Keep 'em Flying - A Firefly Podcast

Two True Freaks!

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  • Keep ‘Em Flying – 15 Serenity Now

    It’s time to be big damn heroes. Mal and the crew discover River’s secret and find there’s a difference between fighting for survival and fighting for what’s right. Andrew, Bill and Paul are joined by Blaine Dowler for the final episode of Keep ‘Em Flying looking at SERENITY, the movie and the comics that trailed in its wake.

    23 November 2016, 5:43 am
  • Keep ‘Em Flying – 14 Objects In Space

    After only 14 episodes, FIREFLY comes to an end. Does that seem right to you?

    10 November 2016, 9:51 am
  • Keep ‘Em Flying – 13 Heart Of Gold

    Lessen you’re already married, companionship can be hard to come by out in the ‘verse. So when Mal and Co are offered a nice, cushy job protectin’ some friendly women of easy virtue, all seems well. Until the catch rears its ugly head and the crew of Serenity need to cowboy up. They deal in lead, friend. It’s HEART OF GOLD, the penultimate episode of FIREFLY.

    26 October 2016, 5:32 am
  • Keep ‘Em Flying – 12 The Message

    Mail Call! Jayne, you got this manly hat. Zoe and Mal? You got a dead guy! Even in the black, the post office is screwing up the order but that’s OK ’cause the crew of Serenity will deliver it for you, orders be damned. And the crew of Keep ‘Em Flying will deliver unto you a shiny new episode, a tad late but fully formed. Because when you can’t walk, you crawl and when you can’t crawl you get somebody to carry you. And when you forget to release your show on time, you get somebody to kick you up the ass! What are friends for? It’s THE MESSAGE, the 11th episode of FIREFLY.

    13 October 2016, 11:04 am
  • Keep ‘Em Flying – 11 Trash

    Out in the black, there’s plenty of folks you shouldn’t turn your back on. None more enticing though than a fine figure of womanhood offering to hold a man’s plough. Yes, Saffron’s back with a score so large it’s too much for one to tackle so she ups and offers a truce to Mal and the crew. Can she be trusted? Or will Mal be left with naught but the clothes on his back? It’s TRASH, the 11th episode of FIREFLY.

    28 September 2016, 5:47 am
  • Keep ‘Em Flying – 10 War Stories

    Mal don’t hold with grudges. Complicate matters. Niska? Well, he ain’t so big on forgive and forget so when the crew of Serenity cross trails with the criminal mastermind once again, there’s torture fun aplenty as Niska exacts painful vengeance. Mal and Wash swap WAR STORIES and Paul, Bill and Andy watch intently as the 10th episode of Firefly unspools.

    14 September 2016, 5:27 am
  • Keep ‘Em Flying – 09 Ariel

    It’s time for crime! Skullduggery is the order of the day as a raid on an Alliance Hospital takes a nasty turn when some varmint turns traitor. Mal ain’t taking that lying down! Paul, Shepard Bill and Andrew are joined by Scott McGregor to discuss ARIEL, the 9th episode of FIREFLY.

    7 September 2016, 5:28 am
  • Keep ‘Em Flying – 08 Out Of Gas

    Nothin’ and no-one are out in the black, a slight problem when your compression coil ‘ain’t compressin’ no more. With no hope of rescue, is it time for Mal to go down with his boat? Andrew, Paul and Bill watch OUT OF GAS, the 7th (and possibly finest?) episode of FIREFLY!

    18 August 2016, 11:30 am
  • Keep ‘Em Flying – 07 Jaynestown

    Heroes ‘ain’t what they used to be or so Mal and the crew discover on a backwater world where Jayne Cobb is known as a folk-legend rather than the ruttin’ man-ape the crew know him to be. It’s a spectacle that warrants some consideration and as such, it’s given fair dues by Paul, Bill and Andrew as they view JAYNESTOWN, the 7th episode of FIREFLY.

    3 August 2016, 10:04 am
  • Keep ‘Em Flying – 06 Our Mrs Reynolds

    Ain’t nobody in the ‘verse can stop Serenity’s crew – unless that body happens to belong to Saffron! Mal gets wed when Andrew, Paul and Shepard Bill watch OUR MRS REYNOLDS, the 6th episode of FIREFLY!

    20 July 2016, 5:12 am
  • Keep ‘Em Flying – 05 Safe

    There’s hill folk looking to burn River for being a witch in Safe, Episode 5 of FIREFLY. Time for our brave crew to prevent some burnin’. The crew of the podcast get sidetracked in a conversation about beagles… It’s another trailblazing episode of Keep ‘Em Flying – A Firefly Podcast.

    6 July 2016, 5:40 am
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