Padre Peregrino

Fr. Dave Nix

Traditional Latin Mass Sermons

  • 23 minutes 14 seconds
    VLX 163: Mt 27:38-44. “Come Down From the Cross.”
    -STV: -Donate: -Telegram: -Gospel: “Then two robbers were crucified with him, one on the right and one on the left. And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads and saying, ‘You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself! If you are the Son of [...]
    3 February 2025, 8:00 am
  • 19 minutes 47 seconds
    RCT 52: The Validity of the Sacraments.
    The Roman Catechism of Trent (RCT) p.161-164. The Sacraments, ep. 4. -STV: -Donate: -Telegram:
    20 January 2025, 8:00 am
  • 41 minutes 5 seconds
    VLX 162: Mt 27:35-37. “My Love is Crucified.”
    -STV: -Donate: -Telegram: Gospel: “And when they had crucified Him, they divided His garments among them by casting lots. Then they sat down and kept watch over Him there. And over His head they put the charge against Him, which read, ‘This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.’”
    13 January 2025, 8:00 am
  • 55 minutes 9 seconds
    Holy Face Devotion with Fr. Carney
    Fr. Lawrence Carney teaches us about reparation and love of the Holy Face from St. Veronica on the Sixth Station of the Cross to Sister Mary of St. Peter in the 19th century. Fr. Carney’s books and talks can be found on
    6 January 2025, 8:00 am
  • 13 minutes 17 seconds
    Holy Mary Is the Exemplar of the Catholic Church (Podcast)
    The more you love the Holy Spirit, the more you love the Mother of God.
    30 December 2024, 8:00 am
  • 15 minutes 33 seconds
    RCT 51: The Institution of the Sacraments.
    The Roman Catechism of Trent (RCT) p.154-161. The Sacraments, ep. 3. *** -Donate: -Telegram:
    23 December 2024, 8:00 am
  • 25 minutes 53 seconds
    VLX 161: Mt 27:32-34. The Carrying of the Cross.
    -STV: -Donate: -Telegram: Gospel: As they went out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name. They compelled this man to carry His cross. And when they came to a place called Golgotha (which means Place of a Skull), they offered Him wine to drink, mixed with gall, but when He [...]
    16 December 2024, 8:00 am
  • 17 minutes 13 seconds
    Thank You To Donors
    A podcast to thank donors and some information on where their donations go. Donate Site:
    5 December 2024, 8:26 pm
  • 20 minutes 2 seconds
    RCT 50: The Proof of the Sacraments.
    The Roman Catechism of Trent (RCT) p.150-154. The Sacraments, ep. 2. Donate:
    2 December 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    TCE 58: Persecuted Christians in the East.
    Mr. Joseph Janssen is a Pakistani Catholic whose sister was tortured and imprisoned for Christ for eight years. To free her, he founded Joseph’s sister was then released and she wrote a book called, “Under Threat of Death: A Mother's Faith in the Face of Injustice”: Novena for the release from prison of [...]
    26 November 2024, 9:37 pm
  • 4 minutes 53 seconds
    What Did Early Christians Believe?
    Stop the verse-wars and ask about apostolic succession.
    19 November 2024, 3:13 pm
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