Weekly Sermons from St. Marcus Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This week, we will be studying Luke 5:17-26 under the theme “Forgiving a Paralyzed Man.” Luke’s Gospel repeatedly shows the theme of Jesus’ healing for a hurting world. Jesus lets us know He is Lord and he has the power to forgive sins. Through our faith in Jesus, we are forgiven. He encourages us to bring people to him through our faith.
The goal of Dr. Luke’s Gospel is to present the universal reach of Jesus’ gift of salvation. As a man of science, Luke was not particularly interested in mere spiritual opinions, feelings, rumors, or legends. Educated and orderly, Luke sifted through the garbage of misinformation and bad ideas to bring substantiated eyewitness verification of the truth—a gracious reality of mercy and justice for all.
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This week, we will be studying Luke 4:38-44 under the theme “A Messiah Who Heals Many Kinds of Problems.” Luke’s Gospel repeatedly shows the theme of Jesus’ healing for a hurting world. That hurt sometimes takes the form of physical ailments, social alienation, or demonic attack. As Lord over all, Jesus knows and has exactly what we need, no matter what is hurting us. With his Spirit upon us, we can offer the same to the world.
SERIES SUMMARY: The goal of Dr. Luke’s Gospel is to present the universal reach of Jesus’ gift of salvation. As a man of science, Luke was not particularly interested in mere spiritual opinions, feelings, rumors, or legends. Educated and orderly, Luke sifted through the garbage of misinformation and bad ideas to bring substantiated eyewitness verification of the truth—a gracious reality of mercy and justice for all.
How can we pray for you? tinyurl.com/stmarcusprayers
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This week we study Luke 4:14-20 under the theme “Rejecting a Familiar Savior.” The Jews wanted a Messiah. They just didn’t want the REAL Messiah. A relationship with the real Messiah requires humility and repentance. It leads to a life spent favoring the hurting of the world. And it empowers you to walk through and away from the rejections you may face.
SERIES SUMMARY: The goal of Dr. Luke’s Gospel is to present the universal reach of Jesus’ gift of salvation. As a man of science, Luke was not particularly interested in mere spiritual opinions, feelings, rumors, or legends. Educated and orderly, Luke sifted through the garbage of misinformation and bad ideas to bring substantiated eyewitness verification of the truth—a gracious reality of mercy and justice for all.
How can we pray for you? tinyurl.com/stmarcusprayers
Fill out our online connection card: tinyurl.com/stmarcusconnectcard
If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here: https://tinyurl.com/stmarcusgive
This week, we’ll focus on Jesus’ baptism from Luke 3:15-17 and 21-22, where we see His dependence on the Father and His absolute commitment to God’s will. The Trinity’s presence highlights and affirms Jesus as the one chosen to carry out God’s rescue mission. Despite humanity's natural tendency to rebel against God’s authority, Jesus identified with us. We now receive the benefit of Jesus’ saving work through our own baptisms, including the Father’s approval and the Spirit’s presence, empowering and transforming us to live for Him and trust in His grace.
SERIES SUMMARY: The goal of Dr. Luke’s Gospel is to present the universal reach of Jesus’ gift of salvation. As a man of science, Luke was not particularly interested in mere spiritual opinions, feelings, rumors, or legends. Educated and orderly, Luke sifted through the garbage of misinformation and bad ideas to bring substantiated eyewitness verification of the truth—a gracious reality of mercy and justice for all.
How can we pray for you? tinyurl.com/stmarcusprayers
Fill out our online connection card: tinyurl.com/stmarcusconnectcard
If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here: https://tinyurl.com/stmarcusgive
This week we will be studying Luke 3:1-14 under the theme “A Cultural Contrarian.” We are introduced to John the Baptist who prepared the way for the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. John was unabashed with the truth, countercultural in lifestyle, and compelling to all. He had a mission from God and simply did not care who hated him for it. As we start a new year and new teaching series we can learn from John about the courage to live missionally.
SERIES SUMMARY: The goal of Dr. Luke’s Gospel is to present the universal reach of Jesus’ gift of salvation. As a man of science, Luke was not particularly interested in mere spiritual opinions, feelings, rumors, or legends. Educated and orderly, Luke sifted through the garbage of misinformation and bad ideas to bring substantiated eyewitness verification of the truth—a gracious reality of mercy and justice for all.
How can we pray for you? tinyurl.com/stmarcusprayers
Fill out our online connection card: tinyurl.com/stmarcusconnectcard
If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here: https://tinyurl.com/stmarcusgive
We explore the profound comfort found in Romans 8, emphasizing that if God is for us, no one can stand against us. Through the lens of the Apostle Paul's teachings, we are reminded of Christ's inseparable love and the impregnable defense He provides against the accusations of sin and the grave. As we face life's challenges, we are encouraged to trust in the unchanging love of Jesus, which remains steadfast regardless of our circumstances.
How can we pray for you? tinyurl.com/stmarcusprayers
Fill out our online connection card: tinyurl.com/stmarcusconnectcard
If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here: https://tinyurl.com/stmarcusgive
This Christmas Day message explores the transformative power of knowing Jesus, the eternal Word made flesh. Discover how His incarnation brings light to our darkness and hope to our world. Delve into the true meaning of Christmas and the depth of God's love. Celebrate the season and be inspired to live as redeemed children of God.
How can we pray for you? tinyurl.com/stmarcusprayers
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This week we will conclude our study of Revelation with Revelation 22:1-14 under the theme “The Evolution of Paradise.”
SERIES SUMMARY: The book of Revelation has fascinated Christians for two millennia. As apocalyptic literature, it’s unique in the New Testament for numerous reasons, not the least of which is that it is the book that speaks of things yet to come. Revelation is a message to Christians to remain faithful to Christ and to resist evil. It includes visions and images that point to Jesus' return as the ultimate King, Warrior, and Savior, and the restoration of his people.
How can we pray for you? tinyurl.com/stmarcusprayers
Fill out our online connection card: tinyurl.com/stmarcusconnectcard
If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here: https://tinyurl.com/stmarcusgive
This week we will be studying Revelation 21:1-6 under the theme “A New Heaven and a New Earth.” Whereas Christians often get lost in the many strange and spectacular details of the Book of Revelation, they forget that its primary purpose God intended is Living Hope for his people to face anything in the present.
SERIES SUMMARY: The book of Revelation has fascinated Christians for two millennia. As apocalyptic literature, it’s unique in the New Testament for numerous reasons, not the least of which is that it is the book that speaks of things yet to come. Revelation is a message to Christians to remain faithful to Christ and to resist evil. It includes visions and images that point to Jesus' return as the ultimate King, Warrior, and Savior, and the restoration of his people.
How can we pray for you? tinyurl.com/stmarcusprayers
Fill out our online connection card: tinyurl.com/stmarcusconnectcard
If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here: https://tinyurl.com/stmarcusgive
This week we will be studying Revelation 19:1-10 under the theme “The Wedding Supper and the Lamb.” Our praise of God in the present gets derailed when we forget the temporal nature of enticing beauty, overprioritize otherwise good things, or lose track of all the Lord has done and has promised. Our “Hallelujah” today is possible and powerful only to the degree we anticipate the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.
SERIES SUMMARY: The book of Revelation has fascinated Christians for two millennia. As apocalyptic literature, it’s unique in the New Testament for numerous reasons, not the least of which is that it is the book that speaks of things yet to come. Revelation is a message to Christians to remain faithful to Christ and to resist evil. It includes visions and images that point to Jesus' return as the ultimate King, Warrior, and Savior, and the restoration of his people.
How can we pray for you? tinyurl.com/stmarcusprayers
Fill out our online connection card: tinyurl.com/stmarcusconnectcard
If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here: https://tinyurl.com/stmarcusgive
Leading up to Chapter 14, we hear of the dangers that are to come to us in this world. Even in our troubles, fears, hardships, and pain, we learn that this is not a time to worry. Rather "This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people." "This calls for wisdom." The end of times is no different from the beginning of time — God always delivers!
SERIES SUMMARY: The book of Revelation has fascinated Christians for two millennia. As apocalyptic literature, it’s unique in the New Testament for numerous reasons, not the least of which is that it is the book that speaks of things yet to come. Revelation is a message to Christians to remain faithful to Christ and to resist evil. It includes visions and images that point to Jesus' return as the ultimate King, Warrior, and Savior, and the restoration of his people.
How can we pray for you? tinyurl.com/stmarcusprayers
Fill out our online connection card: tinyurl.com/stmarcusconnectcard
If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here: https://tinyurl.com/stmarcusgive
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