In All Things Charity

A Norville Rogers Podcast

In All Things Charity is a theology podcast. Heather, Tara and JR. explore culture, life and ministry from a Wesleyan Feminist perspective. Pull up a chair and join us!

  • The Zombie Apocalypse Gets Biblical - In All Things Charity Season 8
    Is the pandemic making us a little stir crazy? Maybe. Because we decide to draft Zombie Apocalypse Survival teams from Biblical characters. Whose team is best?
    4 May 2020, 12:00 pm
  • Earth Day with Rev Brit Bolerjack - In All Things Charity Season 8
    Rev Brit Bolerjack joins us to talk about Earth Day. Why is creation care so important for Christians? And how can we lead faithfully such that our congregations learn the value of creation for a faithful people?
    27 April 2020, 12:00 pm
  • Self Care in Quarantine - In All Things Charity Season 8
    Self-Distancing has been especially burdensome for pastors. How can we create space for self-care as we also work to care for our people? PLUS: Games for quarantine!
    13 April 2020, 12:00 pm
  • In All Things COVID - In All Things Charity Season 8
    In this time of social distancing, how are our churches adapting? And with holy week just around the corner, how are we preparing for Good Friday and Easter in quarantine?
    3 April 2020, 12:00 pm
  • Which Gospel is the Best? - In All Things Charity Season 8
    What is a Gospel? What makes the four in our canon stand out? Plus, we know you love our fights, so we argue about which of the four is the best. PLUS: we talk (probably too much?) about the Infancy Gospel of Thomas.
    2 March 2020, 12:00 pm
  • Pastoral Self Care - In All Things Charity Season 8
    How can pastors make self-care a priority, especially when faced with so many competing demands?
    17 February 2020, 12:00 pm
  • It's Been a While - In All Things Charity Season 8
    After a very long break, we're back! We spend the first episode catching up. What has been happening in our ministry? And what are we most looking forward to in 2020?
    10 February 2020, 12:00 pm
  • All the Rage with Darcy Lockman - In All Things Charity Season 7
    It turns out that even in egalitarian homes, women do more work than men - especially if kids are in the mix. Why is that? Psychologist Darcy Lockman joins us to explore the causes - and solutions - of our surprisingly unequal relationships.
    27 May 2019, 12:00 pm
  • Blackness in the Bible with Onleilove Alston - In All Things Charity Season 7
    Onleilove Alston joins us to explore what it means to say the Bible is a Black book. From the construction of race to the Blackness of Adam and Eve, we explore why the Biblical roots of Blackness matter for all of us, no matter what color we are.
    20 May 2019, 12:00 pm
  • Discipling Kids - In All Things Charity Season 7
    An act of terror by a professing Evangelical youth raises some deep questions about how our churches are discipling our children. What can we do better?
    6 May 2019, 12:00 pm
  • Let Them Fight II - In All Things Charity Season 7
    Tara and JR. fight again
    8 April 2019, 12:00 pm
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