Jesus In the Morning

Freedom Doors Ministries

The Gospel is the good news that God is restoring our broken lives through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • 2 hours 50 minutes
    Let Us Talk About Hell
    Hell it is a word many use to cast others down or estimate somwthing that was said. Hell is a place many may think they are living there today. Many don't believe there is a Hell. However believe it or not there is and it enlarge itself daily getting bigger and bigger to make room for the non believer and those working evil. We are going to talk about Hell the Believer will get more wisdom because they already believe.
    15 October 2024, 11:00 am
  • 3 hours
    The People of Faith
    There are many people in the Bible who lived by faith. Moses, Abraham, Apostle Paul to only name a few of them. Today faith is not taught to live in obedience unto God. Many say they are Christians today but notice how they can cuss and do ungodly things. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. I never read where Jesus cuss, got drunk, slept with men or women. Seems as if people use Christian as the need comes about but, God is not in them. What Holy means in the lives of Christians it is to live clean from sin.
    14 October 2024, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 59 minutes
    Ive Been Change
    To every Christian who follows Jesus. If any man (man or woman)be in Christ he or she is a new creature old things have passed away and behold all things are new. We are change by the son of God Jesus. There will be a new way of thinking and living,Ā  The old way of thinking and living is gone because the New Creature in Christ Jesus isĀ  studying his word and seeking his face daily for the right ways to go. We must take self inventory daily to make sure we allow the new changes to take affect.
    23 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 2 hours 36 minutes
    Testify Friday September 20,2024
    Testifying of the goodness of Almighty God is a great blessing. Telling others about the things he has done in our lives can help many and lead them to God. Today sharing the testimonies of the Saints of God. Apostel Paul from Saul to Paul. John yhe cousin of Jesus and more. Many have great testimonies of God coming into theri lives.
    20 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 2 hours 39 minutes
    God Made Us All
    Many days as a Evangelist looking out into the World it is sad because people don't believe there is a God or that he love them. I see how money and power is so important and many will do anything to have it, never considering they don't know what to do with money or power.
    19 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 2 hours 33 minutes
    Commit To Perfect or Excellence
    Perfect or Excellence is a great thing to have in this life only God gives this and as a Christian we have it in Jesus. All of it starts with faith believing what God words says concerning his people. He made us all but we can only have the best if we believe in him on him and his word.
    18 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 2 hours 34 minutes
    Measuring Our Ways Against The Word of God
    Measuring America against the ways of the American People, Bible check is good for place in the world. Books of the Bible for Leadership and the People. Looking at the Book of Jeremiah measuring it against the word of God America is in big trouble and need a Spiritual and natural healing.
    16 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 2 hours 51 minutes
    Testify Friday September 13, 2024
    Talking about the wonderful works of Almighty God he does for his people. He is an incrediable God and always around when we need him. He never leave his people. Today we are lifting him up and allowing him to know how thankful we are unto hom.
    13 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 44 minutes
    The US Presidental Debate
    Not sure why we needed a debate when the proof is in the pudding. The country is being run by what appears to be people who wants another kind of America. Things keep going like they are there want ever be an American future. Change is good for the right things not all change from the wrong thinking is good. To get to the future we must take a look at the past. Decide what the country need in other words what the people need. Not what a leader needs and trying to fool the American People it is what they need.
    12 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 2 hours 32 minutes
    A Condemed Heart
    1 John 3:20Ā For if ourĀ heartĀ condemn us, God is greater than ourĀ heart, and knoweth all things.1. John 3:21Ā 21Beloved, if our heart condemn us not,Ā thenĀ have we confidence toward God.Ā If we love as the word of God says we have no problem if we are loving in our own way trouble is always there. In the book of First John he teach us to love and show actions of your love by giving to those we know are in need.
    10 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 2 hours 46 minutes
    Who Will You Vote For In 2024
    2024 is the year od Election, a year to vote. We get to see there are only two candidates to vote for in this Republic or Domocrat Election so choose one or the other. America has lost many things starting with human decency and morals it appears nothing is Holy any more. It is your thing do what you want to do. Women are lost in may ways as God designed them.Men are weak and only sexual things matter. If a woman do not work she is no good and good for nothing. Men are afraid to stand up for what is right. Many ask where is God.
    9 September 2024, 11:00 am
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