Khu Khem (Black Light)


Khu Khem is about spreading the knowledge and wisdom of our Illustrious Afrikan Ancestors, lifting them up, and sending out the call to we, their children, to reclaim their great legacy.

  • Importance of Ancestral Veneration/the consequences of ancestral neglect p2
    Today on Khu Khem, we will explore the subject of Ancestral Veneration, it's importance, and the consequences of neglecting one's ancestors. We will explore the subject from the nKmt tradition, and then give examples of the same from other traditions from around the world. THIS IS NOT ONE TO MISS!!!
    5 April 2015, 1:03 pm
  • The Importance of Ancestral Veneration/TheConsequences of Ancestral Neglect
    Today on Khu Khem, we will explore the subject of Ancestral Veneration, it's importance, and the consequences of neglecting one's ancestors. We will explore the subject from the nKmt tradition, and then give examples from other traditions from around the world. THIS IS NOT ONE TO MISS!!!
    29 March 2015, 1:00 pm
  • I Will Never Betray My Heart - Khu Khem (Black Light)
    The great sage Ptah Hotep advises: Follow your heart as long as you live. Do not make a loss on what is said, do not subtract time from following the heart. Harming its time is an offence to the ka. Do not deflect the moment of every day beyond establishing your heart. As things happen, follow (your) heart. There is no profit in things if it is stifled. This Sunday on Khu Khem we will speak on the importance of following our hearts, our bliss, and how doing so will lead us to our purpose. We will also speak on the results on "Betraying our Hearts," or as our Ancestors would've said it "Eating our Hearts." THIS IS NOT ONE TO MISS!!!
    8 March 2015, 1:02 pm
  • The Science of Sacrifice pt 2 - Khu Khem (Black Light)
    If you want to see revolutionary change in your life, you can't be afraid to disrupt your current paradigm. You cannot fear disturbing your current routine. You cannot fear seeing your current system fall apart, and must be willing to make sacrifices to your Ideals; to your vision. you must be willing to destroy, and be destroyed; to die and let die. Only then will you be able to build the life you want. Only then will you be reborn into the person you want to be, the person your destined to be. You must be willing to embrace the initial/momentary discomfort and uncertainty. You must be willing to part with what you've always known, and walk forward into the unknown. You must be willing to...let go of the finite..and reach for the infinite. Today on Khu Khem we delve into the Science of Sacrifice, ritual and otherwise, it's importance, significance, etc, and how it may be used to transform our lives. THIS IS NOT ONE TO MISS!!!
    1 March 2015, 1:02 pm
  • nKmt Spirituality: A LIVING Tradition - Khu Khem (Black Light)
    As we come off of the series: Yo! Stop Hating on Kemet!!!, there is still one thing that needs to be restated for the record..."KEMET AIN'T DEAD!!!" The nTrw are LIVING forces of nature, that are intrinsic to, constitute, and permeate all existence. As Man (male and female ) exist within and as part of Nature, these forces are also intrinsic to, constitute, and permeate man's Being. Understanding the nTrw as LIVING forces. a precursor to understanding the Kemetic Tradition as a LIVING tradition. Join us this week on Khu Khem as we as we tell you exactly why it is impossible for the Kemetic Tradition to die! THIS IS NOT ONE TO MISS!!!
    22 February 2015, 1:00 pm
  • Yo...Stop Hating On Kemet!!! Pt 2- Khu Khem (Black Light)
    What's up with all the Hate on Kemet??? What's behind it? What's the reason for it? Let's talk about it!!! THIS IS NOT ONE TO MISS!!!
    15 February 2015, 1:06 pm
  • Yo...Stop Hating On Kemet!!! - Khu Khem (Black Light)
    What's up with all the Hate on Kemet??? What's behind it? What's the reason for it? Let's talk about it!!! THIS IS NOT ONE TO MISS!!!
    8 February 2015, 1:02 pm
  • The Science of Sacrifice- Khu Khem (Black Light)
    If you want to see revolutionary change in your life, you can't be afraid to disrupt your current paradigm. You cannot fear disturbing your current routine. You cannot fear seeing your current system fall apart, and must be willing to make sacrifices to your Ideals; to your vision. you must be willing to destroy, and be destroyed; to die and let die. Only then will you be able to build the life you want. Only then will you be reborn into the person you want to be, the person your destined to be. You must be willing to embrace the initial/momentary discomfort and uncertainty. You must be willing to part with what you've always known, and walk forward into the unknown. You must be willing to...let go of the finite..and reach for the infinite. Today on Khu Khem we delve into the Science of Sacrifice, ritual and otherwise, it's importance, significance, etc, and how it may be used to transform our lives. THIS IS NOT ONE TO MISS!!!
    1 February 2015, 1:01 pm
  • The Return of Het Heru - Khu Khem (Black Light)
    It is said that when Het Heru returned to Kmt, she brought with her the annual flood of the Nile, and along with it life, prosperity, health, stability, and happiness returned to the land and it's people. After a few months hiatus, Khu Khem radio has finally returned! Join us as we celebrate the 2nd year anniversary of the show, the accomplishments of Henensu and Repat Nation in the "previous year ," and all of the wonderful things soon to come. THIS IS NOT ONE TO MISS!!!
    25 January 2015, 1:00 pm
  • Let's talk about Love: What is it? - Khu Khem (Black Light)
    Today on Khu Khem we shall explore the Kemetic perspective on love. What is it? Many people use the term, and often there is not a consensus on what what is meant by it. This is even the case for people speaking the same language. However, what is love from the Afrikan Spiritual perspective? Is there are difference between the way Afrikans view and understand love, and the way that western people understand it? How does this affect the way we view understand and approach relationships? Are we as practitioners of Afrikan Spirituality and Culture approaching our "love life" from a Eurocentric Perspective? Let's talk about it! THIS IS NOT ONE TO MISS!!!
    8 June 2014, 1:04 pm
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