decision-making process that leads to discernment and the greater revelation of intuition. Take some time to consider for yourself how you are being called to elevate and express the highest level of wisdom and understanding in order to make choices and commitments that demonstrate your willingness to  embody the Love from which you came.  What is your current understanding of the unique role that  you are here to play bringing about love on Earth at this time?Transcript
    30 July 2024, 3:37 pm
  • 49 minutes 44 seconds
    Episode 149: The Three Faces of Christ Consciousness/God | Unity Spiritual Center Denver | 7.21.24
    Struggling to find my place in the world has long been a journey filled with questions, dreams, and the need for guidance. Today, we delve into the essence of this quest through heartfelt reflections and spiritual insights. Johanna Rowan sets the stage, introducing our upcoming Women's Spiritual Retreat, an event designed to deepen one's spirituality through an internal, mystical journey. With special guest Kimberly Braun, a beacon of profound spiritual insight and playful energy, we explore how divine play can transform our understanding of spiritual paths, fostering a joyful and profound awakening. Journey with us as we uncover the mystical teachings of a Jesuit priest who dared to challenge orthodox views, emphasizing the unity of the universe through spirit. Despite facing silence from his tradition, he envisioned human consciousness ascending to an omega point. We unravel his groundbreaking work, "The Phenomenon of Man," and discuss his concept of the three faces of God: the transcendent "about God," the relational "to God," and the divine "as God." This framework offers a rich tapestry for understanding the divine in our daily lives and relationships, inviting us to see the divine in everything around us. Lastly, we reflect on a powerful spiritual experience inspired by the biblical story of Peter walking on water. This moment serves as a metaphor for our intrinsic connection to the divine, reminding us that nothing can separate us from God's eternal embrace. Through the lens of divine play, we highlight the importance of recognizing this connection, irrespective of our actions or thoughts. The episode culminates with a heartfelt poem, a meditative exercise focusing on the heart chakra, and an uplifting musical rendition that celebrates resilience and perseverance. Embrace your spiritual journey with love and determination, knowing that you are eternally held in the embrace of the divine.
    22 July 2024, 7:21 pm
  • 45 minutes 35 seconds
    Episode 148: The Pinnacle of Understanding | Unity Spiritual Center Denver | 7.14.24
    Join us on an enlightening journey as we explore the spiritual capacities of understanding and wisdom, drawing insights from the teachings of Charles Fillmore and the symbolism of biblical figures like Thomas and Huldah. We discuss the profound distinction and interplay between wisdom and understanding, emphasizing their collaborative role in guiding our will and harmonizing with higher truths, particularly love. By consciously honing these capacities, we can make choices that support life and love, helping us recognize our divine nature and express the Christ consciousness in our actions. In another segment, we examine the concept of containment and the dual definitions it holds, reflecting on how moments of loss or emptiness can prompt deep self-reflection and growth. Through fostering awareness, we learn to choose love and expansion over fear and restriction, ultimately fostering inclusivity, harmony, and connection. Finally, we share a heartfelt personal journey of growth and clarity, highlighting the transformative power of understanding through meaningful relationships. Listen in as we celebrate the profound impact of having someone who truly understands us and the importance of seeking the hero within ourselves.
    15 July 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 49 minutes 39 seconds
    Episode 147: Faith and Understanding | Unity Spiritual Center Denver | 7.7.24
    How do we come to terms with the sudden loss of a cherished friend and musician? Join us as we honor the life of Nick Gnojek, whose 18 years with us left an indelible mark on our hearts and our community. We share touching anecdotes, reflections on his vibrant spirit, and a moving musical tribute from John Brewster that captures the essence of Nick's enduring impact.  We are privileged to welcome Sára Rain, an interfaith minister and Sufi practitioner, who guides us through the intricate paths of understanding and faith, particularly in the context of death and dying. Drawing wisdom from Sufi Master Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan, Sarah emphasizes the profound human desire for clarity and the fears that arise from confusion and doubt. Her insights serve as a poignant reminder of the importance of continuous learning and connecting deeply with others, even amidst life's uncertainties.Transcript
    9 July 2024, 4:21 pm
  • 41 minutes 47 seconds
    Episode 146: Visioning in Community | Unity Spiritual Center Denver | 6.30.24
    As we clear the way to receive Divine ideas and inspiration, we engage our imagination and begin to see it so clearly that we literally feel the reality of the idea before it manifests outwardly. Calling upon our power of faith, we believe in this vision so fully that we are moved to embody it. We live as if it were so- and so it becomes! The vision to build this Unity Center- originally called Unity Truth Center—was conceived over 70 years now, as an idea in the mind of Rev. Alice Benson. Others caught hold of her vision, and together they embodied it through the manifestation of this physical building, creating a space for their vision to grow through all were called to join them, Today Unity of Denver’s vision is to realize a spiritually awakened world living Oneness. Our mission offers the means by which we do this: We inspire authentic connection with the Divine, self, and others for spiritual growth, healing, and loving service in the world. When we consider all that is happening in our country and our world today- this vision can feel impossible. This is the highest work of our imagination grounded in faith; urging us to perceive the fullness of our oneness despite all evidence to the contrary.  Calling us to know that we are one with Spirit and with eachother in order to imagine a world where this becomes a reality.  Together we are heeding the call of this vision in order to make it a reality.   There is no separation in Spirit.
    30 June 2024, 10:00 pm
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